21. KoTOR and More

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[Emily and Jayla have entered the chat]

Emily: I have been so obsessed with this video game lately

Jayla: what video game is it?

Emily: Knights of The Old Republic

Jayla: isn't that a little awkward cuz it takes place in your universe?

Emily: actually, no

[Tony has entered the chat]

Tony: I see someone likes KoTOR

Emily: yes!! It is awesome!!

Jayla: good lord. Are you on the KoTOR train too?

Tony: Mindar Plac has been on the train since the game came out in 2003

Emily: is Mindar Plac your character's name?

Tony: yep, what's yours?

Emily: Gaeriel Alstrosen

Tony: how far are you?

Emily:...sewer rancor

Tony: good luck with that

Emily: gee thanks

[Haeleigh, Anakin, Steve, and Bruce have entered the chat]

Haeleigh: got past that rancor yet?

Emily: no -_-

Haeleigh: (whispers) whale

Anakin: well, I did, but I ain't telling you how

Emily: has it ever occurred to you that I have rancophobia?

Steve: huh?

Anakin: fear of rancors, and no, I didn't know that

Jayla: I am so confused right now

Bruce: have you not played KoTOR?

Jayla: no, hold up a sec. Has everyone played this game?

Everyone: yes

Jayla: you have got to be kidding me

Steve: I keep telling you Jayla. You should really play KoTOR

Jayla: will you shut up if I do?

Steve: yes, I will

Tony: oh, has anyone played Force Unleashed?

Emily: yep, awesome game

Anakin: same here

Haeleigh: I'll do that once I finish KoTOR

Steve: no, not yet

Jayla: yes, I have

Bruce: no, haven't heard of it

Anakin: you should totally play it. The game follows--

Haeleigh: hey! No spoilers!!

Anakin: oh right, sorry

Emily: anyone wanna go play some Castle Crashers with me?

Tony: no way! Dota 2 is way better

Emily: and more complicated. Castle Crashers is easy

Haeleigh: I'm in

Anakin: me too

Bruce: I'll join. Nothing sciencey I need to work on

[Emily, Haeleigh, Anakin, and Bruce have left the chat]

Tony: I'm gonna go watch them. Want to join me?

Steve: no thanks

Jayla: maybe later

[Tony has left the chat]

Steve: want to go hold hands and walk around in Central Park?

Jayla: sure, but we need to sneak past Tony

Steve: he's too busy watching Bruce fail at Castle Crashers

Jayla: good point. Btw how cold is it?

Steve: it's in the 40s. You're fine

Jayla: good, I do not want to get hit in the head again

[Jayla and Steve have left the chat]

All of the video game references made in this are really awesome games. All of them are also found on Steam, which is a game browser and you can find so many games. Also, I have been obsessed with KoTOR lately, so that is where I came up with the idea for this.


Next update: I know for sure I will update on the thirtieth, but I don't know about updating before that.

-Emily A. Skywalker

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