46. Confessions

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[Anakin, Emily and Jayla have entered the chat]

Jayla: ready to invite everyone?

Emily: yep

[Jayla has invited Tony, Steve, Natasha, Clint, Pepper, Bruce, Cheyenne, Thor, and Jane to the chat]

Anakin: why didn't you invite any of our Star Wars buddies?

Emily: because I'll explain to them later everything Jayla and I are gonna talk about

Steve: what are you telling us?

Anakin: before they do their thing, Emily, don't you have something to say to everyone?

Emily: (glares at Anakin) you're really making me do this?

Anakin: yes, now tell them

Emily: (sighs) fine. Anakin is making me admit to all of you that I am a self-proclaimed Catholic

Cheyenne: so? there's nothing wrong in saying that

Emily: yea, but Anakin is being a jerk about it and it is really starting to piss me off

Anakin: (rolls eyes) whatever

Jayla: anyway, Emily and I have something we want to tell all of you. Something we probably should have told you before

Tony: just say it already!!

Emily: I...Jayla and I are the same person

Anakin: you are what?!!?!?!?!?!

Bruce: so this is like the Jane/Padmé thing?

Jayla: not exactly. We are each a part of a single person, like clones almost, but in different universes

Steve: and you are the only other person who knows about this right, Jayla?

Emily: yea, that's how I knew about her before the chatroom. I met her a little over a year ago

Cheyenne: how could you be a clone of a person? I mean, yea, you are independent and everything...but how can you still be a part of the original host?

Jayla: if the original person goes, so do we, meaning we cease to exist if our creator deems us so

Anakin:......so, at any time, without warning, you wouldn't be my sister?

Emily: yes..., but I know my creator well enough to know she'd never destroy my life. Same goes for Jayla

Steve: oh thank god. I almost had a heart attack when you talked about the ceasing to exist thing

Natasha: but what about the rest of us? Would we still exist?

Bruce: yes, we would Nat. Reason being, we are not from the same creator Emily and Jayla are; we're from a different one

Clint: hold up a sec, what about Haeleigh?

Emily: she cannot exist without me, neither can my children

Tony: this is some really deep stuff. So deep that my brain can't take it

[Tony has left the chat]

Pepper: he'll be fine..., after a few scotch

Jane: so, what about me?

Emily: you and Padmé are just coincidental look-alikes. Same goes for Mace Windu and Nick Fury

Steve: Jayla, it's a good thing you have a perfect memory because I'm gonna need you to reiterate all of this to me later

Jayla: I can still tell you everything, perfect memory or not

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