11. Disney and Wormholes

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[Emily and Steve have entered the chat]

Steve: I still don't think Tony has gotten used to you being Anakin's sister

Emily: yea, the Jedi Council was the same way when they found out the first time because they were just like "wait there's two of you?"

Steve: it'll sink in at some point. So...what do you wanna talk about?

Emily: well, I'm worried about the next Star Wars trilogy 'cause Disney is making it

Steve: what's wrong with that?

Emily: first of all, have you seen Star Trek? Not the old one the new one

Steve: once or twice

Emily: do you know how many lens-flares are in that thing?! I mean it's ridiculous

Steve: what does that have to do with anything?

Emily: 'cause J.J. Abrams, the guy who directed that movie, is directing Episode 7

Steve: oh okay, so you're saying you don't want any lens-flares

Emily: exactly!

[Tony and Luke Skywalker have entered the chat]

Steve: wait, what?

Tony: hey, guys whatcha talking about?

Emily: how much I am mad at Disney for buying the Star Wars franchise

Luke: tell me about it! They're gonna make me look like I'm fifty in Episode 7!

Emily: well, at least you're in it. I'm told that I would have died shortly before the movie's events -_-

Luke: true, but they made my son non-canon!!

Emily: Luke, your cousins are non-canon too

Luke: oh, right. I keep forgetting that

Steve: cousins?

Tony: yea, since when did the greatest Jedi in the galaxy have cousins?

Emily: guys, it's called having kids

Steve: anyway, I'm glad I don't have to worry about having another movie for awhile

Tony: except for Avengers: Age of Ultron

Steve: shut up now before you accidentally give a spoiler, Tony

Tony: (muffled) mmhhm

Emily: did he just duct tape his mouth?

Steve: yes, yes he did

Luke: okay...

Steve: (laughs) Tony just tried to drink his scotch with duct tape over his mouth!

Emily: hahahaha!!

Tony: (peels duct tape off) ugh, not doing that again

Luke: back to the movie talk, doesn't Disney also own your universe too?

Steve: yea why?

Luke: well, then that kinda makes our worlds like cousins

Tony: yay buddy fest! :D

Emily: question: if Star Wars is now Disney, then would that make Leia a Disney Princess?

Luke: I hope not because she is not like any of them

Steve: (searching memes on Google) yeesh, have you guys seen all of the Star Wars/Disney memes on the internet?

Tony: the ones where the Death Star has Mickey Mouse ears are funny

Emily: oh good god, I hate seeing those. I really hate those memes 'cause they kinda make Star Wars look like a joke

Luke: oh come on Emily, lighten up

Tony: yea, they're just jokes. You don't have to take them so seriously

Steve: Tony, you never take anything seriously

Tony: and that is why I don't care about most things

Steve: yea, I figured

Emily: well, I gotta go. My twins are arguing over petty things again

[Emily has left the chat]

Tony: I'm so confused

Steve: me too

Luke: trust me, if you knew half the things that exist together at the same point in time right now, you would freak out

Tony: by the way, how are you and Anakin in the same time period without him being dead?

Luke: a wormhole

Steve: you're kidding right?

Luke: nope, it's like in the first Star Trek. The new one that is

Steve: something like that happened?

Luke: yea, and now I exist in an alternate universe. Sorry, but I just got a call that Yoda needs some help with younglings

[Luke has left the chat]


Steve: Tony, are you having a hard time processing the information again?

Tony: nope,...but I have an idea

Steve: (mutters) oh lord, please don't tell me

Tony: I'm gonna find a way to create a wormhole

Steve: (sighs) and he told me

Tony: just wait till I tell Bruce!

[Tony has left the chat]

Steve: I really hope he doesn't blow up his lab again

[Steve has left the chat]


Hence, this chapter shows why I don't own Star Wars or Marvel...and why copyright takes forever to expire in the U.S. (which is like 128 years after creator's death)...because of Disney. But I'm not bad mouthing Disney.

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