walking out our mansion headed to chris car

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chris opens the door she gets her iphone out her purse she unlocks it she gose to the alarm app she opens it up she dose the alarm then she closes out of the app then i lock nd close the door we walk to chris car she unlocks her doors we open her doors we put payton and gaston in they car seats we strap them in then we close they doors then we open our doors we get into chris car we close our doors chris starts her car then we put our seat belts on then chris drives out of our drive way she drives and drives and drives she is still driving then a hour later she pulls up to the park she pulls in she finds a parking spot she parks her car serenity yaya we here serenity claps her hands me and chris take our seat belts off we open our doors we get out chris puts her keys into her jacket pocket the right one then we close our doors we open chris back doors we get serenity and gaston out they car seats we close they doors chris locks her car up with her keys we walk away from chris car we walk to the play ground area we walk in i put serenity down me go ahead payton go play payton gose and plays me and chris go sti down on one of the benches with gaston we watch serenity play then 48 minutes later i check my iphone its two fourty nine me serenity lets go payton walks to me im ready dada me ok i pick payton up chris gets gaston she aso gets her keys out one of her jacke pockets then we walk out of the play ground area we walk to chris car she unlocks her car me and chris go on both sides of her car we open the doors payton dada we go to micdonalds please me yes payton me and chris put payton and gaston into they car seats we strap them in then we close they doors we open our doors we get in chris starts her car but we buckle up first then chris pulls out of the park parking lot she drives away she drives and drives and drives then 49 minutes later chris pulls up to micdonalds she pulls in she gose to the drive thru the lady welcome to micdonalds mama how may i take yo order chris orders lunch for herself and serenity and me she orders our drinks too and deserts for me and her then the lady will that be all mama chris yes mama the lady tells chris her total then chris drives up to the first window chris gets her purse she unzips it she gets her wallet then she opens her wallet she gets the momey out she gets the amount it is for the food then she hands it to the lady then the lady gets chris change nd recipt she hands it to chris chris puts her dollers up first then she closes up her wallet then she folds the recipt up she puts it into her purse then she puts her wallet in her purse she zips her purse up she puts it on the floor next to mine then she drives to the second window the lady opens it up she hands chris the drinks chris gets the drinks she puts ours in the cup holders up front she reatches in the back she pulls the middle seat cup holder down she puts serenity drink in it then she gets our bags of food and serenity food she hands them to me i grab them i hold them then chris drives away she drives and drives and drives then minutes later she pulls onto our street she drive and drives she pulls up to our mansion then she pulls in she pulls up next to my car she turns her car off me and chris take our seat belts off we get our purses i get the bags of food me and chris open her doors we get out of her car chris gose and opens the mansion door she gets her iphone out her purse she unlocks it she gose to the alarm app she dose the alarm then she closes out of it she walks upstairs she walks to our bed room door she walks into our bed room

chris opens the door she gets her iphone out her purse she unlocks it she gose to the alarm app she opens it up she dose the alarm then she closes out of the app then i lock nd close the door we walk to chris car she unlocks her doors we open her ...

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