17. Ages and Crushes

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[Jayla and Emily have entered the chat]

Jayla: could you tell me how old you are?

Emily: uhh...why?

Jayla: 'cause I have been thinking about how you are in an alternate universe with Anakin and everything and...well it's confusing even for me

Emily: oh gosh, this could take awhile. Lemme get Anakin and Haeleigh

[Emily has invited Anakin and Haeleigh to the chat]

Haeleigh: what's up?

Emily: Jayla wants an explanation of our aging

Anakin: well, if we're gonna tell one person we might as well tell everyone else

Jayla: good point

[Jayla has invited Tony and Steve to the chat]

Anakin: (faceplams) when I say everyone, I mean everyone

Jayla: everyone else is busy right now and, they are the only two available

Steve: yea, Bruce is working on something as usual. Thor is back on Asgard right now with Jane. Nat and Clint are at the park--

Tony: (interrupts) CLINTASHA!!!!

Steve: (annoyed) go put some duct tape on your mouth, Tony. Logan and Storm are somewhere...and I think that is everyone

Jayla: you forgot Fury, but he wouldn't care, even though he is actually doing nothing right now, except for watching Twilight Zone for the millionth time with the volume ALL THE WAY UP!! Argh!!!

Tony: you know, I think he's sometimes less mature than me

Steve: yea okay, like I am believing that

Emily: anyway, can we get back to the original topic?

Haeleigh: yes, before I lose interest and go find something better to do

Jayla: so, Anakin and Emily, how old are the two of you?

Anakin: 28

Steve: huh? how could you be so young if Luke is like nineteen?

Emily: answer: wormhole

Tony: how?

Haeleigh: okay, so you know Luke, Leia, and Han and all those people right? Well, about a year ago there was an anomaly in...what system was it again?

Emily: Corellian system

Haeleigh: right, so there was some sort of anomaly and a wormhole had formed. Well, anyone who had been in the Corellian system at the time of the events in the system fourteen years after Return of the Jedi was transported back in time to a few years after the events of Revenge of the Sith

Anakin: the theory is that since I didn't turn to the dark side, it did something that opened the wormhole

Emily: and so, that is why I am so young

Jayla: but what about Niall and his brothers and that?

Anakin: they weren't there. So, they are still the same as they are now

Steve: yea, but why are they in their early twenties if you aren't?

Haeleigh: gravitational differences cause aging at different rates, and for some reason the gravity here is different than in your universe, so that is why they aren't the same age

Tony: I am so confused right now

Jayla: I'll re-explain everything later if you need me to

Steve: wow, when you think about it, the wormhole thing seems pretty plausible

Haeleigh: that's 'cause it really did happen, Steve

Tony: so, question: does this whole thing ruin any relationships or families?

Emily: surprisingly, no. Leia and Han are together with their three kids. I'm with Niall and our kids. His brothers' families are still the same. Luke hasn't married Mara yet, but that isn't a big deal 'cause it will happen at some point...I don't think I forgot about anyone

Haeleigh: you forgot about me and--

Emily: (cuts her off) no, I didn't. And that isn't even legit yet. It won't happen for another ten years at least

Haeleigh: oh c'mon, why can't it happen sooner?

Anakin: because we don't want to cause any more ripples than we need to. And Emily you did forget someone.

Emily: (facepalms) oh right, Lando and Tendra are still a thing, too

Steve: did you get all of that, Jayla?

Jayla: yep, already copied into my memory perfectly

Tony: so, what is going on with Haeleigh?

Emily: it's an event that can't be changed, and she wants it to happen sooner rather than later

Tony: oh, okay

Haeleigh: it's not my fault I'm in love with him!!!

Anakin: just drop it will you?

Haeleigh: fine, I'm gonna go find Jayden

[Haeleigh has left the chat]

Jayla: I have the feeling I know what she is mad about

Emily: just forget it, okay? Haeleigh always makes it into a bigger deal than it needs to be

Tony: well, if we are done here, then I am gonna go finish my game of Halo

Steve: yea, talk to you later

[Tony and Steve have left the chat]

Anakin: I doubt they understood anything we were just talking about

Jayla: Tony probably doesn't, but Steve...he tends to catch on better

Emily: (slyly) I sense something more to this

Anakin: yea, I sense it too

Jayla: more to what?

Emily:...you like Steve, don't you?

Jayla: what?! Where did you pull that out of?!

Anakin: Jayla, you seem to hang out with him more than any of your other friends, and I think you sometimes flirt without knowing it

Jayla: how would you know?

Anakin: I'm a guy...?

Emily: if you ever need some guy advice, you can ask Anakin or me

Jayla: (shakes head) I don't need any advice. Now, if you'll excuse me, I will be leaving now

[Jayla has left the chat]

Emily: she definitely likes him

Anakin: totally. Want to do some secret matchmaking?

Emily: sure, I get Jayla. You can have Steve

Anakin: perfect. Meet me in my room to plan?

Emily: be there faster than you can say Mr. Dominant Twin sucks at Halo

[Emily has left the chat]

Anakin: Mr. Dominant Twin sucks at--hey!!

[Anakin has left the chat]

I thought the wormhole thing from earlier in the book needed some explaining. I actually had a hard time coming up with something that would work for the age thing, but I think this worked out great. Also, I thought it was time to start another ship.


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