walking back to me and tyga bed room

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i close serenity bed room door back i walk away from her bed room door then i walk to me and tyga bed room door i open our bed room door i walk into me and tyga bed room i close our bed room door then i walk to my side of our bed i pull the covers back i get into our bed i cover up then i lay down on my pillow and go to 😴😴😴 the next morning i get up then i put my house shoes on i walk to me and tyga bathroom then i walk in then i close the door i pull ny pants and panties down then i go to the tolite i pull the tolie seat up i sit down i do what i have to do then i get a piece of tolite paper i whipe myself then i put it into the tolite i flush the tolite i get up i pull my pants and panties up then i put the tolite seat down then i walk to the sink i soap my hands i turn the water on i wash my hands then i turn the water off i go dry my hands on the hand towle then i walk to the bathroom door then i open it i walk out of the bathroom i walk to me and tyga bed i lean down i kiss on him playfully tyga looks up at me he opens his eyes i get off him me good morning t 😀 tyga good morning chris chris ima go cook breakfast tyga ok but thats my job tho babe chris ik sexy papa but i wanna serve my husband tyga ok then babe girl chris yea chris walks to our bed room door then chris opens our bed room door she walks out but before she dose i tell her to drop a lil sum sum chris starts dropping it like its hot on the floor she comes up me god damn mm 😋😋 chris walks out of our bed room she walks to the stairs she walks down the stairs she walks into the kitchen she gose and gets started on breakfast i get done with making breakfast and getting orange juice ready in cups for me and tyga and then i put sum in serenity sippy cup then i make gaston breakfast nd get him some water then i get everything i go set the table then i go get napkins i walk back to the table i put the napkins out then i walk out of the kitchen i walk to the stairs i walk up the stairs i walk to gaston room i walk in i go to his bed gaston breakfast ready son gaston wakes up ruff ok moma gaston gets out his bed he follows me out of his bed room me gaston go wake ya sister nd ill go wake daddy gaston ruff ok moma i walk to me and tyga bed room door then i walk into our bed room i go to our bed i wake tyga me t wake up breakfast is ready tyga ok bae i walk to our bed room door then tyga gets up he stretches then he pulls the covers back he gets out of our bed he makes our bed up then he puts his houseshoes on he walks to our bathroom he walks in he closes our bathroom door he dose what he has to do he i hear the tolite flush then he gose nd soaps and washes his hands then drys them on our hand towle he walks to our bathroom door he opens it he walks out of our bathroom he walks to me he kisses me i kiss him back we walk out of our bed room serenity and gaston walk out serenity bed room they walk to us we all walk to the stairs we walk down the stairs then we walk to the kitchen then we walk into the kitchen me and chris pick up serenity and gaston we walk to the table we put them into they high chairs then me and chris go take our seats i serenity blesses breakfast our hands we fold our hands we bow for food and drink we thank you now amen me and chris and gaston amen ruff amen then we all eat our breakfast then we drink our drinks me and tyga get up from the table we clear the table we go do the dishes tyga emptys out the dish washer me wait hun are those clean ? chris no t cause remember last night you did not start the dish washer me oh yea thats right tyga puts our dirty stuff into the dish washer along with our other dirty dishes then he closes it up me and tyga walk to the table we get serenity and gaston out they high chairs we put them down on the floor we all walk out of the kitchen then we walk to the stairs then we walk up the stairs serenity follows gaston to is room she walks in she puts gaston to bed  me and tyga walk to our bed room door we walk into our bed room i close our bed room door me and tyga both walk to each side of our bed we pull our covers back we take our slippers off then we get into our bed we cover up we pray then we kiss each other good night then we lay down onto our pillows and we go straight to 😴😴 serenity walks out of her brother gaston room she walks to her bed room doors she walks into her bed room she closes her bed room doors then she takes her house shoes off she walks to her bed she pulls her covers back she prays then she gets her jojo siwa bear then she covers up then she lays down on her pillow 😴

i close serenity bed room door back i walk away from her bed room door then i walk to me and tyga bed room door i open our bed room door i walk into me and tyga bed room i close our bed room door then i walk to my side of our bed i pull the covers...

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