2. Different Universes

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[Tony, Anakin and Obi-Wan have entered the chat]

Tony: so, let me get this straight. I live in a different universe from you, even though neither of our universes are real

Obi-Wan: apparently, yes

Anakin: I still don't get how you even found this chatroom

Tony: meh, who cares, 'cause I sure don't

[Tony has invited Steve Rogers to the chat]

Steve: what's up?

Tony: I made new friends!!

Steve: I figured that was why you had me make this account

Anakin: hey, have either of you seen the movies Obi-Wan and I are in?

Steve: nope

Tony: what?! Are you serious Steve?!

Steve: yea, why?

Obi-Wan: you don't get it do you?

Steve: I'm missing something here

Anakin: no dip, Captain Obvious

Steve: actually, I'm Captain America

Anakin: (facepalms)

Tony: anyway, what Anakin meant was have you seen Star Wars?

Steve: uhhh...maybe...wasn't there one called like Revenge of the Jedi or something?

Obi-Wan: do you mean Revenge of the Sith or Return of the Jedi?

Steve: the second one

Anakin: first of all, watch the movies in order, otherwise nothing will make sense. Second, you have to see Revenge of the Sith!! Obi-Wan and I have an epic battle in a volcano!

Tony: spoiler alert!!

Obi-Wan: oh please. You've already seen all of them, haven't you Tony?

Tony: yea, of course!! And I can't wait for Episode 7 to come out. By the way, have you seen any of the Iron Man movies?

Anakin: nope

Obi-Wan: never heard of them

Steve: well, you should watch those movies, and you should also watch both Captain America movies

Anakin: wait, why?

Steve: oh, no reason

[Steve has left the chat]

Obi-Wan: hey Anakin, do you want to go watch Empire Strikes Back?

Anakin: do Jedi carry lightsabers?

[Anakin has left the chat]

Obi-Wan: I'm not even going to answer that

[Obi-Wan has left the chat]

Tony: dangit! I'm alone again!!

[Tony has left the chat]

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