still in me and chris bathroom

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i flush the tolite i put my dick in my night pants then i put the tolite seat down then i go to the sink i soap my hands then i turn the hot water on i wash my hands then i get done i turn the water off i dry my hands on our hand towle then i walk to our bathroom door i open walk out of our bathroom i walk in me and chris bed room bae you hungry chris yes me ight come on me and chris walk to our bed room door we walk out of our bed room we har serenity bed room door open serenity walks out she gose to her bathroom she walks in she closes her bathroom door she pulls her pants and undies down she walks to her tolite she pulls her tolite seat up she sits down onto her tolite she dose what she has to do then she whipes her self then she gets up off her tolite then she flushes it then she puts her tolite lid down she gose to her sink she stands up onto her step stool then she soaps her hands then she turns on her hot water she washes her hands then she turns her water off she steps down off her step stool she walks to her hand towle she drys her hands off then she walks to her bathroom door she opens it she walks out of her bathroom she pulls her stuff up she fixes her clothes then she walks to her brother gaston room she opens his bed room door gaston gets out of his bed he walks to serenity gose and macks gaston bed up then she gets done she fluffs his pillows then she walks to him they walk out his room they walk to me and chris serenity and gaston good morning moma and dada ruff ruff good morning me and chris good morning serenity and gaston me and chris pick them both up we walk to the stairs we walk down the stairs we walk to the kitchen we walk into the kitchen we walk to the table we put gaston and serenity into they high chairs then me and chris go prepair breakfast we go get breakfast ready then we go set the table then we got get waters then we go set the table then i take my seat me payton bless breakfast payton ok dada payton blesses breakfast we all say amen then we all eat our breakfast this good dada me ok payton we get done eating our breakfast nd drinking our waters me and chris get up we clear the table ruff dada it saturday what we gone do today me gaston we gone chill here at the house gaston ok dada me yep me and chris go wash out the dishes thrn we go put them back onto the table then we take serenity and gaston out of they high chairs then we push our chairs in then we all walk out of the kitchen we walk to the stairs we walk up the stairs serenity and gaston walk to they bed rooms they close they doors a lil i pick chris up chris ooo damn tyga ya got strong hands me yes i do nd oo ya ass is so good nd juicy chris yes i walk to me and chris bed room door i put chris down we walk into our room i close our bed room door then i walk to our bed on my side i pull the covers back chris walks to her side of our bed she pulls the covers back we both get into our bed we cover up chris tyga is the air on ? me no tyga pulls the covers back he gets out of our bed he walks to our bed room door

i flush the tolite i put my dick in my night pants then i put the tolite seat down then i go to the sink i soap my hands then i turn the hot water on i wash my hands then i get done i turn the water off i dry my hands on our hand towle then i walk...

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