60. Once Upon a Dream Means It Is Meant To Be

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"Ugh, whose idea was it to bring all of us again?" Emily asked her twin brother.

"Definitely not mine," Anakin replied as he flipped on his ear comm.

"Hey, Anakin!" the voice of Tony said into Anakin's ear, "Are you ready for me to transport all of you yet?"

"Just as soon as I can get them all to stay in one place," Anakin sighed. "I really hope this works."

"Trust me, if it worked the last time we used it, then it'll work now," Tony reassured his friend.

"Alright, let me do one last head count." Anakin counted off in his head as he checked to see if his whole family was in the living room: Padmé, Luke, Leia, Han, Jaina, Jacen, Anakin (the little one), Emily, Micaela, Thalia, and Niall, along with Haeleigh and her Padawan Jayden and best friend Caleb. Obi-Wan had decided not to come since he did not care much for weddings.

"We're good to go," Anakin told Tony. "Ready whenever you are."

"Okay," Tony said. "Just tell them to stand still, and if they feel a tingling sensation, it is just the transporter doing its job."

Anakin reiterated everything to the group and waited for Tony to start up the transporter.

"You have that dress, right?" Anakin asked Emily.

"Yep, safe and sound in my suitcase," she replied letting out a shaky breath. "This is so exciting. I'm finally gonna get to meet Jayla!"

"Now you know how I felt when I saw Padmé for the first time in ten years."

Emily just rolled her eyes at her brother.


Tony was bent over at the transporter console, his hands cramped from gripping the edges.

"Calm down, Tony," Pepper said walking over to him and placing a hand on his shoulder. "I haven't seen you this frazzled since you realized you created a psychopathic robot."

Tony gave her a murderous glare at the mere mention of Ultron. He still hadn't forgiven himself what he had caused a few months ago, even though he had no idea what he was thinking at the time.

"Just give me a minute," Tony told her as he brushed her hand off his shoulder, trying to be patient and not stressed. Tony was never one to admit his feelings to people, and he rarely did with Pepper. But she hadn't given up on getting through to him yet, so Tony took it as a sign of their long relationship.

"Are you gonna transport us or what?" Anakin asked Tony over the ear comm. "We're getting tired of waiting."

"Yea, yea, I'm working on it." Tony shook his head and began the start-up sequence for the transporter. Though he was never very religious, Tony started praying the transporter wouldn't fail on him. Because if it did...well, he didn't even want to think about what could happen if the transporter failed.

Tony hesitated a moment before pressing the final button in the sequence. The transporter made a loud whirring noise as it lit up the room. A few seconds later, the blinding light was gone and fifteen people stood in its place.


"Jay, if you pace anymore, you'll be stuck doing it forever."

Jayla turned and grinned at her friend Skye, who sat at the island counter around which Jayla was pacing. Skye always knew how to distract her from whatever thoughts conflicted her.

"If you were me, you'd be doing the same," Jayla said as she sat down next to Skye. "I'm just so nervous. I mean, what if I marry Steve, and I later realize he isn't the one?"

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