me and tyga back in our rooms grabing our purses

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we walk into our room we go get our iphone chargers then we take our iphone cords out we get our iphones we go get our purses then we unzip our purses we put our iphone charging bricks in the first pocket of our purse then we put our iphones in the second pocket of our purses then we put our iphone charger cords in our purses then i get my keys out of my purse i zip up my tyga zips up his man purse then we walk to our bed room door then we walk out of our bed room we walk to the stairs we walk down the stairs i pick up gaston then me and tyga and gaston nd serenity walk to the front doors tyga dose the alarm then he opens one of the front doors then we walk out of the mansion tyga closes the front door he opened to our other front door then i go lock it with my keys then we walk to my car i unlock my car we put gaston nd paton in the car seats on both sides of my car then we close both sides of my car doors after we strap gaston nd serenity into they car seats then tyga gets into the passenger seat he closes my passenger door then he puts his seat bekt on nd he puts his man purse down on the floor then i get into the driver seat of my car i close my driver door then i start my car then i put my seat belt on then i pull out of me and tyga mansion drive way then i drive away from our mansion im still driving and driving and driving nd driving as im driving i pull up to the park then i pull in the parking lot of the park i pull in the parking spot i turn my car off then i take my seat belt off i put my keys into the pocket of my black jeans then i open my driver door i get unzip my purse i get my iphone i zip up my purse then i close my driver door then i open my left side door i undo gaston seat belt straps then i pick him up then i close my left side door then tyga opens my right side door he unzips his man purse he gets his iphone out then he zips up his man purse he puts it down on the floor of my passenger side then he opens ny passenger door he takes his seat belt off he gets out then he closes my passenger door he opens my right back door he undose serenity car seat straps then he gets her out of her car seat he puts her down then he closes my right car back door i lock my car up then tyga and serenity walk over to me and gaston then we walk away from my car we walk to the park i put gaston down gaston nd serenity go play me and tyga go find a bench we sit down nd watch serenity and gaston play me and tyga still watching serenity and gaston play on the playground nd stuff then minutes minutes later me and tyga get up payton nd gaston time to go serenity and gaston walk to us we pick them up we head to the parking lot we walk to my car i unlock my car doors tyga walks to the right side of my car we open my back doors we put gaston nd serenity into they car seats we strap them in then we close my doors then we open my driver door and passenger door we get in we close my doors then we put our seat belts on i start my car then i drive to the exit of the park parking lot then i drive out of the parking lot of the park i drive away from the park im still driving payton moma can we have mcdonalds for lunch please me yes payton ok im still driving then i pull up to mcds i pull in i go to the drive through i order stuff for me and tyga and serenity then i pull up i pay for the food then i pull up to the second window then i get the food and drinks tyga wakes up and he helps me then he reaches in the back he pulls the middle seat cup holder down then he puts serenity drink in ome of the cup holders then he turns around then i get my purse i unzip it i get my wallet out of my purse i open it up i put my money up then i close my wallet i put it up in my purse then i zip up my purse i put it down on my lap then i drive to the exite of mcds then i drive out of mcds then i drive away im still driving and driving nd driving then im still driving then i pull up to our mansion i pull into our drive way i pull next to my hubby tyga car then i cut my car off then i take my seat belt off tyga takes his seat belt off as well then i get my purse tyga gets his man bag then he gets the food i get my keys i get the drinks then me and tyga open my doors then we get out we close my doors then we walk to the door i unlock the doors me and tyga walk in we go put the food and drinks down onto the kitchen table then we walk out of the kitchen we walk to the stairs we walk up the stairs then we go to our room we walk into our room we go put our purses down on our bed then we put our iphones down onto our night stands then we unzip our purses we get our iphone charging bricks and our iphone charger cords we zip up our purses we plug our charger cords into our charging bricks then we plug them into our charging desk next to our kindel charger then we get out of our clothes we put our night wear on we put our feet into our slippers then i grab my keys me and tyga walk to our bed room door we walk out we walk to the stairs we walk down the stairs then we walk outside we walk to my car we open my car doors we undo serenity and gaston seat belts then we get them out of they car seats we walk to the doors of our mansion we walk in we put them down then they walk to the dtairs we follow them we walk up the stairs we follow them to they rooms we walk in we get them out of they clothes and shoes then we put they shoes up in they walk in closets then we walk out they closets we go put they dirty clothes into they dirty clothes baskets then we walk to they bed room doors we walk out of they bed rooms we walk to the stairs they come out they rooms they come to us we pick them up we walk to the stairs we walk down the stairs we walk to the kitchen we walk in we go put them into they chairs i walk out of the kitchen tyga where you going chris ne im going to go get serenity drink out my car in the back seat then ima close my car door then ima lock up my car tyga ok me yea i walk to the front doors i walk out of the mansion i walk to my car i get serenity drink then i put up my back seat cup holder then i close my right side car door then i lock up my car then i walk to the front doors of me and tyga mansion then i walk in i close both doors together then i lock the doors then i walk to the kitchen i go give serenity her drink then i walk out the kitchen me tyga ill be back ima go put my keys up in my purse tyga ok i walk to the stairs i walk up the stairs then i walk to me and tyga bed room then i go get my purse i unzip it i put my keys in then i zip up my purse i put my purse back where i got it then i walk to me and tyga bed room door i walk out of me and tyga bed room i walk to the stairs then i walk down the stairs i walk to the kitchen i walk into the kitchen i go to the table me tyga you got everything out tyga yea i looked at the recipte me ok tyga crumbls the empty bag up then he walks to the trash can then he throws the emty mcds bag in the trash can then he walks away he walks to the table then he takes his seat at the table i look at the time on my iphone and its lunch time its one in the afternoon i click my iphone off the i put it on the table tyga gets up he gose and makes lunch for gaston and he gets him some water then he walks to the table he puts gaston lunch in front of him on his tray table then tyga takes his seat at the table we all eat our lunch then we get done me and serenity and tyga get napkins we whipe off our mouths then we get done then we drink our drinks then we get done me abd tyga get up tyga cleans up the table i get serenity and gaston out of they chairs i put them down then tyga coms back from throwing everything away then i cut the lights off in the kitchen then we all walk out of the kitchen we walk to the stairs we walk up the stairs then gaston and serenity walk to they rooms they walk in they go play with they toys me and tyga go to our bed room we walk in tyga kisses all on me i tell tyga to stop tyga lets me go he looks at me i look back at tyga thats how serenity got here tyga ok tyga picks me up he throws me on our bed on my side he hops on me he tickles me i 😂😂😂😂😂😂 ok ok tyga stop tyga stops then he gets on his side of our bed i grab our tv remote on my side of our bed off of my night stand i turn on me and tyga tv i put it on antena tv then i put our tv remote down onto my night stand tyga moves close to me he holds me i cuddle in his chest we both watch tv then we are still watching tv then tyga lets me go he gets his iphone he taps it he looks at the time our chef ms andrea comes up the stairs she comes to our bed room door she knocks on it tyga who is it ms andrea its andrea tyga come in ms andrea opens me and tyga bed room door she walks in ms andrea do you want me to cook sum for dinner tonight or order somthing me and tyga no we both gone cook you just need to relax ms andrea ok me and tyga we will cook you sum ms andrea ok thanks very much me and tyga your welcome ms andrea gets up she walks to me and tyga bed room door she walks out she walks to the stairs sge walks down the stairs she walks to her office bed room she walks to her door she walks in she gose nd chills on her bed she gets her iphone she puts her code in then she gose to her text she taps on her hubby text she opens it up she text her hubby he text her back they still texting tyga gets his iphone he taps it it comes on then he looks at the time then he puts his iphone down on his charging station then he taps me he tells me the time we both get up out of our bed we put our feet into our house shoes then we walk to our bed room door we walk out of our bed room payton nd gaston come out they rooms they walk to us i pick up gaston we walk down stairs we walk to the kitchen we walk into the kitchen then tyga picks up serenity me and tyga walk to the table we both put gaston nd serenity in they chairs then we go make dinner we start making dinner we still making dinner then we get done then we plate and bowl dinner then we go set the table
we pour drinks in cups and tyga gets gaston some water in his second bowl then we go set the table then tyga gets our chef ms andrea plate of dinner nd her cup of juice then he walks out of the kitchen he walks to her office he knocks on her office door ms andrea who is it tyga its me tyga ms andrea you can come in tyga ok tyga opens ms andrea office door he gose and hands her her plate of pizza and her cup of juice he puts it down on her desk ms andrea moves her papers out of the way ms andrea thank you ty tyga your welcome ms andrea tyga walks to our chef ms andrea office door he walks out he walks to the kitchen he walks into the kitchen he walks to the table he pulls out his chair he sits down he blesses dinner then we say amen then we all eat our dinner we get done then we drink our drinks we get done i get up out of my chair

we walk into our room we go get our iphone chargers then we take our iphone cords out we get our iphones we go get our purses then we unzip our purses we put our iphone charging bricks in the first pocket of our purse then we put our iphones in th...

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