doing the dishes

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me nd tyga clear the table we go do the dishes then then we get done tyga closes up the dish washer then me nd tyga walk out of the kitchen serenity and gaston follow us we go to the stairs we walk up the stairs we follow serenity and gaston to they bed rooms we walk in we go start they baths then we get done we cut they waters off then walk to they bathroom doors we walk out we go get them undressed out of they night wear and they underclothes then we turn they night wear right side out then we go to they laundry baskets we open them then we put they dirty under clothes in there then we close they laundry baskets we pick them up we go to they bathrooms we put them into they bath tubs then we get they rags we soap they rags then we put they soap up then we wash them up we still going nd going then we get done then we wet they rags in they water then we ring them out then we let they waters out then we hang up they rags then we get they towles we get them out with they towles we dry them off we get done then we hang up they towles we pick them up we go to they sinks we turn on they sinks we get they tooth brushes we wet them then we get they tooth paste we open they tooth paste we put tooth paste onto they tooth brushes then we close they tooth paste we put they tooth paste up then we wet they tooth brushes i brush gaston teeth tyga hands serenity her tooth brush she brushes her teeth she still going then she gets done she spits out her tooth paste she rinces off her tooth brush she puts it up i get done brushing gaston teeth then i rince his mouth out then i turn off his sink then i go get his rag i use to whipe his mouth off nd stuff i go back to his sink i whipe his mouth off tben i whipe out his eyes then i get done i go put his rag that i use to whipe his face with up away from his rag that i use to wash him up with then i go to his bathroom door then i walk out i go pack his bag then i get finished i go get his collar and leash then i unzip his bag i put his collar and leash in then i zip up his bookbag then i put his bookbag on my right arm then i pick up gaston i walk to his bed room door then i walk out i go to the stairs then i walk down the stairs tyga gose to serenity bed room doors then he walks out he closes serenity bed room doors then he walks to the stairs we walk down the stairs we walk into the living room we put serenity and gaston down onto the couch we put they stuff down on the floor next to the couch on the left side then we walk out we go to the stairs we walk up the stairs then we go to our bed room we walk in we go to our bathroom we go get our tooth brushes ready we get our tooth passes we open them we put tooth paste onto our toth brushes then we close up our tooth paste then we put them up we wet our tooth brush then we brush our teeth we brush them again and again then we wet our tooth brushes then we cut off our sink then we put our tooth brushes up then we walk away we go get our rags we use to whipe our faces off we whipe our faces nd mouths then we whipe our eyes we get done then we go put our rags up then we go to our bathroom door we walk out we go get our purses then we unzip them we get our keys out then we get our ear phones then we zip up our purses we go put them down onto our tv stand then we go shower one at a time after we get stuff for a shower then we get done tyga is the last one to cut the shower off nd get out nd stuff we get dressed in our under clothes nd clothes we go to our closet we walk in we go get shoes we walk to our closet doors then we walk out we go sit on our bed we put our shoes on after we loation up nd put our socks back on our feet we tie up our shoes then we get up off our bed we go get our purses then we go to our bed we unzip them we get our keys out then we get our iphones we get our earphones then we zip up our purses we go put them back where we got them then we go to our bed room door i open it i walk out tyga walks behind me then we go to the stairs we walk down the stairs we go to the living room then we walk in we get serenity nd gaston stuff then we pick him serenity and gaston then we walk out of the living room we go to the front doors of our mansion tyga unlocks them then i open them then tyga dose the alarm then i walk out tyga turns the locks then he closes the mansion front doors me and tyga look at each other tyga im not driving me ok we go to my car i get my keys i unlock my car me nd tyga go to both sides of my back doors we open them then we put serenity and gaston stuff down on the floor under them then me nd tyga strap them in then we close my back doors then we open my front doors we get into my front car seats we put our seat belts on i start my car up then we close my front car doors then i pull out of our drive way then i drive to our gate it opens i drive out then our gate closes then i drive away from our mansion im still driving nd driving then i pull up to the park then in pull in i find a parking spot i park my car then i cut my car off i get my keys then me nd tyga take our seat belts off i put my keys up into my pocket then i unlock my car doors me nd tyga open up my front car doors we get out we close my front car doors then we open up my back car doors we get serenity and gaston bookbags then we undo they car seat straps then we pick them up out or they car seats then we close my car doors i lock up my car then we walk away from my car we walk to the park we go to the baby swings we put gaston and serenity into the swings then we get behind them then we push them serenity nd gaston weee ruff weee me and tyga still pushing them in the swings the baby ones then we get done we take them out of the swings we put them down then they go to the other parts of the playground then they go play me and tyga go sit on a bench and we watch them play they still playing me and tyga take they bookbags off of they shoulders then we hold them while we watching serenity and gaston play we still watching them then they come to us cause they tired me and tyga pick them up we sit them next to us onto the bench we all just chilling me nd tyga look at each other we make cute faces at each other then we stop we sit straight nd we chill with serenity and gaston who is sitting next to us then me nd tyga get up we get gaston nd serenity we put they bookbags on our right shoulder with they right bookbag straps then we walk away from the park we head to my car we get to my car i get my keys out i unlock my car then me and tyga open my back doors we put serenity and gaston bookbags down then we put them into they car seats we strap them in then we close my back doors we open my front doors we get in then me and tyga put on our seat belts then we close my car doors i start my car then i drive out of the park parking lot serenity moma wy we leaving me cause we gotta go home serenity ok moma me yep im still driving i drive to the park entrince then i drive out i drive away from the park payton moma can we have micky ds for lunch dis afternoon please me nd tyga yes we going to go payton yaya me but we gotta go home first so mommy can get her purse nd daddy needs to get his too payton ok moma im still driving nd driving then i pull up to me nd tyga mansion gate the gate opens i pull in i park my car i cut my car off then i get my keys out me nd tyga take our seat belts off i unlock the doors i roll the windows down nd i turn on the air then me nd tyga open my front car doors we get out we close my front car doors then we go to our front doors i unlock them i do the alarm me nd tyga walk in then we go to the stairs we walk up the stairs we go to our bed room tyga opens our bed room door we both walk in we go get our hand bags then we go unplug our chargers from our charging desk then we unplug them from our charging bricks then we unzip our purses we put our charging bricks into our purses in our second pocket then we put our charging cords into the bottom of our hand bags then we zip them up half way then we go to our bed room door we walk out we go to the stairs we walk down the stairs we go to the front doors of the mansion i unlock them i open them me nd tyga walk out of the mansion i close the mansion doors then i lock them up with my keys then me and tyga walk away we go back to my car i unlock my car then me and tyga open up my car doors we get in i start my car then me and tyga put on our seat belts then i drive out of my parking spot of me and tyga mansion then i drive to our gate it opens then i drive out our gate closes then i drive away from me nd tyga mansion im still driving nd driving then i pull up to mickey ds i pull in i go to the drive thru then i pull up nd i order serenity lunch and drink the guy tells me the total then the guy tells me to pull up to the first windeow i say ight then i leave i pull up to the first windeow the guy opens it i get my purse i unzip it i get my wallet out i unzip it then i get the money out for serenity food i get out the amount then i hand the money to the guy then he gives me money back i get it i put it up in my wallet then i zip up my wallet then i put my wallet up into my purse then i zip up my purse i put my purse down onto my lap then i pull up to the second window i hand tyga my purse he grabs it he puts it onto the floor next to his then the lady opens the window she hands me the food nd drink i grab both of em i pull my bottom cup holders down i put serenity drink down into the first one then i put her kids meal box down onto the second cup holder i make sure it dose not fall then i turn around then i drive off im still driving i look at tyga me tyga are we gone eat at home or are we gone get lunch out ? tyga yea we can if you dont wanna eat lunch at home me ok so what do you wanna eat tyga lets get chick fila me ok im still driving then i pull up to chick fila i pull in then i go to the drive thru i pull up i place me nd tyga order then the lady says the total i tell tyga he grabs his man purse he unzips it he gets his wallet out the lady tells me to pull up to the window i pull up to the first window then tyga unzips his wallet then he gets the money out for our lunch he counts it to see if he has the right amount nd he dose he hands me the money i hand it to the lady when she ooens uo the sliding window then she give me money back i get it nd i hand it to tyga he puts it up into his wallet then he zips up his wallet he puts his wallet back into his purse then he zips it up then he puts it onto the floor next to mine i put our drinks into my front cup holders then tyga grabs our bag of food then he holds it on his lap then i drive away then i drive to the entrince then i drive out i drive away from chick fila im still driving nd driving nd driving then i drive to our mansion then i pull up to the gate the gate opens i drive in then i park my car then i turn my car off with my keys me nd tyga take our seat belts off then me nd tyga get our purses then i unlock my car doors then me nd tyga open my front car doors we get out we tyga closes my passenger door we open my back doors then we go to the front doors of the mansion then i unlock them with my keys then me nd tyga walk in we go to the srairs we walk up the stairs we go to our bed room we walk in we go put our purses down then we unzip our purses we take our charging bricks out then we get our charging cords we plug them in then we go plug them into the first plug on our chaging desk then we go get our iphones out of our purses we zip up our purses we go put our iphones down onto our night stands then we go zip up our hand bags then we walk to our bed room door we walk out we go to the stairs we walk down the stairs we go to the front doors of our mansion i unlock them then i open them up me nd tyga walk out we go to my car we go open my car doors we get serenity and gaston out of they car seats after we unstrap them then we get they bags we put they bookbags onto our right shoulders then tyga closes my right back door then we walk to the front doors of our mansion i open them me nd tyga walk in we go to the kitchen we walk in we go put setenity nd gaston into they high chairs at the table we walk to the exit of the kitchen then we walk out we go to the front doors we walk out we go to my car i get our drinks tyga gets our food we walk away from my car we go to the mansion doors we walk in se go to the table we put our stuff down tyga gose nd makes lunch nd water for gaston he gets done he gets his stuff he gose nd puts his stuff down onto his tray table then he sorts out our food then i go to the exit of the kitchen i walk out i go to the mansion doors i walk out i go to my car i get serenity stuff then i close all my car doors then i lock my car up with my keys i walk away i go to the doors of the mansion i walk in i close the mansion doors then i lock them then i go to the kitchen i walk in i go put payton food onto her tray table i open her stuff then i get her stuff out i open it i open up her sauces then i put her fries down onto top box of her chicken nugget box then i get her drink i go get her cup i open her cup nd her drink i got for her with her lunch i pour her entire drink into her cup then i put her top on her cup i screw it onto her cup then i go give her her cup i set it down then me nd tyga take our seats at the table we open up our food nd sauces then we oprn up our straws we put them into our drinks then we all eat our lunches we still eating then we get done we drink our drinks then we get done then me nd tyga get up from our chairs we clean up our stuff then we go throw our stuff away into the trash then we walk away we go clear the table we take serenity nd gaston out of they chairs we put them down then we clean up they mess tyga gose nd throws serenity box and empty sauce cantainers away then he walks away from the trash can then he comes back to me we walk to the exit of the kitchen then serenity nd gaston follow us we go to the stairs we all walk up the stairs then we go to our rooms we walk in serenity and gaston go play with they toys me nd tyga go chill in our bed we pull the blanket nd cover back then we get into our bed on our sides then we chill i get our tv remote i turn on our tv then i turn it up sum then i put our tv remote on my night stand on my side of the bed me nd tyga watch tv we still watching tv our chef ms abby comes out of her office bed room she walks to the kitchen she walks in she gose nd makes herself sum lunch nd sum to drink then she gets done she gets her stuff she walks to the exit of the kitchen then she gose to her office bed room she walks in then she gose to her bed she puts her cup of water down onto her night stand then she gets onto her bed she eats her lunch nd she watches her tv hours into the afternoon she is done watching tv nd eating her lunch nd  drinking her cup of water then she gets up off of her bed on the left side she gets her cup then she walks to her office bed room door she walks out she gose to the kitchen she walks in she gose nd dose her dishes then she gets done she closes the dish washer then she walks away after she gose to the freezer nd opens it nd looks to see what she is going to cook for dinner tonight then she closes the freezer she walks away she gose to the exit of the kitchen she walks out she gose to her office bed room she walks in she gose nd chills on her bed she watches tv then hours into the night she gets up off her bed she puts her feet into her slippers then she walks to her office bed room she walks out she gose to the kitchen she walks in she gose nd gets the stuff she needs to use to put dinner in then she gose nd sets up the stove then she gose nd gets things to use to stire the dinner nd stuff then she gose to the fridge she opens the freezer up she gets the food she is going to cook then she closes the freezer she gose nd puts them onto the counter by the stove then she gose nd gets two cans of corn nd peas nd greens then she gose and opens up everything then she gose nd gets the can opener she starts opening up the cans she puts the stuff she opened into the pots she got out gets cooking utensils to use to stir the food up with me nd tyga still on our bed watching tv nd serenity nd gaston still in they rooms playing with they toys and watching cartoons on they tvs our chef ms abby is still down stairs hours hours into the night ms abby gets done cooking nd platein dinner nd getting dinner ready for gaston nd she gets him sum water nd she makes drinks for me nd her nd tyga and serenity then she gets done she gets me nd tyga and serenity nd gaston stuff she gose nd set the table then she gose nd gets napkins she walks back to the table she passes out the napkins then she gets her stuff then she walks to the exit of the kitchen she gose to her office bed room she walks in then she gose nd puts her drink down onto her night stand then she puts her plate of dinner down onto her night stand she moves her cup of water back then she gose to her office bed room she walks out she gose to the stairs she walks up the stairs she comes to me nd tyga room she walks in she stands in our door way ms abby mr nd ms stevidson dinner is ready me nd tyga ok me nd tyga get up off our bed then we put our feet into our slippers we both go to our bed room door our chef ms abby follows us we all walk out ms abby gose to the stairs she walks down then she gose to her office bed room door she walks in then she gose to her bed she steps out of her slippers then she gets her plate of dinner then she gets on her bed she watches tv and she eats her food she uses her fork me nd tyga go get serenity and gaston from they bed rooms we go to the stairs we walk down the stairs then we go to the kitchen we walk in then we go put serenity and gaston into they chairs then me nd tyga pull our chairs out we take our seats then i bless dinner then we all eat our dinner our chef ms abby comes out of her office bed room she walks to the kitchen she walks in then she gose nd dose her dishes she gets done then she walks away she gose to the exit of the kitchen she gose to her office bed room she walks in she closes her office bed room door she gose nd gets ready for bed me nd tyga get done then we get up from the table out of our vhairs we clear the table we go do the dishes we get done tyga closes up the dish washer then tyga gets the dish rag he walks to the sink he turns the water on he wets the rag then he cuts the water off then we walk away we go back to the table he whipes the table down nd serenity nd payton tray tables then he gets done then he gose nd puts the rag up then our chef ms abby comes out of her office bed room she comes to the kitchen then she puts the rest of the food up thats left in containers then she gose nd puts them into the fridge then she closes it then she gose nd dose the dishes she used then she closes the dish washer up then she starts it then she walks away she cuts out the lights then me nd tyga get serenity and gaston out of they high chairs then we push our chairs in then we push they chairs in then we go to the exit of the kitchen then we walk out then we go to the stairs we walk up the stairs then we go to serenity and gaston bed rooms we put them down they walk in they go to they beds they walk up the stairs then we go to they beds we pull they covers back then they get into they beds they get they dolls they hold them then we cover them up we kiss them they kiss us back then we go turn they tvs off with they tv remotes we cut they lights out but they night lights are on and staying on then we go to they bed room doors we walk out we close they bed room doors door then we walk away we go to our bed room we walk in tyga closes our bed room door we go get ready for bed i get our tv remote i turn off our tv i put our tv remote down onto my night stand on my side of me nd tyga bed then me nd tyga pull our covers back we pray we step out of our slippers then we get into our bed we kiss each other then we get back onto our sides we cover up then we close our eyes nd we go to sleep we sleep
hours into the night i wake up i open up my eyes then i pull me nd tyga blanket nd cover back i get out of our bed i put my feet into my slippers then i go to me nd tyga bathroom i walk in i pull my night pants all the way down then i pull my panties all the way down then i go to me nd tyga tolite i lift up the tolite lid i sit down i get a piece of tissue off of me nd tyga tissue holder i do what i have to do then i get finished then i whipe myself really good back nd front then i get put the tissue into me nd tyga tolite then i flush it then i get up i put the tolite lid down then i pull up my panties nd my night pants then i fix myself then i go to me nd tyga sink i soap my hands then i turn the water on to hot then i wash my hands then i get done i cut the water off i go to me nd tyga hand towle i dry my hands off then i fix me nd tyga hand towle then i go to our bathroom door then i walk out i cut the lights out then i go to me nd tyga bed i get into our bed i cover up then i lay down tyga wakes up then he pulls the covers back on his side of our bed then he gets out he puts his slippers on i take my slippers off i put them onto our bed room floor on my side of our bed then i go back to sleep tyga walks away from his side of our bed he takes his thing out of his night pants then he walks to our bathroom he walks in then he gose to our tolite he lifts up the tolite lid then he takes a piss he still going then he gets done he puts his dick up into his undies in his night pants then he puts the tolite seat lid down then he flushes the tolite then he walks away he gose to our sink he turns on the hot water then he soaps his hands he rubs them together then he washes his hands he gets done then he turns the water off he walks away from our sink he gose to our hand towle he drys his hands onto our hand towle

me nd tyga clear the table we go do the dishes then then we get done tyga closes up the dish washer then me nd tyga walk out of the kitchen serenity and gaston follow us we go to the stairs we walk up the stairs we follow serenity and gaston to th...

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