going back into the kitchen

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i walk back into the kitchen i go back to cooking breakfast tyga comes up from the basment with the trees me tyga you went and bought another christmas tree tyga yes i did me ok im not mad tyga ok me yea tyga gose into the living room he puts the two boxes of christmas trees down then he opens up one he gets it out of the box he sets it up in the corner tyga payton move out of the way payton ok dada i get done cooking breakfast i get plates but first i bowl gaston breakfast and i get him some water then i go put his breakfast on his tray table on his high chair then he walks to me i pick him up i put him into his high chair gaston ruff moma i eat now me nope we gotta wait on ya dada and sissy payton i walk into the living room i start 😂😂 i go get my iphone i unlock my iphone eight plus with my face then i go to my camra i take a photo of my hubby tyga then i get out of my camra then i back into the kitchen i go plate me and payton nd tyga breakfast then i go get forks then i go set the table tyga chris come help me please me ok i walk away from the kitchen table i walk out of the kitchen then i walk to the living room then i walk in i 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 again then i go help ty get untangled from the christmas lights payton dada you ok tyga yes im fine serenity i plug the lights in then i go outside then chris gets her iphone she unlocks her iphone with her face then i open the door payton runs to me moma dada leave me no he went outside to put up the christmas lights payton ok moma tyga plugs the lights in outside they light the whole house up he puts up other decorations then he walks back into the mansion he closes the door he kocks it he gets his iphone he unlocks his iphone with his face then he gose to the alarm app he dose the alarm then he gets out of the app he closes out of it then he clicks his iphone off he walks into the kitchen payton follows him payton dada up tyga picks serenity up he flys her serenity wee

i walk back into the kitchen i go back to cooking breakfast tyga comes up from the basment with the trees me tyga you went and bought another christmas tree tyga yes i did me ok im not mad tyga ok me yea tyga gose into the living room he puts the ...

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