in serenity bed room

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me and serenity are in her bed room serenity walks to her closet she walks into her closet she gets ready then she comes out her closet me serenity dada has to go get dressed payton ok dada serenity gose to sit in one of her chairs i walk to serenity bed room door i walk out chris walks out of gaston room she walks to me i jump oo damn bae you scard me chris im sorry hun me thats ok i pick chris up she falls asleep in my arms i walk to our bed room door i walk into our bed room then i close our bed room door i walk to our bed i pull our covers back on chris side of our bed then i lay her down then i kiss her four head she turns over and she gose to sleep i cover her up then i walk to my side of the bed then i walk to my side of the bed i pull the covers back then i get into me and chris bed i cover up i lay down onto my pillow then i go to 😴 the next morning i get my iphone i check the time its seven fifty i put my iphone down onto my night stand charging table then i pull the covers back on my side of me and chris bed i get out of me and chris bed on my side i put my feet into my slippers i get up off me and chris bed then i walk to our bed room door i open it up then i walk out of our room i walk to the stairs then serenity opens her bed room door then she walks out she walks to gaston room she opens his door she walks into his bed room she walks to his bed she gets his step stool.she takes it to his bed then she stands on it she gets gaston out of his bed she steps off gaston step stool she puts gaston down then she picks up his step stool she puts it back where she got it then her and her lil brother gaston walk to his bed room door then they walk out of his room they walk to me both serenity and gaston dada me hey serenity where is moma at me she still sleeping serenity y dada its morning time moma needs to get up me ik but mommy is tired gaston ruff ok dada me and serenity and gaston go down the stairs we all walk into the kitchen i pick sereity and gaston up i go put them into they high chairs then i take my seat our chef ms abby walks into the kitchen she gose and gets started on breakfast then chris comes downstairs she walks into the kitchen she walks to the table she pulls her chair out she sits down me hey baby good morning chris good morning hun 59 minutes later ms abby is done making breakfast she gets plates nd cups out of the cabnit then she puts them all down on to the counter nd then she gets gaston bowles she gets him sum water then she makes his breakfast then she comes to the table with his breakfast she puts his stuff on his tray table gaston ruff thanks ms abby ms abby your welcome gaston then she gose and make breakfast for her self and serenity and me and chris nd she pours us and her self cups of orange juice then she gets everything she gets forks out of the drawrs she closes it then she comes and sets the table she takes a seat with us she blesses breakfast then we all say amen then we all eat our breakfast then we drink our juices and water then we all get done ms andrea gets up from the table she clears the table she gose and washes our stuff out then she sets our stuff down on the counter then she walks away she walks out of the kitchen she gose to her office she closes her office door then me and chris get serenity and gaston out they high chairs we put them down then we push our chairs and they chairs in then we walk out of the kitchen then we walk to the stairs we walk up the stairs we walk to our rooms we walk into our bed rooms serenity and gaston are in they rooms playing with they toys then me and tyga walk to our bed room door we walk into our bed room i close our bed room door a lil bit me and tyga walk to our bed we pull the covers back we step out of our slippers we get into our bed we cover up i move closer to tyga he holds me tyga looks down at me he kisses me tyga i love you chris i look up at tyga i love you too huh im so happy i married the most handsomest man tyga aww and im happy i married the most sexiest most fine chocolate girl omg me aww t me yep i love you so much chris me i love you so very much tyga ms andrea walks to our bed room door she walks to our bed room door she knocks me come in ms andrea mr and ms stevidson im making hamburgers and fries and corn and backed potatos me ok ms andrea ms andrea leaves out of me and tyga bed room she walks to the stairs she walks down the stairs she walks into the kitchen she gose and gets started on dinner then 48 minutes later she gets done making dinner she plates dinner and she gets water for all us then she walks out of the kitchen she walks to the stairs she yells up the stairs we all come out our rooms we come to the stairs we walk down the stairs we walk into the kitchen payton dada up up k i pick payton up i put her into her high chair chris puts gaston into his high chair gaston ruff thanks moma me your welcome son i go take my seat payton blesses dinner amen we all say then we all eat our dinner then we get done then ms andrea clears the table me and tyga get up from the table we get serenity and gaston out they high chairs serenity dada i go potty me ok serenity i put serenity down serenity walks out of the kitchen me and chris and gaston follow her we all walk to the stairs we all walk up the stairs gaston walks to his bed roomvthen chris follows him they walk into gaston bed room then 48 minutes later chris walks out gaston room she closes gaston bed room door serenity walks to her bathroom door she walks in she closes her bathroom door then she gose and dose what she has to do she walks to her tolite she pulls the lid up then she pulls her pants down then she pulls her pull up down she sits on her tolite and she dose what she has to do thrn she whips herself with tissue she puts it in the tolite she flushes it then she puts the lid down she gose and soaps her hands then  she turns her water on to hot she washes her hands then she turn her water off she gose and drys her hands on her hand towle then she walks to her bathroom door then she walks to me payton dada up up i pick serenity up i walk into payton room i walk to her bed i put payton into her bed i give payton her doll she holds it then she gose to sleep i kiss her on her cheeks then i cover her up i walk to her bed room door i walk out of her bed room i close her bed room door

she takes it to his bed then she stands on it she gets gaston out of his bed she steps off gaston step stool she puts gaston down then she picks up his step stool she puts it back where she got it then her and her lil brother gaston walk to his be...

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