me and tyga walking out of the kitchen

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me and tyga walk out of the kitchen we walk to the stairs we walk up.the stairs we go get serenity and gaston up and we get them ready for school we gave them they baths last night i do payton hair tyga brushes gaston fur we get done then they get down they follow us we walk out of they bed rooms they follow us we walk to the stairs then we all walk into the kitchen then me and tyga pick up gaston and serenity we walk to the table we put them in they high chairs then we go make breakfast tyga gose and gets serenity bookbag and gaston bookbag out they rooms minutes later he walks into the kitchen with them then he unzips both of them i get gaston lunch box i go put it in his book bag then i zip up his bookbag then i get payton lunch box i go put her lunch box into her bookbag then i zip it up then i put her bookbag on the arm of my chair then i go help tyga with breakfast then we get done we go set the table then we take our seats at the table we bless breakfast we all eat our breakfast payton moma me yes payton payton can you and dada take me and gaston to the park after you pick us up from school when you and dada get off work me no payton ok moma we all get done eating our breakfast then me and tyga clean up the table then tyga gose and dose the dishes then he gets done i get done whiping off the table and high chairs then we put up the stuff we used then i walk out of the kitchen tyga gaston go sit on the couch and wait gaston ruff ruff ok dada 🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾 gaston gets up on the couch in the living room he sits down me and tyga and serenity walk out of the kitchen we walk up the stairs tyga and serenity walks to her bathroom she walks in she dose her tooth brush then she burshes her teeth after she wets the tooth past a lil thats on her tooth brush then she brushes her teeth me and tyga walk to our bed room we walk in we walk into our bathroom we go do our tooth brushes we wet the tooth paste a lil thats on our tooth brush then we turn our water off we brush our teeth then we get done we rince our tooth brushes off then we put them up into our tooth brush holder then we go wash our faces off we get done then we walk to our bathroom door we open our bathroom door tyga cuts out our bathroom light tyga bae can you do my hair me yes i will i get the stuff to do my king t hair we go sit on our bed i do his hair then i get done then i do my hair then i go put our hair stuff back me and tyga get our purses we walk to our bed room door we walk out of our bed room payton walks out of her bathroom then she walks to me and tyga we alo walk down stairs me tyga you got ya iphone charger and charging brick tyga oh shoot me and tyga walk back to our bed room

the stairs we go get serenity and gaston up and we get them ready for school we gave them they baths last night i do payton hair tyga brushes gaston fur we get done then they get down they follow us we walk out of they bed rooms they follow us we ...

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