9. Lightsaber Combat 101

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[Bruce, Natasha, and Tony have entered the chat]

Natasha: what did you want to tell me Bruce?

Bruce: I finished making your lightsaber!!

Tony: hey, I helped too!

Natasha: awesome!! I can't wait to try it out

[Obi-Wan has entered the chat]

Obi-Wan: (reads start of chat) Natasha, are you sure on having a lightsaber?

Natasha: of course I am, why do you ask?

Obi-Wan: do you know how deadly a lightsaber can be?

Natasha: yea, that's why I wanted one in the first place

Tony: (facepalms)

Bruce: uh, what I think Obi-Wan is trying to say is that unless you know what you are doing, having a lightsaber isn't a good idea

Obi-Wan: thank you for the clarification, Bruce :)

Tony: besides Nat, it's probably better if only Jedi use them. You've seen the movies. Don't you remember that duel with that Sith dude?

Obi-Wan: uh, there has been more than one Sith that I have fought

Tony: whatever; The point is that unless you can use the Force, lightsabers aren't the best weapon choice

Bruce: for once, Tony has made a valid point

Tony: shuddup, I have done it before

Natasha: don't make me come kill you with my lightsaber

[Anakin has entered the chat]

Anakin: what's going on? I heard Obi-Wan groaning from his room, and I am in the archives

Obi-Wan: first of all, was I really that loud? And two, aren't you supposed to be doing research?

Anakin: yes and maybe

Tony: Nat is trying to convince us that lightsabers are a good idea

Anakin: of course they are...

Natasha: thank you :)

Anakin: ...for someone who is a Jedi that is

Natasha: oh come on!! >:(

[Jedi 5 has joined the chat]

Jedi 5: okay, why did I just hear Anakin laughing? I'm all the way over in the gardens

Obi-Wan: and you thought I was loud

Anakin: (grumbles) shut up

Bruce: we're trying to convince Nat that lightsabers are a bad idea

Jedi 5: why did you even make her a lightsaber in the first place?

Bruce: uh...Tony made me

Tony: hey!

Natasha: I'm tired of all this bickering. I'm finding something more productive to do

[Natasha has left the chat]

Obi-Wan: well, I think we convinced her that she shouldn't have a lightsaber

Jedi 5: good my work here is done

Anakin: wait, can you tell us-

[Jedi 5 has left the chat]

Anakin: dang it!

Obi-Wan: we should get going Anakin. You know how Master Windu gets when we are late for meetings

Anakin: fine

[Obi-Wan and Anakin have left the chat]

Tony: well, now what?

Bruce: hey, wanna play that new game I got called Castle Crashers?

Tony: sure, why not?

[Bruce and Tony have left the chat]

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