walking out of gaston school heading to my car with gaston

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i walk to the front doors i open the door i walk out i walk to my car i get my keys i unlock my i open my driver door nd the left side of my back door i put gaston in his seat payton hi gaston gaston ruff ruff hi sissy payton i strap gaston in then i put his bookbag down on the floor underneath him then i close his door then i open my driver door i get in i start my car i close my door i put my seat belt on then i drive away from gaston school i drive and drive and drive then im still driving then 58 minutes i pull onto the street of me and tyga mansion then i pull up to our mansion then i pull into our drivway i park my car then i take my seat belt off i get my stuff then tyga takes his seat belt off he gets his man bag we open my car doors we get out we open my back doors we take gaston nd serenity seat belts off of them we get them out they seats we get they bookbags then we close my car doors i lock my car up we walk to around to the door of our mansion tyga gets his iphone he puts his code in then he gose to the alarm app he dose the alarm i unlock the door we walk in the mansion i close the door then tyga dose the alarm again from his iphone then he closes out of the alarm app then me and tyga walk to the stairs then we walk up the stairs we walk to serenity and gaston bed room door we walk into they rooms with them i put serenity down she gose and changes into her night wear then she gose and puts her clothes into her laundry basket then she walks away she walks to her bed she pulls her covers back onto her bed then i put her in her bed i get her doll she gets it she gose to sleep then i walk to her bed room door i walk out her bed room i close her bed room door then i walk to me and tyga bed room i walk in i notice tyga is not in our bed room i walk to the stairs i walk down the stairs then i walk to the kitchen i walk into the kitchen nd i see tyga me t wyd tyga jumps nd turns around tyga im making pizzas for dinner me oh ok tyga yes i walk out of the kitchen i walk to the stairs i yell for serenity and gaston serenity gets out her bed she gose nd gets her brother gaston out his bed then she walks out his room she walk to the stairs she walks down the stairs then she puts her brother gaston down they walk into the kitchen then me and tyga pick them up then we go put them into they high chairs i take my seat in my chair tyga gose nd tends to the pizza he gets plates for me and himself and serenity and he makes a pizza for gaston gaston pizza is done cooking then he plates all our stuff but he gets gaston dog bowles he puts gaston pizza in one of his bowls then he gets gaston some water he plates our pizza he gets us water then he gets our stuff then he comes and sets the table then he takes his

i walk to the front doors i open the door i walk out i walk to my car i get my keys i unlock my i open my driver door nd the left side of my back door i put gaston in his seat payton hi gaston gaston ruff ruff hi sissy payton i strap gaston in the...

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