leaving out of gaston school.

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i leave out of gaston school i walk to my car i unlock my car with my keys i open my back door on my side i put gaston stuff down on the floor then i put him into his car seat i strap him in then i close his door then i open my driver door i get in i put my seat belt on i start my car up with my keys then i close my driver door then i drive out of gaston school parking lot i drive and i drive i drive out of gaston school then i drive away from gaston school i drive to my right my iphone rings i awnser it from my car me hello serenity hi moma me hey pumkin wyd ? huh serenity im in dada car he picked me up from school me ok give dada his phone serenity ok moma i hear serenity talk to tyga tyga gets his iphone from serenity tyga hey chris what you up too me just picked up gaston from school tyga ok hey gaston gaston ruff ruff hi dada ruff hi serenity tyga well ok chris ill see ya at home me ok t tyga hangs up his iphone im still driving then minutes later i pull up to me and tyga mansion i pull in i park my car then tyga pulls in then he parks his car we both turn off our car we take off our seat belts then we get our keys and purses i unzip my purse i put my keys into my purse then i zip up my purse then me and tyga get our lunch boxes we open up our driver doors we get out of our cars we open our back doors we get gaston nd serenity bookbags then we take they seat belts off of them then we get them out of they car seats we close our back doors then we lock our cars up with our keys then then we walk away from our cars we walk to the front door of our mansion tyga unlocks our mansion front door he walks in he puts serenity down i put my iphone code in then i go to the alarm app i do the alarm to our mansion then i close out of the app i put gaston down on the floor me and tyga unzip gaston and serenity bookbags we take they lunch boxes out we walk to the kitchen we walk in the kitchen we go put they lunch boxes down on the right side of our chairs and we put our lunch boxes on the left side of our chairs then we both leave out of the kitchen we walk to the stairs with our purses in our hands nd gaston nd serenity bookbags in our hands aswell then me and tyga walk to the stairs gaston and serenity follows us me and tyga walk to they bed room doors we open they bed room doors we walk into they bed rooms we put they bookbags on the back of they bed room doors then they come in they rooms i get gaston out of his clothes he wore to school i put him into his night wear serenity gets into her night wear after she takes her clothes off she wore to school and she unties her shoes she takes them off she gose and puts them into her closet then she walks to her laundry basket she puts her clothes she had on at school into her laundry basket then she walks away from her laundry basket she walks to her bed she puts her night wear on then she gets done then she gose and gets her toys out then she sets her toys up she plays with them i leave her room i walk to me and chris comes out of gaston room she walks to me she holds her hands out i pick her up i carry her to our room she looks up at me me what ? chris i love you me i love you to chris i walk to me and chris bed room door then i open our bed room door i walk into our bed room i walk to our bed i put chris down then i pull our covers back i get into our bed chris gets into our bed onto her side nd im on my side of our bed we cover up to keep warm minutes later chris gets her iphone she hits the side buttion she looks at the time then she puts her iphone down on her charging table then she gets out of our bed on her side then she walks to our bathroom she walks in she closes the door she pulls her night pants and panties down she walks to the tolite then she lifts up the tolite seat lid she sits down she dose what she has to do she grabs tolite tissue she wipes her self front nd back nd then from the back then she drops the tissue into the tolite then she gets up she flushes the tolite then she puts the lid down then she walks to the sink she turns on the hot water she soaps her hands then she washes her hands in the hot water in our bathroom sink then she gets done she turns the water off then she walks to our hand towle she whipes her hands on it then she walks to our bathroom door she opens it she walks out of our bathroom she walks into our bed room she walks to our bed she gets in our bed on her side minutes later i get my iphone i put my code in i check the time then i put my iphone down then me and chris chef comes to our door she knocks chris gets up she puts her slippers on then she walks to our bed room door she opens it chris yes our chef brittany ima order pizzas for dinner me ok our chef ok our chef brittany walks away from our bed room door she walks to the steps she walks down the steps she walks into her office she gose and gets her iphone she puts her code into her iphone she gose to her contacts she scrolls threw them untill she stops at the pizza place she taps it she hits the call buttion then she puts them on speaker they come on the phone she puts the order in then they tell her the total she says ok then they hang up she gose to her call log she delets the call then she gets out of her call log she closes out of it then she clicks her iphone off then she sits in her office chair then she waits minutes later there is a knock on the door ms brittany gets up out of her office chair she walks to her purse she unzips it she gets her wallet she unzips her wallet she gets the amount for tbe food then she puts her wallet down on her desk then she sits down in her chair minutes later there is a knock on the door ms brittany gets up out of her office chair she gets the money for the food then she walks to her office door she walks out of her office she walks to the front door she opens it the pizza guy tells her the total for the pizza she gives the guy the money he takes it he gives her money back she gets it she tells the guy she will be right back she walks to her office she walks in she gose to her desk she gets her purse she unzips it she gets her walket she unzips her wallet she puts her money in then she zips her wallet up she puts it into her purse she zips up her purse then she puts it down onto the floor of her office then she walks to her office door she walks out then she walks to the front door she gets the pizzas then the guy leaves she closes the front door she locks it the guy gets in his truck then he pulls out of the long drive way then he drives away from the mansion she walks to the kitchen she walks to the kitchen counter she puts the pizzas down then she walks out of the kitchen she walks to the stairs then she walks up the stairs she walks to me and tyga bed room door she knocks on it i get out of me and tyga bed i walk to our bed room door i open it yes ms brittany ms brittany the pizzas came they downstairs in the kitchen on the counter me ok thank you you can gets some too ms brittany ok i will me ok we all will be downstairs in the kitchen ms brittany ok chef brittany walks away from me and tyga bed room door she walks to the stairs she walks down the stairs i walk away from me and tyga bed room door i walk to our bed i walk to tyga side of our bed i kiss on tyga tyga looks at me i stop kissing him me tyga come on ms brittnay orderd pizzas for dinner tyga ok tyga gets up out of our bed on his side he puts his feet into his slippers

i leave out of gaston school i walk to my car i unlock my car with my keys i open my back door on my side i put gaston stuff down on the floor then i put him into his car seat i strap him in then i close his door then i open my driver door i get i...

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