20. Truth or Dare

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[Steve and Emily have entered the chat]

Emily: is Jayla doing any better?

Steve: yea, somewhat. The only thing bothering her now is really bad headaches

Emily: that's good to hear. Why isn't she on?

Steve: well, the headaches are making it hard for her to do much of anything

Emily: I hope she gets better soon. How are you liking Agent Carter?

Steve: more like loving it! I didn't know Peggy worked for SHIELD

Emily: if she were still your girlfriend today, would you choose her over Jayla?

Steve: (nervously) umm...do I have to answer that?

Emily: no, just wondering

[Tony has entered the chat]

Tony: hey guys......

Emily: I can sense your boredom

Steve: you're actually bored?

Tony: yea, I want to do something new, something different...

Emily: what exactly do you--

Tony: lightbulb! I have an idea!

Steve: good lord. Whenever Tony gets an idea, things never go well

Tony: that's not true

[Tony has invited Anakin, Obi-Wan, Haeleigh, Thor, and Natasha to the chat]

Emily: yea, I think you're right Steve

Tony: hey, who wants to play Truth or Dare?

Haeleigh: oh oh! I do!!

Obi-Wan: I guess I could

Anakin: yea, sure I'll play

Thor: what is this Truth or Dare game?

Steve: just pay attention, you'll get the hang of it

Natasha: is it okay if I invite Clint on?

Tony: sure! The more the merrier!

[Natasha has invited Clint to the chat]

Emily: I have a bad feeling about this

Clint: why do you say that?

Emily: because Tony is in a super happy mood

Clint: yea, good point

Tony: so, who wants to go first?

Anakin: I already have that figured out

Tony: huh?

Anakin: I just programmed a simple randomizer with all our names

Steve: how the heck did you do that so quick?

Obi-Wan: he is better at programming than he is at electronics

Haeleigh: (whispers) he's crazy

Natasha: are we gonna get started or what?

Anakin: right, so the first person is...you Nat. Truth or dare?

Natasha: dare

Anakin: I dare you to go on a date with Tony

Natasha: what?! No way!!!

Tony: I am not going on a date with her

Anakin: too late, you wanted the dare, Nat

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