44. No Greater Love

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A/N: if the subject of religion is touchy for you, then you don't have to read this chapter. But if you do decide to read it, please don't hate on me.

[Emily, Anakin, Haeleigh, Steve, Bruce, and Cheyenne have entered the chat]

Steve: hey, guess what happened Tuesday night

Emily: what?

Steve: Jayla came back!! :D

Emily: she did?! Where is she? I want to talk to her

Bruce: she's kind of asleep at the moment

Anakin: at this point in the day? She's such an active person

Cheyenne: yea, but Jayla was exhausted to the point of passing out when she turned up the other night

Haeleigh: what happened to her?

Steve: it's a long story

Emily: why would Jayla still be tired now? It's been two days

Bruce: she pushed her physical limits a little too far, and it took its toll on her

Haeleigh: I'll take your word for it

Cheyenne: she'll be fine in another day or two

Anakin: so, anything exciting going on this weekend?

Steve: Easter

Haeleigh: this going to sound like a stupid question, but what is Easter?

Bruce: well, to start off, it's a religious holiday for anyone who is Christian

Cheyenne: it celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, from the dead

Anakin: I don't understand this

Steve: what is there not to understand?

Emily: you're trying to explain something we don't have around here- religion

Haeleigh: well, at least not in the Jedi Order. I mean there are still religions that exist in our universe, but as far as we know there aren't any Jedi who have religious beliefs

Steve: if I were a Jedi, I'd be the first Catholic one. I'd never believe in anything else

Anakin: why do you say that?

Steve: because I've always had a deep faith

Anakin: I'll never understand how religion works

Emily: Anakin, it's kinda like believing in the Force. In both cases, we believe in the unseen

Haeleigh: so you're saying the Force is a religion and the Jedi are it's followers?

Emily: (facepalms) no, that's not what I meant. I'm just trying to put it in a way Anakin can understand

Bruce: sounds like you know more about Catholicism than you show

Emily:...I never said anything like that

Haeleigh: you hesitated

Emily: shut up

Anakin: if you do know, then why does this Jesus resurrect from the dead

Emily: because he died to save the sins of the world, so we could go to heaven with him (clamps hand over mouth)

Anakin: so you do know something!

[Emily has left the chat]

Steve: maybe we should change the subject

Anakin: well, you should have done it earlier because now I am pissed at my sister

[Anakin has left the chat]

Bruce: why would he be mad at Emily?

Haeleigh: I'm not really sure. Chances are it's because she kept her knowledge a secret

Cheyenne: well, I hope this doesn't ruin their relationship

Haeleigh: it shouldn't. They always have these disagreements. I gotta go. Jayden has been bothering me this whole time to play Nidhogg with her

[Haeleigh has left the chat]

Steve: I have the feeling we went down a path we shouldn't have gone down

Bruce: agreed

Cheyenne: where would have Emily gotten all that info from?

Steve: I don't know, but it wasn't me

Bruce: Jayla maybe?

Cheyenne: could be. They do talk a lot

Steve: yea, who knows...want to go do something fun?

Cheyenne: Castle Crashers? We could get Jayla to join

Bruce: sure, want me to get the pop tarts?

Steve: no, I'm good

Cheyenne: same here

Bruce: alright, let's go get past that boss

[Steve, Cheyenne, and Bruce have left the chat]

If you read through the chapter and feel offended or anything, don't say I didn't warn you. There was a warning at the beginning of the chapter.

As you probably assumed, I am Catholic. And that part about Steve being Catholic is true; according to the comics, he is, and from what I can tell in the movies he is.

Anyway, don't forget to vote/comment. I'll update Sunday

Happy Easter!

-Emily A. Skywalker

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