me and tyga walking into the kitchen

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me and tyga walk into the kitchen we walk to the table we put serenity and gaston into they high chairs then i take my seat at the table tyga gose and cooks dinner minutes later he gets done he comes and sets the table then he gose and gets juice in cups with ice then he puts the juice up into the fridge then tyga closes the fridge then he gets our cups of drinks he walks to the table she hands me and serenity our drinks she puts them down she puts her cup of juice down then she gose and gets gaston some water in his water bowl then she brings it to the table she puts it on gaston tray table then she gose and gets his dinner ready then she walks back to the table she gives gaston his dinner then she takes her seat at the table tyga gets done cooking dinner for me and him and serenity he gets plates he plates dinner then he comes and sets the table then he takes his seat at the table he blesses dinner then we all eat our dinner then we drink our water and juice we all get done then tyga gets up out of his chair he cleans up the table nd he gose and dose the dishes then he starts the dish washer then i get up from the table i get gaston tyga gets serenity then me and tyga push our chairs in then we walk out of the kitchen we walk to the stairs then we walk up the stairs we walk to serenity and gaston bed roon doors we walk into they bed rooms gaston ruff ruff moma i go potty me ok i walk out of gaston room i walk to the stairs i walk down the stairs i put him down me gaston stay right here mommy has to go get her iphone out of me and dada room gaston ruff ok moma serenity dada i go potty tyga ight tyga outs serenity down serenity walks to her bathroom she walks in she closes her bathroom door she pulls her pants and undies down she walks to her tolite she lifts up the tolite seat she sits down onto her tolite she dose what she has to do i walk to me and tyga bed room door i walk in i go get my iphone i unlock my iphone with my face then my iphone unlocks then i go to the alarm app i open it i do the alarm then i walk out of me and tyga bed room then i walk to the stairs i walk down the stairs i walk to the front door where gaston is at serenity whipes herself then she puts the tissue into her tolite she gets up then she flushes her tolite then she gose to her sink she washes her hands then she turns off her sink then she gose and puts her tolite seat down then she walks to her bathroom door she opens it she drys her hands off onto her hand towle by her sink then she walks out of her bathroom she walks into her bed room i open the front door i let gaston outside me gaston go use it gaston gose and uses the potty in the front yard then he gets done he walks back to me i pick him up i close the front door i unlock my iphone with my face then i go to the alarm app i do the mansion alarm then i close out of the alarm app on my iphone then i walk to the stairs i walk up the stairs i walk to gaston room i walk in i go put him to bed then i cover him up i give him his doll then he gose to sleep serenity gets into her bed i cover her up serenity dada my jojo bear i get her jojo bear i give it to her she gets it she holds it she gose to sleep i give her a kiss on her cheek her right one then i walk away from her jojo siwa bed then i walk to her jojo siwa bed room door i lean down i turn on serenity jojo siwa unicorn night light then i walk out of payton room i close her bed room doors i walk to me and chris bed room door i walk into our bed room i walk to our bed

me and tyga walk into the kitchen we walk to the table we put serenity and gaston into they high chairs then i take my seat at the table tyga gose and cooks dinner minutes later he gets done he comes and sets the table then he gose and gets juice ...

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