me nd tyga going to our bathroom

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me and tyga walk to our bathroom we walk in i go start our shower then we go get our rags then we walk to our shower tyga opens the door then i get in tyga gets in tyga closes our shower door then we get the soap we soap up our rags then we put our soap back then we wash up starting with our necks then we keep going nd going nd going we wash up more times we still going then we get done we rince off then we rince off our rags then i cut off our shower then tyga opens the door we both get out we put our rags on the floor then we get our towles we dry off good very very good so our body wont be wet with water then we put our towles on the floor with our rags we pick them up then we go to our bathroom door i open it we walk out of our bathroom we go to our laundry baskets we open them we put our rags and towles in our baskets then we close up our laundry baskets we walk away we go get dressed in our new under clothes then we go get our loations we open them we go back to our bed we sit down on our bed we put loation in our hands then we put it on our body parts one at a time then we rub it in good then we get done then we get more we put it on our faces we rub it in good then we do each others backs we get done then we close up our loations then we go put them up where we got them then we go to our walk in closet then we walk in we go pick out our clothes nd i go pick out my high heels nd tyga gose nd picks out his shoes then i go pick out one of my fadora hats then me nd tyga walk to our closet doors we walk out we go put our stuff on the floor nd bed then me nd chris get dressed then we put our shoes on then we get done getting dressed tyga ties up his shoes i strap up my high heels then we get done we get off our bed then i go do my hair and makeup then i get done tyga gose nd dose his hair as well he gets done then we go undo our iphone chargers we take the cords out of our charging bricks then we go to our hand bags we unzip them we put our charging bricks in the second pockets of our purses then we put our charging cords into the bottom of our phrses then we go get our iphones we put them into our first pocket of our hand bags then we get done we zip up our hand bags then we put the on our bed we walk to our bed room door i open it we walk out then we go get serenity nd gaston bathes ready then we go get them up we undress them out of they night wear then we go get them new under clothes then we go put they stuff on they beds then we get them we go to they bathrooms we walk in then we go put them into they baths we get they rags we get they soaps then we soap up they rags then we put they soaps back we wash them up good then we get done then we rince them off then we get they rags wet we we ring them out then we put them on the floor we get they towles then we get them out of they tubs we let they bath waters out then we dry them off good we get done we get they rags we go to they bathroom doors we open them we walk out we go to the laundry baskets we open them we put they towles nd rags in then we close they laundry baskets we go to they walk in closets tyga picks out serenity shoes then he picks out her outfut for her to wear to school i pck out gaston outfit for school me nd tyga walk out of serenity and gaston closet then we go get them dressed tyga puts payton shoes on her then payton ties up her shoes she gets done tyga gose nd gets her hair stuff then payton gets off her bed she gose to her jewlery box she opens it she puts all her jewlery on then she closes her jewlery box then she walks away she gose to one of her chairs she sits down tyga walks to where she is he puts her hair stuff down then he undose her hair style he did on her hair then he dose what he has to do to her hair then he combs it then he brushes her hair then he combs her hair then he puts her hair up into a pretzel bun he gets done he gets serenity hair stuff he gose nd puts her hair stuff back where he got her hair stuff from then he walks away he gose nd gets her bookbag nd jacket nd lunch box i get gaston things then i get gaston tyga picks up serenity we walk out of they bed rooms we go to our room we go get our purse nd our lunch bags then we walk out of our bed room we go to the stairs we walk down the stairs we go  to the kitchen we walk in we go put serenity and gaston into they high chairs we put they bookbags onto the arms of our chairs then we go put they lunch bags down on the counters we open up our lunch bags we go make our lunches for work we get done then we zip up our lunch bags we go to our chairs we put them on the other arm then we go make serenity and gaston school lunches we get done we zip up they lunch bags after we put they ice packs in they lunch bags then we walk to the table we unzipthey bookbags we put they lunch bags into they bookbags we zip up they bookbags then we go fix them breakfast we get done we go give them they breakfast nd then i go get gaston some water then i go put his water down infront of him serenity and gaston eat they breakfast me nd tyga make our breakfast we get done we get our breakfast we go put it down onto the table infront of our chairs we pull our chairs out we sit down then we eat our breakfast serenity and gaston get done then me nd tyga get done we get up out of our chairs our chef ms abby comes out her office bed room she comes to the kitchen she walks in she gose nd makes her self some breakfast she gose nd opens one of the drwars she gets sum to eat with then she walks to her breakfast she gets it she walks to the exit of the kitchen she walks out she gose to her office bed room she gose in she gose nd chills on her bed she gets het tv remote she turns on her tv she puts her tv remote down onto her night stand next to her charging desk then she chills nd she eats her breakfast me nd tyga nd gaston nd serenity get done eating our breakfast and gaston is done drinking his water then me nd tyga get up from the table we clear the table we go do the dishes we get done our chef ms abby comes out of her office bed room she comes to the kitchen she walks in she gose nd dose her dishes then she gets done she walks away from the dish washer then she gose to the exit of the kitchen she walks into her office bed room she gose nd chills on her bed me nd tyga get serenity and gaston out of they high chairs tyga puts serenity down we all walk to the exit of the kitchen we go to the stairs we walk up the stairs we go to serenity and gaston bed rooms we walk in we go to they bathrooms we walk in we go get them new rags to whipe they faces with then we go to they sinks we turn they sinks on then we get they tooth brushes and tooth paste we wet they tooth brushes then we close they toothpaste we put they tooth paste up then they open they mouths and we brush they teeths we still brushing they teeths we get done we brush they tounges then we get done we rince they mouths out good they spit out the water then we wet they clean rags then we whipe they faces off then we whipe they mouths then we get done we go hang up they rags then we go to they bathroom doors we walk out then we go to they bed room doors we walk out with them then we close they bed room doors then we go to the stairs we both walk down the stairs we go to the kitchen me and tyga get serenity and gaston bookbags we get our stuff we unzip our hand bags we get our keys out we zip up our handbas a lil bit half way tben we go to the front doors of our mansion tyga dose the alarm then i unlock the doors i open them then tyga locks them back i walk out then tyga walks out he closes the mansion doors then we walk down the lil stairs we go to our cars we unlock our cars we open our back doors on the left we open our driver doors we start our cars then we open our left back car doors we put serenity and gaston stuff down on the floor underneath them then we put them into they car seats we strap them in then we close our left back doors then i get into my driver door tyga walks away from his car he comes to my car he kisses me i kiss him back then he says bye to gaston gaston ruff bye dada tyga walks away from my car i close my driver door then tyga gose to his car he gets in then he closes his driver door we put our seat belts on we put our stuff down on our passenger seats then tyga pulls out of the drive way then i pull out behind him our gate opens we both drive out the gate closes we drive away from our mansion tyga drives to payton school i drive to gaston school we pull in we find a parking spot we park our cars then we turn off our cars we take our keys out of our key wholes then we unbucle our seat belts we unlock our cars we open our driver doors we get out we close our driver doors then we open up our back left car doors then we get serenity nd gaston bookbags then we undo serenity and gaston car seat straps we get them out of they car seats we close our left back car doors then we lock up our cars we walk away from our cars we go to the doors of serenity and gaston schools we put them down we open the doors they walk in we follow them we go to they class room doors then we open them they walk in they go play with they friends we go put they bookbags into they cubbys then we say buy to them we go to they class room doors then we open tbem we walk out they class room doors close we go to the doors of they school we open them we walk out we go to our cars we unlock our cars we go to our driver doors we open them we get in we start our cars we close our car doors we put our seat belts on then we pull out of the parking lots of serenity and gaston schools we drive to the exit we drive out we drive away from they schools we driving nd driving and driving we pull up to our jobs then we pull in we find parking spots we park our cars we turn our cars off with our keys we unlock our car doors we open them we get our stuff we get out we close our driver doors we walk away from our cars after we lock them up we go to the doors of our jobs we do the alarms then we unlock the doors with our keys we open tbe doors we cut the lights on nd stuff we go to our brake rooms we put the code in then we walk in we go clock in we get done then we go to the doors of our brake rooms we open them our employees start coming in they go clock in nd go to they lockers they open up they lockers then they put they stuff into they lockers they get they iphones and chargers cords then they charging bricks they put them up into they aprons then they go to the door of the brake rooms one of the girls opens it they all walk out the boys and girls go to where they need to go nd be in our stores me nd tyga go to our offices we unlock our office doors we walk in we go put our stuff down then we go to our hand bags we unzip them we get our charger cords and our charging bricks we plug our charging cords into our charging bricks then we go plug up our chargers into our outlet plugs at the bottom under our desk and they stretch witch is a good thing then we go get our lunch bags we walk to our fridges we open them we put our lunch bags in there then we close up our fridges then we walk away we go to our desk we turn on our computers then we log in then we do what we have to get done we still working nd working we get done we do checks we get them ready nd stuff then we get done then we chill out for the rest of the day we get our iphones then we put our codes in then we get on our social media pages we check them on at a time we respond to coments nd stuff then we close out of all our social media apps then we relax then our alarms go off we turn them off then we close out of them then we put our iphones down then we pull our desk chairs back we get up we walk away from our desk we go to our fridge we open them we get our lunch bags then we close our fridge doors then we walk away we go back to our desk we pull out our desk chairs we sit down we open up our lunch bags we get all our stuff out then we zip up our lunch bags then we put them down onto the floor we open up our stuff then we eat our lunch then we get donewe eat our snacks we get finished then we drink our waters we get finished we get our empty stuff we get up out of desk chairs we go throw our stuff away then we got gather up checks we go to our office doors we open our office doors we walk out we go hand out checks to our employees we get done we go back to our office we get to our office doors we walk in we go chill on our couches we take naps then we wake up we stretch nd stuff we get off our couches we go to our desk we sit down in our desk chairs we chill nd we be on our iphones then we unplug our iphones from our chatger cords we get up out of our chairs we go to our office doors we go check on everythen they thing while our emploees are in the brake room for they lunch brake lunch brake is over then they come out after they go put they stuff up then they go back to they stations nd stuff they get back to doing what they need to do what me nd tyga told them nd gave them nd asked them to do they doing what they need to do for us then they still working till they alarms go off onto they iphones they still hard at work me nd tyga clean up our stuff we gather up our stuff we wait till our employees leave so we can lock up nd turn on our alarms our employees iphone alarms go off then they put they codes into they iphones they turn they alarms off then they clean up they get done they leave where they was at then they go to the brake rooms one of them puts the codes in the door opens then they walk in they go clock out after tbey get done clocking out they bead to they lockers they do they locker codes they lockers open then they get they stuff out they unzip they purses they get they keys out they close they lockers then they walk away they go get they jackets they put them on nd zip them up a lil then they go to the doors one of them opens the doors then they walk out they go to the front doors they open them they walk out they go to they cars they unlock they cars they open they driver doors then they get in they start they cars they put they stuff on they passenger seats then they put they seat belts on then they close they driver doors then they drive out of the parking lots of our jobs then they drive to the exit then they drive out of our jobs then they drive away from our jobs after our eployees leave after me nd tyga cleaned up and gatherd up our stuff then we go get our stuff then we cut out our lights then we go turn off the rest of the lights then we go lock up our office doors then we go to the front doors of our jobs we open them we walk out we lovk up we do the alarms then we walk away from our jobs we go to our cars we unlock our cars we open our doors we get in we start our cars we put our stuff down onto our passenger seats then we put our seat belts on we lock our car doors then we drive out of the parking lot of our jobs then we drive to the exit then we drive out of our jobs we go to serenity and gaston schools we pull up we pull in we go find a parking spot we park our cars then we turn them off with our keys we get our keys then we unlock our car doors we get our hand bags we unzip them we check to see if we have our charging bricks and our charging cords nd our iphones and we do then we zip up our purses we put them back on our passenger seats with our lunch bags then we get out of our cars we close our driver doors then we lock up our cars we walk away from our cars we go to the doors of gaston nd serenity schools we open them we walk in we go to they class room doors we open them we walk in we go to they cubbys we get they things then then we wait on them then they come to us we pick them up we say hi to them they say hi back to us we go to they class room doors we open them we open them we walk out of they schools gaston moma where is sissy payton at me daddy got payton from school they will be home gaston ok moma me yep me nd tyga walk to our cars we unlock our car doors we open up our driver doors then we open up our left back doors we put serenity nd gaston stuff down on the floor underneath they car seats then we put them into they car seats we strap them in then we close our left back car doors then we get into our driver seats we start our cars we close our driver doors we put our seat belts on then we drive out of the parking lots of gaston nd serenity school we go to the entrince we drive out then we drive away from they schools we drive we still driving and driving then we both pull up to our mansion our gate opens we both drive into our mansion drive way we park our cars then we cut our cars off with our keys we unlock our car doors we get our things off our passenger seats then we open up our driver doors we get out we close them then we open up our left back doors we get serenity and gaston bookbags we put them onto our right shoulders with the right strap then we undo they car seat straps we get them out of they car seats then we close our left back doors we lock up our cars tyga walks to me with serenity he kisses me i kiss him back i kiss payton then we walk to the front doors i unlock them with my keys then i open the doors we walk in i do the alarm then tyga closes the mansion doors he locks them then we go to the stairs we walk up the stairs we put serenity and gaston down they go to they bed rooms we follow them we open they bed room doors they walk in they go to they beds they get on they steps they get on they beds me nd tyga go put they bookbags down we go to they closets we open they closet doors we go hang up they jackets then we get done we go to they closet doors we walk out we go undress them out of they school clothes then we turn they clothes right side out we go to they laundry baskets we open them we put they stuff in there then we close they laundry baskets then we go dress them into they new night wear we got out for them that we washed we get done serenity gets on her stairs she climbs down then she gose to her jewlery box she opens it she takes off her jewlery she puts her jewlery into her jewlery box then she closes it then she takes her shoes off she gose to her walk in closet she opens the doors she walks in she gose nd puts her shoes up with her other shoes then she walks to her closet doors she walks out she closes her closet doors then she walks back to her bed she gets up on her steps then she gets on her bed she gets her tv remote she cuts on her tv she chills and watches her tv then he go to her bed room doors tyga walks out of her bed room i walk out of gaston room tyga walks to me he picks me up i look up at him he kisses me he walks to our bed room he opens our bed room door he walks in he puts me down we go take off our shoes tyga unties his shoes i unstrap strap my high heels then we get our shoes we go to our walk in closet tyga opens the doors we walk in we go put our shoes up with the rest of them then we take off our jackets we go hang them up then we walk away we go to our closet doors we walk out i close our closet doors we go to our laundry baskets we open them we take off our clothes we wore to work then we turn our clothes right side out then we put them into our laundry baskets then we close our laundry baskets lids then we go get new night wear out of our rolling drawrs then we close them then we get dressed into our new night wear then we go get our iphone bricks nd our charging cords out of our purses we plug them in then we get our iphones we zip up our hand bags we walk away we go to our bed we go to our sides we pull our covers back we plug in our iphone chargers in the first plug of our charging desk then we get into our beds into our sides we cover up i get our tv remote i turn on our tv then i put our tv remote down onto my night stand next to my charging desk then me nd tyga chill and watch tv we still chilling watchin tv then hours i to the night tyga gets his iphone he taps it he looks at the time then he puts his iphone back onto his night stand then he taps me i look at him yes king t tyga ima go make dinner me what you gone make tyga ima make pizza and pizza fries me ok king t tyga pulls his civers back on his side of our bed he gets out he puts his feet into his slippers then he gose to our bed room door but he gose nd gets his dew rag he puts it on his hair nd he ties it up then he gose to our bed room door he walks out then he gose to the stairs he walks down the stairs he gose to the kitchen he walks in he gets everything he needs to make dinner he gets started cooking dinner he still making dinner i pull the covers back on my side of me nd tyga bed i vet out of our bed on my side i put my feet into my slippers then i go put my scarf on i tie it up then i put my bonnet on i get done i go to me nd tyga bed room door i walk out i go to gaston room i stand in the door way of his room he gets out his bed he comes down his stairs he comes to me i pick him up then i walk out of his bed room i go to the stairs i walk down the stairs i head to the kitchen i walk in i go put gaston into his high chair then i pull out my chair then tyga gets done making dinner nd stuff then he plates nd bowls dinner but he cuts up the pizzas but not the pizza fries then he gets everything he comes nd sets the table then he gose nd cleans up everything he used nd he dose the dishes then he gets cups ms abby comes out of her office bed room she walks to the kitchen she walks in she comes nd gets her plate ms abby thanks tyga tyga your welcome ms abby ms abby walks to the exit of the kitchen she gose to her office bed room she walks in she gose nd puts her plate down on her bed tyga gose nd gets cups he puts them out on the counter he gose to the fridge he opens it he gets one of the pops out he closes the fridge he puts the pop down then he gets four of the cups one at a time he opens the freezer he gets ice into the cups on at a time then he closes the freezer he puts the cups down he opens the pop he pours pop into the four cups then he gets done he closes the pop then he opens the fridge he puts the pop back into the fridge then he gets three of the cups he comes nd sets the table ms abby comes out of her office bed room she comes to the kitchen she walks in she gets her cup of pop then she walks out of the kitchen she gose back to her office bed room she walks in she gose nd puts her cup of pop down onto her night stand she picks up her plate

me and tyga walk to our bathroom we walk in i go start our shower then we go get our rags then we walk to our shower tyga opens the door then i get in tyga gets in tyga closes our shower door then we get the soap we soap up our rags then we put ou...

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