30. Can't Back Down Now (Part 2)

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"No one possesses my friend without getting through me first!!" Emily yelled into her ear comm almost making Steve go deaf.

Anakin told her, "You know you can't really do anything right?"

"Actually, I think I know a way to help," she replied slyly. "Tony, do you still have that extra ear comm?"

"Yea, why?" Tony asked.

"I need Nat, Bruce, Thor and Steve to distract Loki so Tony can sneak up to Jayla and put the extra ear comm in her ear," Emily told them.

"You know," Steve said nervously, "This cold will probably make her ice more lethal right?"

"Okay fine, you do it Steve," she responded.

"No! I won't hurt her again," Steve almost yelled before remembering Loki was nearby.

"Steve," Bruce said quietly, "You are the only one who has fought her. You'd have the best luck at succeeding."

Steve gritted his teeth and agreed. "Fine, but I will cry if I hurt Jayla again."

"You know," Loki said suddenly, "I am still here. I can hear everything you are saying."

"Not everything," Steve replied. He gave a look to Bruce, who nodded slightly. "Now, Bruce!"

With that, Bruce threw a smoke grenade at Loki. It exploded on impact with the ice floor. Steve was already running up the stairs before the smoke bomb hit the ground.

Tony yelled, "Go get Jayla! We'll hold off Loki!" He didn't know, though, Steve had switched his comm to a private chat, only being able to hear Anakin and Emily.

"I don't think you thought this through, Bruce," Natasha pointed out, "None of us can see."

All she received as a response was a surprised yell from Bruce.

"What happened?" Thor asked.

"I almost got wapped in the head with a scepter!!" He yelled back now engaged in keeping Loki away from him with a sword.

"Please don't go Hulk, Bruce," Tony pleaded. "Please don't go Hulk."

"Maybe I won't if you get over here and help me!!"

"I don't know where you- ahhh!!" Tony's words were cut off when he saw the sword miss his face by mere inches.


Meanwhile on the upper floor, Steve was looking for Jayla.

"C'mon Jayla. Where are you?" Steve said to himself.

She wasn't in the balcony hallway, so he went into the only room on the upper floor. She was in there. She didn't see him approach because she was looking out at the evening sky. She wore the same light blue long-sleeve shirt, dark blue jeans, and black boots Steve had seen on her a few days ago. Her long wavy light blonde hair was in a French braid and snowflakes were sprinkled about it.

"Jayla, it's me," Steve said, walking towards her cautiously. "It's Steve, your boyfriend"

The possessed girl flinched and looked up at Steve. "I do not know you," her voice said without expression.

"Yes, you do," Steve replied gently. "You kissed me remember?"

"You left me!" She said forcefully.

"No, I didn't. We're still together."

For a split second, Steve saw conflict within her eyes. He knew then he could save her. Instead of responding, the ice girl's expression twisted into one of anger. She shot a stream of ice at Steve, but he blocked it with his shield easily.

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