walkin to my parents room

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i walk in the hallway out my bed room i walk to my parents bed room i knock on the door my dad comes nd awnsers the door me can i borrow you nd mom tools ill bring them back yes k i walk out my parents room i walk back to my room i walk into my room i start talking everything off my bed i fold it up nd put it in boxes then i take my bed apart then i take my tv down i take the tv mount off the wall then i take my dresser drawrs out my dresser then i call a moving truck 20 minutes later the moving truck pepole get here they get out the truck they come knock on the door i walk out my bed room i walk downstairs i walk to the door i open the door they come in i show them to my bed room then i walk to my bed room i open my bed room door we walk in nd i help the movers move my stuff to they truck i help

i walk in the hallway out my bed room i walk to my parents bed room i knock on the door my dad comes nd awnsers the door me can i borrow you nd mom tools ill bring them back yes k i walk out my parents room i walk back to my room i walk into my ro...

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