still in me and tyga bathroom

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i pee and poop in me and tyga tolite then i get tissue i whipe my self i put the tissue into the tolite then i get up i put the tolite seat and lid down then i flush the tolite then i go to the sink i soap my hands then i turn the water onto hot then i wash my hands then i turn the water off i go dry my hands onto me and tyga hand towle then i walk to me and tyga bathroom door i open it i walk out of me and tyga bathroom then i walk to me and tyga bed i walk to my side i get into me and tyga bed on my side but i pull the covers back then after i get in i cover up and i lay down minutes later i wake up tyga wakes up too we get out of our bed we put our slippers on then tyga walks to our bathroom he walks in then he takes his dick out he dose his biz then he whipes himself then he puts the tissue into the tolite then he gets up off of the tolite then he puts his dick up he puts the tolite seat down then flushes the tolite then he walks to the sink he soaps his hands then he turns on the hot water at the bathroom sink then he washes his hands then he gets done he turns the water off then he walks to our hand twole on the right he drys his hands on it then he opens the bathroom door then he walks out he fixes his night pants then he walks into our bed room tyga walks to me he kisses all on me mmm im awake t dang tyga stands back i get up out our bed i stretch then i put my feet into my slippers then i get up i walk to me and tyga bathroom i walk in i close our bathroom door i pull my night pants down i go to our tolite i pull up the tolite lip i sit down onto the tolite seat i do what i have to do then i get done i get tissue i whipe myself front and back really good then i get done i put the tissue into the tolite then i get up i pull my panties and night pants up then i walk to me and tyga sink i soap my hands then i turn the hot water on then i wash my hands good then i get done i turn the water off then i walk to me and tyga hand towle i dry my hands then i walk to our bathroom door i open it i walk out of our bathroom i walk to tyga he looks at me i look at him me you so silly tyga ik i am chris tyga picks me up me oo me yo hands cold t tyga walks to our bed room door he opens it while im in his arms still then he walks out our bed room while carrying me gaston and serenity walk out they rooms tyga walks to the stairs he walks down gaston and serenity walk down the stairs too they walk to the kitchen tyga puts me down we walk to the kitchen we pick up serenity and gaston then we walk into the dinning room we go put gaston and serenity into they high chairs then we go get breakfast started then we get done we get plates and gaston bowls we plate our breakfast and serenity breakfast on plates then i go give gaston his breakfast then i go get mine i walk to the table i put my plate of breakfast down on the table then i pull out my chair i take a seat then tyga gets him and serenity plates of breakfast then he walks to the table then he gives serenity her plate of breakfast then he puts his down then he pulls out his chair he takes a seat serenity blesses breakfast amen we all say then we eat our breakfast then we get done we drink our drinks then me and tyga get up from the table we get serenity and gaston out they high chairs we put them on the floor then me and tyga clean up the table we get done tyga gose and puts our dirty dishes into the empty dish washer then he closes it up then he walks away from the dish washer he gets the dish rag he walks back to the table he whipes the table down me and serenity and gaston walk into the living room then we walk out of the living room to the stairs we walk up the stairs serenity and gaston gose to they bed rooms they walk in i walk to me and tyga bed room i walk in i walk to our bed i get on my side ot our bed i get on top of our cover i get up i walk to our tv stand i get our game pad i hit the tv buttion i turn on our tv then i turn the channel to sifi then i put our game pad down my night stand on my side of me and tyga bed then i lay down on my pillow i look up at the tv minutes later tyga walks into our bed room he closes our bed room door a lil bit then he walks to our bed he walks to his side of our bed he gets on our bed on his side of our bed me and tyga put our pillows up we both sit up on our bed we watch tv minutes later i reach to my charging table i get my iphone i check the time then i put my iphone down onto my night stand on my side of me and tyga bed minutes later i get my iphone i check the time i put my iphone down on my night stand me tyga come on so i can fix lunch tyga ight chris me and tyga get out of our bed we put our feet into our slippers then we walk to our bed room door tyga opens our bed room door we walk out of our bed room serenity and gaston walk out they bed rooms they walk to us we both pick them up we walk down the stairs we walk to the kitchen we walk to the table we put serenity and gaston into they high chairs i go take my seat tyga gose and makes lunch he brings our drinks to us first then he gose back into the kitchen to make lunch tyga starts making lunch tyga gets done making lunch for gaston first he walks to the table he gives gaston his lunch then tyga gose back and fixes lunch for himself and serenity and me tyga gets done then he gets our plates he walks to the table he sets the table he gose and cleans up his mess then he gets done then he gose and washes his knife he used he puts it into the dishwasher with our morning dirty dishes then he leaves it opened then he walks to the table he takes his seat we all eat our lunch then we get done we drink our drinks then we get done tyga gets up he clears the table he gose and washes out our plates then he comes back to the table he sets our plates down then he gose and washes our cups then he comes nd puts them down on the table at the places we sat at then tyga gets serenity out of her high chair i get up out my seat i get gaston out of his high chair then we push our chairs in me and tyga put serenity and gaston down on the floor we all walk out of the kitchen we walk to the stairs we walk up the stairs gaston walks to his bed room he walks into his bed room serenity walks into her bed room she gose and takes care of her baby me and tyga walk to our bed room we walk in we walk to our bed we get onto our bed i get our wii u game pad then i turn it on i hit the tv buttion then i turn on our tv i put our game pad down onto my night stand on my side of our bed tyga moves close to me he holds me he leans down he kisses me i kiss him back we watch tv i look up at tyga me t can ya order pizza for dinner tonight tyga yea i will tyga lets me go he grabs his iphone off his night stand on his side of our bed he unlocks his iphone xr he gose to the phone he taps it he gose to the dial pad he dials pizza hut number then the owner picks up tyga orders our dinner then tyga hangs up then he deletes the call out of his call log on his iphone then he puts his iphone onto his night stand on his side of our bed then we get up off our bed we put our feet into our slippers then we walk to our bed room door i open it we walk out of our bed room payton nd gaston walk out of they bed rooms they walk to us we pick them up then we walk to the stairs we walk down the stairs we walk to the kitchen we walk in we go to the table we put serenity and gaston into they high chairs then minutes later there is a knock on our back door i go awnser it its the pizza guy me bae the pizza hear tyga ight hold up let me go get the money out of my wallet me ok i tell the guy one sec the pizza guy says ight miss tyga walks out of the kitchen he walks to the stairs then he walks up the stairs he walks to our bed room door he walks into our bed room he gose to his man purse he unzips it he takes his wallet out then he unzips his wallet he gets the money for the pizza then he zips his wallet back up he puts it into his man purse then he zips it up he puts it back by his side of the bed then he walks to our bed room door he walks out of our bed room he walks to the stairs he walks down the stairs then he walks back into the kitchen then he walks into the kitchen then he walks to our back door he pays the guy the money then i get the food the guy leaves tyga closes the back door he locks it then i walk to the table i put the big pizza box down on the table then i put gaston pizza down on the table i go get plates for me and tyga and serenity then i go get gaston bowles then i walk back to the table then i put the stuff down i get pizza and stuff for payton then i get stuff for me and tyga and then i close the pizza box tyga gets our pizza box he walks to the fridge he opens it he puts our pizza box in the fridge then i get pizza for gaston nd i go get a container i put the rest of gaston pizza in the container then i put the lid on it tyga gets it he walks to the fridge he opens it he puts the container of gaston pizza in the fridge then he closes it then i go get cups for me and tyga i get us some ice i get serenity cup i open it up then i put ice into it then i walk to the table i put me and tyga cups down nd serenity cup down i get one of the pops i open it i pour some in me and tyga cup and serenity sippy cup then i put the cap back on it tight then tyga gets it he gose and puts it in the fridge then he closes the fridge he walks back to the table he gets gaston bowl he gose and gets him some water then he walks back to the table he gives gaston his water then he takes his seat at the table he bless dinner then we all eat our dinner then minutes later we all get done me and tyga get up from the table we clean up the table we go do the dishes i open up the dish washer we put the dishes in the dish washer then tyga closes it up then we walk back to the table i go back and get the dish rag i walk back to the table i whipe the whole table down and gaston high chaur then i go put the rag back up then me and tyga get payton nd gaston out they high chairs we put them down then we push they high chairs in and our chairs in then we all walk out of the kitchen i turn the lights off we walk to the stairs we walk up the stairs gaston barks at me me yes son whats wrong gaston i go potty moma me ok i pick gaston up i walk down the stairs tyga payton go in yo bathroom and go potty payton ok dada i walk to the kitchen i walk into the kitchen i open the back door i put gaston down he gose in the grass he dose what he has to do then he gets done he walks to me i pick him up i walk back into the mansion i close the back door i lock it then i put gaston down then we walk out of the kitchen we walk to the stairs we walk up the stairs i follow gaston to his toy story bed room we walk in we walk to his bed he gets up in his bed he grabs his lots bear he holds it with his paws he lays down on his pillow nd he gose to sleep 😴😴 i cover him up then i walk to his bed room door i walk out i close his bed room door then i walk to me and tyga bed room door i walk into our bed room serenity gose to her bathroom she walks in she closes her bathroom door she dose what she has to do then she gets done she washes her hands  then she flushes her tolite then she drys her hands on her jojo siwa hand towle then she walks to her bathroom door she opens it then she walks out she yells for tyga dada im done tyga walks to her they walk to her bed room they walk in they walk to her bed serenity pulls her covers back she gets into her bed she covers up she grabs her jojo siwa bear then she lays down nd she gose to 😴😴 then tyga walks to her bed room door he walks out her bed room he closes her bed room doors then he walks to our bed room he walks in he closes our bed room door we both go get into our bed we cover up then we both lay down and we go right to sleep 😴😴

i pee and poop in me and tyga tolite then i get tissue i whipe my self i put the tissue into the tolite then i get up i put the tolite seat and lid down then i flush the tolite then i go to the sink i soap my hands then i turn the water onto hot t...

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