pulling up to my store

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i pull up to my store i pull in i find a parking spot i park my car i turn my car off i get my keys i take my seat belt off then i get my purse i unzip my purse then i put my iphone in a pocket right next to my iphone charger i boughut from t mobile then i lock my car up i put my keys into my purse then i zip my purse up i walk away from my car i walk to the front door of my store i open the door i walk in then i close the door i go to my office i open my office door i walk in i close my office door a lil i get started on paper work that i have to do i put my purse down on the floor next to my chair then i lean down i unzip my purse i take my iphone out i put my iphone on my desk then then i get my iphone charger out of my purse i zip my purse up i plug my charger into my out let plug at the bottom on the left side of my desk then i do my work then i get done then i get up from my desk i walk to my office door i open it i walk out of my office i walk to the front of the store i walk to the register hey tammy how is everything going out here tammy its going good but its to early tho we aint got no customers me dont worry they will be in here ready to shop 45 minutes later the doors of my store opens pepole come in to shop i go back to my office i walk into my office i go lay on my office couch and relax then i get up nd get back to work then i get my iphone i check the time then i get up i go get my lunch then i take my lunch out of my lunch bag and i walk to my dest i sit down i put all my lunch down nd i bless it nd i eat my lunch then i get done i clean up my stuff then i go throw my stuff away then i walk back to my desk i zip my lunch box up i put it down next to my purse 49 minutes later i look at the time on my iphone i clean up my stuff i fold my iphone charger up then i get my purse i put my charger in there then i put my iphone in then i get my keys out i zip my purse up then i walk to my office door after i clock out i open my door i walk out everyone eles has left i walk to the front door i open it then i walk out i lock up my store i walk to my car i unlock my car i open my driver door i get in my car i close my door then i put my seat belt on i start my car i put my puse and lunch box in the back seat on the middle seat then i drive out of the parking lot of my store then i drive away from my store i grab my iphone i hit the home buttion me siri send a text to king t siri ok what do you wanna say me im on my way to come get you hun siri sends the text then siri text from king t ok im outside with my stuff watin on you i just locked up my store me ok i put my iphone down then i keep driving nd driving then i

i pull up to my store i pull in i find a parking spot i park my car i turn my car off i get my keys i take my seat belt off then i get my purse i unzip my purse then i put my iphone in a pocket right next to my iphone charger i boughut from t mobi...

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