pulling up to king t job

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i pull on to the street to get to my hubby tyga job i keep driving and driving then i pull up to my bae tyga job then tyga come out he locks up his store he puts the alarm code in then he walks to my car he opens my passenger door he gets it he closes my door he puts his seat belt on he leans over he kisses me i kiss him back me hey bae hiw was work tyga sits up tyga it was good how was ya day at ya job me it was ok tyga thats good me yea i pull away from tyga store i drive and drive and drive im still driving and driving then 46 minutes later i pull up to serenity school tyga takes his seat belt off he opens his door he gets out then he walks to the doors of serenity school he opens it he walks in he walks to serenity class room he opens the door he walks in serenity cleans up her stuff she puts it up she gose and gets her stuff from her cubby that has her name on it then she gets her bookbag she gets her lunch box she unzips her bookbag she puts her lunch box inside she zips up her bookbag then sge gets her coat dhe puts it on she zips it up she puts on her hat and scarf and gloves then she gose and gets her work she did then she walks to me payton here dada i draw photos for you and mommy look at them  dada me ok ill look at them when we get in the car we gotta go get ya brother gaston from his school serenity ok dada i grab serenity right hand serenity dada wait i wanna go say bye to my friend kalya me ok hurry up i let serenity hand go serenity gose and says bye to her friend then she walks to me i grab her hand we walk out her class room we walk to the front of her school i open the door serenity walks out i walk behind her then we walk to chris car i pick payton up i open her door on my side i take her bookbag off of her i put it on the floor me strap yo self in payton payton straps her self in payton i did it dada me good job i close serenity door then i open my door i get in i close my door then i put my seat belt on then chris drives away from serenity school then chris drives and drives and drives then 48 minutes later she pulls up to gaston school she pulls in she finds a parking space she pulls in she turns her car off she gets her keys she takes her seat belt off then she opens her door she gets out she closes her door she locks her car payton dada where moma going me she going to get ya brother gaston payon ok dada me yea i walk to the doors of gaston school i open the doors i walk in then i walk to gaston class room i open the door i walk in gaston walksto me gaston ruff ruff moma me hey gadton how was yo day gaston ruff ruff it was fun moma me ok i go to gaston cubby i get his stuff i put his coat on him then i get his cat and the hat bag i put it on my shoulder then i buttion gaston coat up then i pick him up i walk to the door of his class room i open it i walk out i walk to the

i pull on to the street to get to my hubby tyga job i keep driving and driving then i pull up to my bae tyga job then tyga come out he locks up his store he puts the alarm code in then he walks to my car he opens my passenger door he gets it he cl...

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