31. Thank Goodness That Is Over

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[Emily and Jayla have entered the chat]

Emily: so is Loki back in his little jail on Asgard?

Jayla: yep, I'm so glad that is over

Emily: how did Steve manage to break you out of that manipulation?

Jayla:...maybe I'll tell you later

[Pepper has entered the chat]

Pepper: hey, have you seen Tony?

Jayla: I think he is outside flying around in his Iron Man suit

[Tony has entered the chat]

Tony: what's up guys?

Jayla: I thought you were flying

Tony: I am. I got Jarvis to connect the chat with the suit

Emily: always trying out new things aren't you?

Tony: one could agree with that. Want to join me Pepper?

Pepper: I guess I could

[Thor has entered the chat]

Thor: I am back from Asgard, my friends

Jayla: are you for sure Loki is locked up this time?

Thor: yes, he is being watched...what do you call it...24/7

Tony: good, I do not want to fight him ever again

[Steve has entered the chat]

Emily: hey, Steve! :)

Steve: hey, what's up?

Tony: just talking

Jayla: surprisingly, I'm bored

Steve: trust me, we need the break from everything

Pepper: you got that right

Tony: you didn't even do anything

Pepper: does me worrying about your life count?

Tony: okay fine

[Bruce has entered the chat]

Bruce: hey guys,...Jayla what are you doing?

Jayla: untangling yarn. Don't judge; it helps me relieve stress. And after the whole Loki thing, I really need to relax

Bruce: okay, do what works for you

Emily: what do you do with the yarn when you are done untangling it?

Jayla: finger knit all of it

Steve: you should see her room

Tony: yea, there are yarn chains hanging everywhere

Thor: I don't understand what this finger knitting is

Jayla: I'll show you later

Emily: oh, I almost forgot. Are we still gonna have that chat party? Padmé and Leia need to know if they'll have to take tomorrow off or not

Bruce: yes, the chat party will happen tomorrow as planned

Emily: great!! It's gonna be so much fun!!

Tony: hey Pepper, since we're having a party tomorrow...

Pepper: yes, I will allow you to have a couple scotch

Tony: yay!! :D

Thor: it has been a long day. I am going to bed now

[Thor has left the chat]

Emily: he sounds tired

Bruce: yea, I've been noticing him like that all week

Jayla: I think he has something special planned for tomorrow. That's my guess

Tony: yea, probably. We should head in Pepper

Pepper: right behind you, Tony

Steve: I'm going to head to bed too

[Steve has left the chat]

Jayla: I think I'm done with this batch of yarn for tonight. Are you guys coming?

Bruce: yea, we will

[Jayla has left the chat]

Tony: just wondering, how many of us are gonna be at this chat party?

Emily: let's see..., there will be about seven or eight from my universe, and nine of you guys

Pepper: this is gonna be pretty exciting from the looks of it

Tony: why wouldn't it be? I'm getting off

[Tony has left the chat]

Pepper: I've been meaning to get you alone, so I'm gonna say it while I have the chance: I have been thinking about you setting Bruce up with someone

Emily: uh, why?

Pepper: haven't you noticed? He's the only one here without a girlfriend

Emily: true,...but who would he be with? I don't know anyone who could be his girlfriend

Pepper: I have that worked out. All I ask is the help of the Matchmaking Twins

Emily: (groans) ugh, I swear Anakin comes up with the dumbest names for things. I'm so glad he didn't name his kids and Padmé chose the names. But, yea sure, I'll help and I'm sure Anakin will say yes, too

Pepper: great, see you tomorrow

Emily: yea, see ya

[Pepper and Emily have left the chat]

I meant to post this last night, but I was tired. This chapter did take place last night, in case you were wondering the chronology. I'm excited for tonight because I am going to Sadie's with a boy I really like!

Anyway, vote/comment.

There will be another update either today or tomorrow, and it will be a special one.

"I can feel it, coming in the air tonight..."

-Emily A. Skywalker

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