5. Twinsies!!

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[Anakin and Steve have entered the chat]

Anakin: Grrr....you beat me at Battlefront again!!

Steve: (laughs) I think I am more of a Jedi than you are!!

Anakin: shuddup

[Thor, Jane Foster and Padmé have entered the chat]

Thor: hello, my friends!!

Anakin: hey, Thor!!

Thor: Anakin, let me introduce you to my girlfriend, Lady Jane

Padme: uhh....does anyone else see what I see?

Jane: yep I see it too

Steve: (eyes widen) oh...my...gosh!!!!

Anakin: Padme you never told me you had an identical twin

Padme: I don't, Ani

Anakin: is Jane one of your decoys?

Padme: nope


Jane: Thor, are you okay?


Steve: c'mon buddy say something

Thor: uhh....I think I am going to see if Loki is causing trouble again

[Thor has left the chat]

Jane: I better go see if he's okay

[Jane has left the chat]

Anakin: well, this has been an awkward chat

[Mace Windu and Nick Fury have entered the chat]

Anakin: and the awkwardness continues

Mace Windu: Anakin, we have a Council meeting in a few minutes

Anakin: okay, but....uhh....

Mace Windu: were you gonna say something?

Anakin: nope

Nick Fury: Steve, there is an Avengers meeting today

Steve: huh, what? yea sure, okay

Padme: you two are so oblivious, aren't you?

Mace Windu: what are you talking about?

Padme: you and Nick Fury, you two are the same guy

Mace Windu:.....

Nick Fury:.......

Mace Windu: ANAKIN, MEETING NOW!!!!!

[Mace Windu has left the chat]

Anakin: well, that happened. I better go before he gets really angry

[Anakin has left the chat]

Nick Fury: I really hope that wasn't some enemy posing as me

Padme: it wasn't

Nick Fury: I'm gonna go do something productive now

[Nick Fury has left the chat]

Steve: well, this whole thing has been awkward

Padme: yea, seeing double twice is making my head spin

Steve: hey, wanna play Battlefront?

Padme: sorry can't, gotta go do some of the senatorial stuff I've been putting off

[Padme has left the chat]

[Tony has turned off invisibility]

Tony: ohh!! Blackmail time!!

Steve: don't you dare Tony!

Tony: try and stop me

Steve: just wait till my shield whacks you upside the head!!

[Tony and Steve have left the chat]

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