15. Fangirling Part 3

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Dedicated to @gamergirl1896 and everyone else who has voted for this chatroom. Thanks for all the votes! :)

[Jayla, Emily, and Haeleigh have entered the chat]

Jayla: ugh, I have been way too busy lately; first HYDRA problems, then Thanksgiving, and now Christmas. Thank god, I don't have to worry about anything until March.

Haeleigh: tell me about it. Jayden, my new Padawan, has been a handful

Jayla: how old is she?

Haeleigh: five, by the way how is Tony handling the grief of losing the Halo match?

Jayla: better than I thought he would. He's only been through four scotch in the last week

Haeleigh: huh, that's a record for him

Jayla: only because Pepper's been making him cut back on it

Emily: that's good. He was killing way too many of his brain cells.

[Tony has entered the chat]

Tony: hey, Emily, did you watch the AMAs a few weeks ago?

Emily: yea, why?

Tony: I saw your husband

Haeleigh: awkward...

Emily: what about it?

Tony: it was a good performance

Jayla: (grins) I saw you fangirling, don't deny it

Tony: shut up Jayla

Jayla: why won't you just admit it already? We all know you are a fan

Tony: okay fine!!!! I AM A ONE DIRECTION FAN

Haeleigh: yay!! He said it!! :D

Emily: oh good lord, everything just got awkward

Haeleigh: wait, how?

Emily: Haeleigh, you of all people should get this

Jayla: get what?

Emily: Tony likes One Direction. Therefore, Tony likes my husband

Tony: hey! I didn't mean it like that

Emily: I know, but once your brain has been defiled with that crap it's hard to not think about it

Jayla: I totally understand. And I am the one with the perfect memory.

Haeleigh: and this is why I am not married yet

Emily: (gives Haeleigh a look) go find your Padawan before she gets herself in trouble

Haeleigh: fineeeee

[Haeleigh has left the chat]

Tony: anyway, I kinda originally came on to ask Jayla a question

Jayla: what is it?

Tony: how much would you love me if I gave you concert tickets?

Jayla: first, eww why would I love you? and second, what kind of concert tickets?

Emily: I think we all know the answer to that question


Tony: (covers ears) save the screaming for the concert please

Jayla: sorry, I had to get it out

Emily: well, you guys may be happy, but I don't like it when they go on tour 'cause not only do I miss them, but they leave their kids here for us to take care of.

Tony: why don't you just go on tour with them?

Emily: (shrugs) 'cause I still have all of my Jedi duties. I mean, I would love to, but I can't

Jayla: ask the Jedi Council if you can. I mean they let you marry Niall

Emily: true...

Tony: well, I gotta go. I gotta find Pepper something for Christmas

Jayla: why do you always wait until the last minute?!

Tony: because I forget. Which reminds me, I need you to come with me

Jayla: (sighs) you can't remember what she wanted, dont you?

Tony: yep

Jayla: you are soooo lucky you told me about those tickets 'cause if you hadn't I would not be as willing to help you

Emily: I should go too. Mica is having trouble with the twins again

Tony: okay, see you later

[Tony has left the chat]

Emily: by the way, he is way less crazy without the scotch

Jayla: agreed

[Emily and Jayla have left the chat]

Sorry, it took so long to update. School and lack of ideas kept me.



I can answer any questions about characters if you have them.


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