next morning happy birthday baby

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its four am i wake up i lean in bae face me happy 25 birthday baby chris wakes up she looks up at me thanks bae but dont do that again me k im sorry chris alright i get up i go make breakfast after i get done making breakfast i go to the steps i call chris name me chris come eat breakfast nd get gaston chris k t chris gose to gaston bed room she opens his door she walks in she walks to gaston bed gaston wakes up chris gets him out his bed chris walks out gaston room they walk downstairs they walk into the kitchen chris puts gaston in his chair then i walk over to the table i set the table then i sit down at the table chris blesses breakfast then me and chris and gaston eat our breakfast then there is a knock at our door i get up from the table i go to the door i open it chris mom walks in me hey mom chris mom hey son then chris mom walks into the kitchen then chris gets up slowly she walks to her mom chris mom hey chris happy birthday baby girl chris thanks mommy chris mom your welcome baby girl chris mom leans down she kisses chris huge baby bump chris oo mommy chris mom stands up she walks into me and chris kitchen she puts something down here chris i brung you a cake ruff ruff hi nanna chris mom hi gaston then chris mom lights the cake then we all sing happy birthday to chris then chris blows out the candles then i go get plates for me and chris and chris mom gaston ruff ruff i cake too dada me no gaston then chris mom places cake on her plate and chris plate and my plate then she puts the rest of the cake in the box she brung then she gose nd puts it into our refrigerator then she closes our fridge then she walks over to gaston she picks him up out his chair ruff ruff gaston licks chris mom face 👅👩 then she puts him down then she hugs both me and chris chris mom oh i got sum for you sweetie chris ok mommy what is it chris mom wait chris mom walks away from us she walks to our front doors she opens it she walks out she walks to her car she unzips her purse she gets her keys out her purse then she unlocks her car she opens her driver door she gets bags then she closes her door she locks her car up then she walks back into me and chris mansion she closes the doors nd locks them then she walks into the kitchen she walks to chris she opens up the first bag she gets sum out she hands a box to chris chris opens up the box omg thanks mommy chris mom your welcome baby girl then chris mom gets a box out the second bag she hands it to chris chris opens it up chris mom its for serenity chris aww thanks mommy chris mom your welcome chris walks out of the kitchen she walks to the steps she walks to serenity room she opens serenity bed room door she walks in she walks to serenity jewlry box she opens it she puts serenity jewlery with the rest of her 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 jewlery pieces in it then she closes serenity huge jojo siwa jewlery box then she walks to serenity doors she walks out serenity room she closes serenity bed room doors then she walks down the stairs she walks to the kitchen chris mom well im bout to go home me and chris ok bye mom chris mom bye chris mom walks to our doors she opens them she walks out our doors she walks to her car she gets her keys out her purse then she unlocks her car she opens her driver door she gets in she buckles up then she starts her car she pulls out of our drive way then she drives away from me and chris mansion chris gose nd closes our doors nd locks it i get gaston i walk out of the kitchen with him chris bae wait let me clean up the kitchen me k chris gose nd cleans up the kitchen then when she gets done she walks out of the kitchen she walks to the steps me and chris walk up the steps i walk into gaston room i put him down he gose nd plays with his toys he has out of his toy chest i walk out of gaston room me and chris walk to our room we walk in to our room chris walks to our bed she pulls the covers back she gets into our bed she lays down nd gose to sleep me ill wake ya when its lunch time i walk to me and chris chair in our bed room on the left i sit down i get the tv remote i turn on the tv i turn it down a lil bit then i check my iphone nd its two fifty i get up out me and chris chair i walk to chris i wake her up me chris wake up im about to go make lunch chris gets up she yawns nd stretches then she gets out of our bed she makes her side of the bed up then she puts her feet into her slippers then me and her walk to our bed room door we walk out our bed room gaston comes out his room he comes to me ruff ruff moma chris picks gaston up me and chris walk down the steps

its four am i wake up i lean in bae face me happy 25 birthday baby chris wakes up she looks up at me thanks bae but dont do that again me k im sorry chris alright i get up i go make breakfast after i get done making breakfast i go to the steps i c...

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