still in serenity nd gaston bathrooms in they bed rooms

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get done rincing they mouths out then we go get they rags we use to whipe they face with then we go back to they sinks we wet they rags then we ring them out a lil then we turn off they sinks we whipe they faces nd eyes nd mouths then we get done wr go hang they rags back up away from they rags we used to wash them up with then we walk to they bathroom doors with them then we go to they bed room doors we walk out tyga closes serenity bed room doors then i close gaston bed room door then we go to the stairs we walk down the stairs we go to the living room then we put them down onto the couch then we walk out of the living room then we go to the kitchen we go make our lunch for work then we get done we zip up our lunch boxes then we go make serenity and gaston lunches for lunch then we get done we zip up they lunch boxes then we go put them into they bookbags then we zip up they bookbags we get them then we go to the living room we walk in we go put they bookbags down then we walk out of the living room we go to the stairs we walk up the stairs we go to our bed room we walk in we go get our lunch bags nd we get our purses we go unplug our iphone chargers we unzip our purses we unplug our cords from our charging bricks then we put our iphones in our first pocket of our purses then we put our charging bricks into our second pocket wourcharcords at the bottom of our purses with the rest of our stuff then we get our keys out then we zip up our purses half way then we go do our hair we get done i do my make up then i get done we go to our bed room door we walk out we go to the stairs we walk down the stairs then we go to the kitchen we walk in we go get our lunch bags with our made lunches we made then we go to the exit of the kitchen we go to the living room we walk in we put our lunch bags down then we walk out of the living room we go to the stairs we walk up the stairs we go back to our bed room i open the door we walk in we go to our bathroom we go to our sink we turn on our hot water we get our tooth brushes and toothpaste we wet our tooth brushes then we open up our toothpaste we put toothpaste on our tooth brushes just a lil then we close up our tooth paste then we put our tooth paste back then we wet our tooth brush a lil nd we brush our teeth we still going then we get done we rince off our tooth brush then we put it up then we rince our mouths out go get our rags we use to whipe our faces off with then we whipe off our faces nd mouths then we get done we cut off our sink then we go hang our rags up then we go to our bathroom door tyga cuts out the light we walk out we go to our bed room door we walk out of our bed room we go to the stairs after tyga closes our bed room door we walk down the stairs we go to the living room we walk in we get our keys and our purses nd our lunch bags then we get gaston nd serenity bookbags we put them on our shoulder then we get gaston and serenity we walk out of the living room we go to the front doors of the mansion i do the alarm then i unlock the doors then i open the doors me nd tyga walk out i close the mansion doors i lock them up with my keys then me nd tyga walk away we go to our cars we unlock our cars we open our driver doors we start our cars we put our stuff on our passenger seats then we open our left back doors we put serenity and gaston bookbags down onto the floor under they car seats then we put them into they car seats we strap them in we close our back doors tyga walks to me he kisses me i kiss him back tyga have a good day me you to king t tyga walks away from me he gose back to his car we get in our cars we put our seat belts on then we close our driver doors then we drive out of our drive way i pull out first then the gate opens i drive out tyga drives behind me then we drive away from our mansion our gate closes then we go to gaston nd serenity schools we get there then we pull in we find parking spots we pull in then we take our seat belts off we turn our cars off we take our keys out then we unlock our car doors then we open up our driver doors we get out then we close our driver doors we open up our left back doors we get gaston nd serenity bookbags we put them on our right shoulders with the right strap then we undo they seat belt straps we get them out of they car seats then we close our left back doors then we lock our car up with our keys then we walk away from our cars then we go to the doors of gaston nd serenity schools we open them then we walk in we go to they class room we open the door then they walk in they go play with they friends nd toys then me nd tyga go hang they bookbags up in they cubbys then we walk away we go to the door of they class rooms we open them then we open them we walk out we get our keys we go to the front doors of they schools then we open them we walk out of they schools we go to our cars we unlock our cars with our keys we open our driver doors we get in then we start our cars up we close our driver doors then we put on our seat belts nd we drive out of the parkinglots of gaston nd serenity schools we go to the exit we drive out then we head to our jobs we get to our jobs we pull in we find parking spots we park our cars then we turn them off with our keys then we unlock our car doors we get our stuff off our passenger seats then we open up our car doors we get out we close our driver doors we lock up our cars then we walk away from our cars we go to the doors of our jobs then we put our keys in the lock then we open up our front doors of our jobs we walk in then we do are alarms then we turn on the lights nd stuff then we go to our office doors we do our code then we open up our office doors with our keys we walk into our offices we turn on our lights then we go to our fridges we open them we put our lunch bags into our fridges then we close them we go to our desk we put our hand bags down onto our desk we unzip them we get our iphone charger cords nd bricks out we plug in our charger cords to our iphone charging bricks then we plug them into our bottom outlet plugs then we zip up our hand bags we log into our laptops then we get our hand bags we zip them up then we go to our couches we put our purses down on them then we go back to our desk we pull out our desk chairs we sit down then we do what we have to do we still doing what we have to do nd get done then we we get checks ready and together nd put in envilops we still going and going then we get done we get out of our desk chairs we go to our office doors we open them we walk out we go hand out checks our employees go put them up in the brake room in they purses or bookbags or lunch bags then they get done they zip up they stuff they walk away they walk out they go to the door of the brake room one of them opens it then they all walk out then the door closes then they go out of the hall they go back to doing what they was doing for us that we asked them to do \ hand them do assinged them then we go back to our offices we open the doors we walk in we go chill in our desk chairs we chilling then our iphone alarms go off letting us know its our lunch break then we get our iphones we put in our codes in then we turn off our alarms then we click our iphones off then we put them down onto our desk but we move them out the way so our lunch dont get on them then we get out of our desk chairs we go to our fridges we open them we get our lunch bags we close our fridges we go back to our desk we unzip our lunch bags we take all our stuff out then we zip up our lunch bags then we go back to our fridges we open them we put our lunch bags in then we close our fridges we walk away we go back to our desks we open up all our stuff then we pull out our desk chairs we sit down then we eat our lunch then we get done we drink our drinks we get done we get our napkins we whipe our mouths off then we get done we gather up our trash then we get up out of our desk chairs we go throw our trash away in our office trash cans then we go empty our bathroom trash cans then we get done we go put our office bathroom trash cans back into our office bathrooms then we walk out we go back to our office desk chairs we sit down we chill we chilling then there is knocks at our office doors come in we stay our assistents opens our doors they walk in then they stand infront of our desk they talk to us and we listen nd stuff then they get done talking they walk away then they go to our office doors they walk out then they go back to they offices they walk in they go do work then me nd tyga check on everyone from the cameras we have in our stores through out our store but they hidden in the men nd wemon bathrooms nd dressing rooms then we get done then we chill out our emloyees clean up they stuff nd they get ready to leave nd stuff me nd tyga get out of our office chairs at our stores we go to our office doors then we walk out we go check everything then we get done we go back to our offices we walk in our alarms go off we go to our desk we get our iphones we put our codes in then we turn off our alarms then we click our iphones off we put our log out time in then we log out of our laptops we unplug our iphone chargers we unplug our iphone charger cords from our charging bricks we go to our couches we unzip our hand bags we put our iphone cords in then we put our iphone charging bricks in one of our pockets then we get them we go to our desk we get our iphones we put them into our purses in the other pocket then we get our keys out we zip up our hand bags a half way then we clean up our desk nd stuff we push in our office chairs we go to our fridges we open them we get our lunch bags out we close our fridges back then we walk away we go to our office doors we walk out we cut out our office lights then we close our office doors then we lock them up with our keys then we walk away we go to the front doors of our store we cut the lights out then we open the doors we do the alarms then we walk out we close the doors we lock them then we walk away we go to our cars we unlock our car doors then we open up our driver doors we put our stuff down onto our passenger seats then we start our cars with our keys then we get in we put our seat belts on then we close our driver doors then we drive out of our parking lots of our stores we drive to the entrince we drive out we drive away from our jobs we go to gaston nd serenity schools we still driving and driving then we pull up to gaston nd serenity schools we pull in we go park our cars in a parking spot then we turn off our cars with our keys then we take them out then we unlock our car doors then we take our seat belts off we open up our driver doors then we get out of our cars then we close our driver doors then we lock up our cars then we walk away from our cars then we go to the doors of gaston nd serenity school we open them we walk in we go to they class room doors we open them we walk in we go to they cubbys we get they things we unzip they bookbags we put they empty lunch bags in they bookbags then we get done we zip up they bookbags then we put they bookbags onto our right shoulders with they right bookbag strap we wait on them then they come to us after they clean up toys nd stuff nd say bye to they friends nd teachers nd teacher helpers me nd tyga pick them up we go to the doors of they class rooms we open them we walk out we go to the doors of they schools we open them we walk out of they schools then we head to our cars we unlock our cars with our keys we open our driver doors then we open up our back doors on the left then we put gaston nd serenity bookbags down onto the floor then we put them into they car seats we ztrap them in then we tightin they car seat straps but not to tight then we close our left back doors we get into our driver seats we start our cars then we put our seat belts on then we close our driver doors then we drive out of the parking spots of gaston nd serenity schools we drive to the entrince we drive out then we drive away from they schools then we drive to our mansion we still driving nd driving then i get to our mansion first the gate opens i pull in then i pull into my parking spot then my hubby tyga pulls up to our mansion he pulls into our mansion then the gate closes then he pulls into his parking spot then we turn off our cars we unlock our car doors then we get our stuff off our passenger seats then we take our seat belts off we get out of our driver seats then we close our doors we open up our left back doors then we get gaston nd serenity bookbags we put them on our left shoulders then we undo they car seat straps we get them out of they car seats then we close our left back doors we lock our cars up we walk away from our cars we go to the front doors of our mansion then i open the doors up with my keys i walk in i do the alarm then tyga walks in behind me he closes the mansion doors he locks them then we both turn around we face each other me hey my king t tyga hey my queen c tyga how was yo day at work today ! me it was great tyga ok he leans in he kisses my lips i kiss his lips back then we let go tyga hey gaston gaston ruff hi dada school was ok tyga ok gaston ruff hi payton payton hi gaston me hey payton serenity hi moma i had a good day at school today me thats great serenity yea me nd tyga go to the stairs we walk up the stairs we walk up the stairs we go to serenity nd gaston rooms we open they bed room door nd door we walk in we go put they bookbags down in they chairs then we go to they beds we put them down tyga takes serenity shoes off of her after he unties them then he walks away he gose to her walk in closet then he walks in then he gose nd puts her shoes with her million billon other shoes then he walks to her closet doors he walks out he closes her closet doors then he gose to her bed he gets her dressed into her night wear i get gaston dressed in his night wear me nd tyga get gaston nd serenity dirty clothes we go put them into they laundry baskets then we open them we put they stuff in there then we close they dirty clothes hampers then we go to they bed room doors we walk out then we go to our bed room door tyga opens it we walk in we go put our stuff down in our chairs then we go to our walk in closet tyga opens our closet doors we walk in we go to our sides we go put our shoes up then we walk to our closet doors we walk out tyga closes our closet doors we walk away we go to our bed we put on our night wear then we go get our scarfs and bonnet we go back to our bed we get on our sides of our bed we tie our hair up then i put on my bonnet ontop of my scarf then we get up off our bed tyga gose to our bed room door me king t where you going tyga im going into serenity room i forgot to tie up her hair me ok king t walks out of our bed room after he opens it he gose to serenity bed room he walks in he gose nd gets her scarf and her bonnet he gose to her bed he gets her tv remote he turns on her tv he puts her tv remote down onto her night stand serenity watches tv then tyga ties up her hair with her scarf he ties it so it wont come off then he puts her bonnet on payton looks at him thanks dad tyga your welcome serenity tyga walks away from serenity bed he gose to her bed room doors he walks out then he walks back to our bed room he walks in he walks to our bed he gose to his side he gets on our bed i get our tv remote i turn on our tv i put our tv remote down onto my night stand then we watch tv me nd tyga get up off our bed we go to our bed room door we walk out then we go to the stairs we walk down the stairs we go to our chef ms abby office bed room door ms abby its opened tyga opens it we walk in me nd tyga hello ms abby we just came to say hello ms abby hello chris and tyga and ok me nd tyga yea how was your day ms abby ! our chef ms abby my day was alright thank you for asking chris me your welcome ms abby me nd tyga walk away from ms abby bed we go to her office bed room door we walk out tyga looks at me i look at him i 😁 at him he smiles back at me we go to the stairs but tyga walks away he gose to the kitchen he walks in he gose to the fridge he opens the freezer then he looks in there to find what he gone cook for dinner tonight then he closes the freezer door he walks away he walks to the exit of the kitchen he walks out then he comes to the stairs where i am he smacks my ass i fold my lips in my mouth tyga picks me up he carries me up the stairs he puts me down we go to our bed room we walk in we go to our bed on our sides we pull our covers nd sheets back we get into our bed we cover up nd chill nd we watch tv then hours into the night tyga gets his iphone off his night stand he taps it he looks at the time then he puts his iphone back down onto his night stand then he gets out of our bed on his side he puts his feet into his slippers he gose to our bed room door he walks out he gose to the stairs he walks down the stairs he gose to the kitchen he walks in he gose to the fridge he opens up the freezer door he gets out the stuff he is gone cook then he closes the freezer door back he gose nd gets out the pans he needs to use to cook with he sets them up then he opens up stuff he got out the freezer he is going to cook then he dose what he has to do then he starts cooking he stops cooking he gose nd gets napkins he gose nd puts some out on the table then he puts on out on the counter for our chef ms abby then he gose nd gets cups and he gets gaston bowls then he gose nd puts them out he gose nd gets plates out he puts them out on tbe table nd counter then he gose nd closes the cabnit then he gose to the counter then he gets gaston second bowlhe walks to the sink he turns on the water to cold he gets gaston some water then he turns the eater off he walks away from the si k he gose to the table he puts gaston water down onto his high chair tray then he gose nd makes gaston some dinner then he gets done he gets his first bowl he gose nd bowls gaston dinner then he gets done he walks away he gose to the table he puts gaston bowl onto his tray table by his water bowl then he gose nd finishes cooking dinner he opens the oven he gets the trays out wuth oven mits he puts the trays down he takes the oven mits off he gose nd puts them up then he gose nd gets plates one at a time he plates dinner on the plates one at a time then he gets done he gose nd washes all the stuff he used then he loads up the dish washer then he walks away he gose nd gets cups one at a time he puts ice into the cups one at a time then he puts the cups down onto the counter he opens the fridge he gets the juice out then he closes the fridge he puts the juice down onto the counter then he opens it he pours juice into the cups then he stands the juice up he puts the cap back on it he closes it then he opens up the fridge he puts the juice in there then he closes the fridge he gets his cup nd my cup nd payton cup he gose nd sets the table he walks away he gose nd gets forks he closes the drawr with the silverwear in it by the stove then he walks to the table he hands out the forks he puts them down on the plates then he gose to the counter he puts a fork down onto ms abby plate he gets her plate and napkin nd cup of juice he walks to the exit of the kitchen he walks to her office bed room door he opens it he walks in he gose nd puts her cup of juice down onto her night stand then he hands her her plate of dinner ms abby looks away from her tv she looks down then she looks up at tyga ms abby thanks tyga your welcome tyga gose to our chef ms abby office bed room door he walks out then he gose to the stairs he walks up the stairs he gose to serenity room he stands in her bed room door ways tyga payton dinner time payton ok dad payton pulls her covers back she gose to her bed steps she walks down then she walks to tyga he picks her up he walks out of her bed room he walks to our bed room he walks in tyga queen chris dinner is ready get gaston nd come to the kitchen me ight i get out of me nd king t bed on my side i put my feet inyo my slippers i go to me nd tyga bed room door we walk out then i go get gaston out of his bed room then me nd tyga go to the stairs we walk down the stairs we go to the kitchen we walk in we go put serenity nd gaston into they chairs tyga i already gave ms abby her plate of dinner nd cup of juice me ok me nd tyga take our seats i bless dinner amen we say then we all eat our dinner we still eating our dinner then we all get done we drink our drinks our chef ms abby comes out of her bed room office with her empty dishes she walk to the kitchen she walks in she gose nd dose her dishes then she gets done she walks to the exit of the kitchen she gose to her office bed room she walks in then she closes her office bed room door she gose nd gets ready for bed me nd tyga get up out of our chairs at the table then we clear the table we go do the dishes then we get done tyga closes up the dishwasher he starts it then we walk away we go to the table we get gaston nd serenity out of they chairs we push our chairs in nd then we push they chairs in we walk to the exit of the kitchen tyga cuts out the lights then we go to the stairs we walk up the stairs we go to serenity nd gaston bed rooms we walk in we put them down they go to they beds they walk up they stairs they get into they bed we walk to they bed we go cover them up we give them kisses on they cheecks then we go to they bed room door nd doors we cut out they lights then we walk out of they rooms we close they bed room door nd doors then we walk away we go to our bed room door we walk in i close our bed room door i cut out our bed room door we go to our bed on both sides we get into our bed then we pray we get done we tie our hair up i put my bonnet on then we lean over we kiss each other then we lean back on our sides then we lay down onto our pillows we go to 😴 then hours into the night we both wake up at the same time we pull our covers back i get out of our bed on my side then i put my feet into my slippers i walk away from our bed i go to our bathroom door i walk in i close the door then i pull my night pants all the way down then i pull my panties all the way down then i walk to our tolite i lift up our tolite lid then i sit down then i get tissue off of our tissue holder then i do what i have to do then i get done i whipe myself i get done then i put the tissue into me nd tyga tolite i get up i flush it then i put the tolite lid down i walk away i go to me nd tyga sink i soap my hands then i get done i turn on the water to hot then i wash my hands i get done i turn the water off i go to our hand towle i dry my hands off then i fix me nd tyga hand towle i go to our bathroom door i open it then i walk out i go to me nd tyga bed on my side i take my slippers off then i get into our bed i cover up nd i lay down onto my pillow and i go back to sleep tyga gets up out of our bed on his side witch is the right side then he puts his slippers on then he walks away from his side of our bed he gose to our bathroom door he walks in he turns on our bathroom light then he takes his dick out of his undies then he walks to our tolite he lifts up our tolite lid he takes a long piss then he gets done then he puts his dick up he fixes his night clothes then he puts the tolite lid down he flushes our tolite then he walks away he gose to our sink he soaps his hands then he turns on our water to cold he washes his hands he gets done then he turns our water off then he walks away from our sink he gose to our hand towle he drys his hands off then he gets done he fixes our hand towle then he walks away he gose to our bathroom door he turns out our bathroom light then he opens up our bathroom door he walks out then he walks out he walks away from our bathroom he comes to our bed he gose to his side he steps out of his slippers then he gets into our bed he covers up he gose right back to sleep hours into the night its still dark at night me nd tyga still sleep in our bed then the sun comes up me nd tyga and our chef ms abby wake up we get out of our beds we make up our beds then we get done we put all our pillows on our beds our chef ms abby gets done making her bed up nd stuff then she puts her feet into her slippers then she gose to her office bed room door she opens it she walks out then she gose to the kitchen she walks in she gose nd makes herself some breakfast she gets done she gose nd gets silverwear to eat with then she closes the silverwear drawr then she walks away she gose to the exit of the kitchen she walks out then she gose to her office bed room she walks in she gose to her bed she gets on her bed on the left side she gets on her bed then she gets her tv remote off her night stand she turns on her tv then she puts her tv remote down onto her night stand she watches tv nd she blesses her breakfast then she eats it me nd tyga go to serenity nd gaston rooms we open they bed room door and doors we walk in then they wake up they get out of they beds we go make up they beds then we get done they come to us we pick them up we walk out they bed rooms we go to the stairs we walk down we go to the kitchen we walk in then we go put them into they high chairs then we pull our chairs out me nd tyga go fix them breakfast then we get done we get they stuff we go set the table tyga gose nd gets serenity sum to eat with then he gets it he closes the drawr then he walks away he gose to the table he hands her the spoon she grabs it me nd tyga go make breakfast for ourselves then we get done we go get silver wear to us to eat with then we go put our spoons in our cereal bowls then we get our stuff we go to the table we put our stuff down then we pull out our chairs we sit down i bless breakfast then we eat our breakfast we all still eating our breakfast our chef ms abby comes out of her office bed room with her empty dish she walks to the kitchen she walks in she gose nd dose her two dishes she used then she gets done she walks away she gose to the exit of the kitchen she walks out she gose to her office bed room she walks in she gose nd chills in her bed nd watches tv me nd tyga get done eating our breakfast then gaston nd serenity get done eating they breakfast nd gaston gets done drinking his water then me nd tyga get up from the table we push our chairs in then we clear the table we go do the dishes we get done tyga closes up the dish washer then we go back to the table we get gaston nd serenity out of they chairs we push our chairs in then we push they chairs in then we walk away from the table we go to the exit of the kitchen we walk out we go to the stairs we walk up the stairs tyga chris lets go walkin me ok me nd tyga walk to gaston nd serenity bed rooms then we walk in we go put them down on they bed then we get them undressed out of they night wear and tyga takes off payton under clothes we go put they stuff into they dirty clothes baskets after we turn they clothes right side out then we close they laundry baskets we walk away we go to they bathrooms we walk in we go start they bath waters we get done we turn they tubs off then we go to they bathroom doors we walk out we go get them off they beds we walk away we go to they bathrooms before tyga gose to serenity bathroom he gets her shower cap he puts it ontop of her bonnet he walks into her bathroom me nd tyga go put serenity nd gaston into they bathtubs then we get they rags we wash them up with we go to they tubs we get they soaps we soap up they rags then we put they soaps back where we got them then we wash them up we still washing them up then we get done we dip they rags into they bath waters then we rince them off then we ring they rags out we let they waters out then they waters are done going down the drain we put they rags down on the floor then we get they towles we get them out we dry them off then we get done we pick up they rags we walk to they bathroom doors we walk out of they bathrooms we go to they beds we put them down we walk away we go to they dirty clothes baskets we open them then we put they rags and towles in there then we close they laundry baskets then we walk away we go to they walk in closets we go pick out they outfits tyga gets serenity some gym shoes then we go to they closet doors we walk out we go to they beds we get them ready tyga gose nd gets serenity hair stuff then he walks back to serenity bed then he gets her dressed into her under clothes then he gets her dressed into her clothes then he gets done he puts her shoes on her then he ties them up then she gets down off her bed tyga picks her up he walks to bed room doors he walks out he closes her bed room doors then he walks away i get gaston i ho put his harness and leash on then i pick him up i go to his bed room door then i walk out then i close his bed room door then me nd tyga go to the stairs then we walk down the stairs we go to the living room we put serenity and gaston down onto the couch then we walk out of the living room we go to the stairs we walk up the stairs we go to our bed room we walk in we get out of our dirty stuff then we go shower one at a time then we get done we turn our shower off then we get out of our shower one at a time then we get our towles we dry off we get done we hang up our towles we go to our bathroom door we walk out we go to our dresser drawr we open them we get under clothes we need then we close our drawrs we get dressed into our under clothes then we go get our dirty clothes then we go to our laundry baskets we open them we put our dirty clothes in then we close them then we go to our walk in closet we walk in we get dressed in a shirt nd sweat pants then we get shoes we walk to our closet doors then we walk out we go sit down on our bed we put our shoes on then we tie them up we go get our iphones nd we go to our chairs we unzip our purses we unzip our back zipers in our purses we get our ear phones we get our keys then we zip up our purses then we go to our bed room door we walk out we go to the stairs we walk down the stairs we go to the living room we pick up serenity nd gaston we go to the front doors of the mansion i do the alarm then i unlock the doors i open them me nd tyga walk out tyga closes the doors he locks them with his keys then we walk away from the doors tyga you gone drive queen chris me no king t tyga ight me yea we go to tyga car he unlocks his car doors we open his doors then tyga gose nd puts serenity into her seat then i put gaston into his seat then we strap serenity nd gaston into they seats then we close tyga back doors then we get in tyga front seats we close the doors tyga starts his car then we close the doors we put on our seat belts then tyga wraps his head phones around his iphone then he puts it in his first cup holder then he pulls out of the drive way then he pulls up to our gate it opens he drives out of our mansion gate then our mansion gate closes then tyga drives away from our mansion he is still driving nd driving then he pulls up to the park he pulls in he finds a parking spot he parks his car then he turns his car off we take our seat belts off tyga you aint get payton stroller or if you was not going to get her stroller you could of got her leash the butter fly one me lets go back nd get one of them tyga ok me nd tyga put our seat belts back on tyga starts his car up then he drives out of the parking lot of the park he gose to the exit then he drives out he drives away from the park he is still driving nd driving nd driving nd driving nd driving then he pulls up to our mansion gate it opens then he pulls in then he parks his car in his parking spot next to my car he turns his car off then he takes his seat belt off he unlocks his car he takes his keys out of his key howle then he opens his driver door he gets out he closes his driver door he locks his car then he gose to the front doors of our mansion he unlocks it he walks in he closes the doors then he gose to the stairs he walks up the stairs he gose to serenity bed room he opens her bed room doors he walks in then he gose nd gets serenity butter fly leash then he walks away where he got it in serenity room he gose to serenity bed room doors he walks out then he closes her bed room door with her other bed room door then he walks away he gose to the stairs he walks down the stairs he gose to the front doors of the mansion he unlcks them he opens them then he walks out he dose the alarm then he closes the doors he locks them up with his keys then he walks away he comes back to his car he unlocks his car he opens his driver door he gets in he starts his car up he puts his seat belt on then he closes his driver door he pulls out of the parking lot of our mansion away from my car with out hitting my car then he drives to the gate it opens he drives out our gate closes then tyga drives away from our mansion tyga is still driving then he pulls up to the park he pulls in he finds a parking spot he finds one then he parks his car then he turns it off he takes off his seat belt i take off mine tyga unlocks his car doors we open his front doors tyga gets his iphone then we get out we close tyga front car doors then we open his back doors we undo derenity and gaston car seat straps we get them out we put them down then tyga puts serenity butter fly leash on her me nd tyga closes his back doors tyga locks up his car with his keys then he grabs serenity leash ring i grab gaston retractible leash handle then we walk away from tyga car we walk away from the playground we go to the parks long long huge walking trail track we go to it we get to the top of it then we walk it me nd tyga are holding onto gaston nd srenity leashes while we walking they are also walking with us we still walking it we still walking it we still going nd going nd going nd going then we get done we walk it lots more times then we get done then we walk away we walk to the play ground we walk away we go to the parking lot we go to tyga car we get to tyga car he unlocks his car doors we go open his back car doors we pick up serenity nd gaston we take gaston nd serenity leashes off of them then we put them down in the middle seat then we put them into they car seats we strap them in me nd tyga take our ear phones out our ears then we wrap them around our iphones then me nd tyga open his front doors then we get in tyga puts his iphone in his first cup holder then we put on our seat belts then tyga starts his car then we close his front car doors then i hold my iphone in my hand on my lap tyga drives out of the parking lot of the park he drives to the entrince then he drives out then he drives away from the entrince of the park tyga is still driving payton moma me yes payton ? payton can we go get ice cream me no we have ice cream payton 😩😩😩 me payton hush payton ok moma tyga is still driving then he pulls up to our mansion he pulls up to our mansion gate our mansion gate opens then tyga drives in then our mansion gate closes tyga pulls into his parking spot next to my car then he cuts his car off he gets his keys then we take our seat belts off tyga gets his iphone he unlocks his car doors we open his front car doors we get out we close his front car doors then we open his back doors we get serenity nd gaston leashes then we undo they car seat seat belt straps we get them out we put them down then we close tyga back car doors tyga locks up his car we walk away we go to the front doors of our mansion we put serenity nd gaston down i go to the doors i unlock them i walk in tyga walks in nd serenity nd gaston walk in tyga closes the doors he locks them then we walk away we go to the stairs we walk up the stairs then we follow gaston nd serenity to they rooms then they walk in we walk behind them they go to they beds they climb they steps they get on they beds we take they stuff off we go put they stuff up then we go take off they clothes we go to they laundry baskets we open them up we put they clothes in then we close they laundry baskets we go get them dressed into new night wear we go get out one of they drawrs then we get done tyga gose nd gets serenity hair stuff he ties her hair up he gets done then he puts her bonnet on over her scarf me nd tyga go get they laundry baskets we go to they bed room door and doors we walk out we go to the steps we walk down the steps we go to to the kitchen we walk in we go to the basment door tyga opens it then we both walk down one at a time we go do gaston and serenity laundry one at a time then we get done we fold up they stuff that we washed nd dried then we put they stuff into they laundry baskets then we close they laundry baskets with they lids then we get they laundry baskets we walk out of the laundry room we go to the stairs we walk up the stairs we walk out of the basment we go to the exit of the kitchen we walk to the stairs we walk up the stairs then we go to gaston nd serenity bed rooms we walk in we go put they stuff up that we washed and dried then we get done we go put they baskets back where we got them then we go to they bed room door doors we walk out we go to our bed room we walk in we go get into our night wear we go get our stuff we tie our hair up then i put my bonnet on over my scarf then we go to our bed room door we walk out we go to the stairs we walk down the stairs we go to the kitchen we walk in we go make lunch nd sum to drink then we get done i get gaston stuff i go to the table i put his bowl of his lunch and water i got from the sink down onto his tray table then i go get my stuff i walk back to the table i put my stuff down infront of my chair then i pull out my chair me nd tyga go to the exit of the kitchen we walk out we go to the stairs we walk up the stairs we go to serenity nd gaston rooms we stand in they door ways me nd tyga lunch is ready come on serenity nd gaston get out of they beds they climb down they bed room stairs then they come to us we pick them up then we walk out of they rooms we go to the stairs we walk down the stairs then we go to the kitchen we walk in we go put serenity nd gaston into they chairs then we sit down into our chairs we all eat our lunch our chef ms abby comes out of her office bed room door then she walks to the kitchen she walks in then comes nd makes lunch nd sum to drink then she gets done she gose nd gets a napkin she gets her stuff then she walks to the exit of the kitchen she walks out she gose to her office bed room she walks in she gose to her bed she puts her drink onto her night stand then she sits on her bed then she eats her lunch she watches tv me nd tyga and gaston nd serenity are still eating our lunch we get done then we drink our drinks we get finished me nd tyga push our chairs out we get up out of our chairs then we push our chairs in we clean up the table we go do the dishes we get done i go put my gaston bowls on the counter then me tyga put our dishes we used that we ate off of nd drank out of into the dish washer with the rest of the dirty ones then tyga closes up the dish washer we go to the table i get gaston out of his chair then i put him down tyga gets serenity out of her chair he puts her down gaston nd serenity and me and tyga walk to the exit of the kitchen as we go to the stairs our chef ms abby comes out of her office bed room then she gose to the kitchen she walks in she gose nd dose her dishes she opens up the dish washer she puts her dishes in there then she closes it up she walks away she gose to the exit of the kitchen she turns out the lights she walks out she gose to her office bed room she walks in she gose nd chills in her bed she watches tv she covers up me nd tyga and serenity nd gaston go to the top of the stairs gaston nd serenity go to they bed rooms they walk in they go play with they toys me nd tyga go to our bed room we walk in we go chill in our bed we watch tv as we watch tv we grab our iphones we tap them we look at the time then we put our iphones down onto our night stands then we get up out of our beds then we put our feet into our slippers then we go to our bed room door then we walk out of our bed roomwe go get gaston nd serenity out of they rooms we go to the stairs we walk down the stairs we go to the kitchen then we walk in then we go put gaston nd serenity into they chairs then we pull out our chairs then we go fix dinner then we get done we go get plstes nd i get gaston bowls i go get gaston sum water from the sink then i walk away i go put gaston water bowl down onto his tray table then i go bowl gaston dinner into his other bowl then i get done i go put his bowl down onto his tray table with his water bowl then i go clean up the stuff i used to fixed his dinner then i get done then i go get a cup for myself from the canbit then i close the cabnit then i put my cup down onto the counter