39. A (Sort Of) Sinister Plot

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[Steve and Emily have entered the chat]

Steve: so, what was your impression of Tuesday's episode?

Emily: freaky, but beautiful

Steve: I could say the same

[Natasha has entered the chat]

Natasha: Steve, I need your help

Steve: why? Did something bad happen?

Natasha: Tony has a Nerf gun

Emily: yep, this sounds bad

Steve: so, what do you want me to do?

Natasha: join me and Clint in a battle against Tony

Emily: if you're going to do this, shouldn't you have teams?

Steve: yea, unless Tony has his own team, I'm not joining

Natasha: he can have Pepper, Thor, and Jane

Emily: I just did a quick count; there are nine of you, not counting Jayla

Steve: great, now what?

[Natasha has invited Clint, Bruce, and Cheyenne to the chat]

Clint: are you making those plans? I told you to wait for me

Natasha: sorry, I wanted to get a jump start on them

Bruce: what plans?

Emily: Natasha wants to start a Nerf war

Natasha: yep, that's pretty much the gist of the plan

Cheyenne: sounds a little risky if you ask me, but I'm in

Clint: why risky?

Bruce: I have the feeling the other guy may want to get out if we do this

Steve: good point, we don't want this to go too far

Natasha: just wear your BPM watch, Bruce, and you'll be fine

Bruce: (giving Nat a look) alright, fine, but if the other guy comes out, I'm blaming you later

Cheyenne: you do realize, Nat, that the other four are at a disadvantage because Jane and Pepper have never done any sort of combat training, right?

Clint: Halo is enough combat training for them. Besides, it's just a Nerf war

Natasha: thank you for that Clint. So, Cheyenne, Bruce, Clint, and I are in...

Steve: I'm not joining because then we wouldn't have even teams

Natasha: so, you're going neutral

Emily: hey, I have an idea. Steve, why don't you be the referee?

Clint: do we really need a referee?

Steve: actually, I really like the idea. Thanks Em

Cheyenne: how would you do it though?

Bruce: he would sit in the room with all the security monitors

Emily: exactly, I can tell you later how to set up different group chats

Natasha: okay, great

Clint: one last thing, we need more Nerf guns and ammo

Cheyenne: I can run up to Toys R Us if you want me to

Natasha: sure, go ahead

[Cheyenne has left the chat]

Bruce: I'm assuming you're team captain Nat?

Natasha: why wouldn't I be?

Emily: oh, I just got another idea. Haeleigh is amazing with battle strategy and tactics. I can get her to help you guys

Natasha: sure, we could use the help

Emily: great, just send me a schematic of Avengers Tower. That's all I need

Bruce: can we talk more tomorrow? I'm tired

Clint: yea, me too

Natasha: alright, tomorrow we'll finish planning

[Bruce, Clint, and Natasha have left the chat]

Emily: this is gonna be awesome

Steve: I wish Jayla could join us, though she'd probably be on Tony's team

Emily: why his team?

Steve: because I know how much she would love to kick my butt in a Nerf war

[Steve has left the chat]

Emily: sounds like how I like to kick Anakin's butt in Battlefront II :)

[Emily has left the chat]

I think this Nerf war idea will go well. For me writing that is, not the characters. Things are gonna get intense.

Don't forget to vote/comment.

There will be an update tomorrow, where we will see the other side of this war.

-Emily A. Skywalker

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