cleaning up the kitchen

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me and tyga get up from the kitchen tyga cleans up the table i get gaston and serenity out of they high chairs i put serenity down tyga gets done cleaning up the entire kitchen we all walk out of the kitchen we walk to the stairs we walk up the stairs we walk to serenity and gaston bed room doors we walk into they bed rooms we go put them to bed we give them they carecter dolls then they go right to sleep we walk to they bed room doors we walk out we close they doors then we walk to our bed room door we walk into our bed room i close me and ty bed room door we walk to our bed we pull the covers back on our bed we get in we pray then we kiss then we cover up then we lay down onto our pillows and we go straight to sleep minutes later i get my iphone eight plus i check the time its seven am i pull the covers back on my side then i get out of me and tyga bed i walk to me and tyga dresser i get my stuff for a shower then i walk to our bed room door after i close my dresser drawrs on my side of me and ty dresser then i walk to me and ty bathroom door i walk into our bathroom i close our bathroom door then i go put my stuff on our sink then i strip out of my dirty under clothes i take my night wear off i put it to the side away from my dirty under clothes i walk to me and t shower i pull the shower curtians back i turn on the shower to hot then i get my rag i get into me and ty shower i close the shower curtian then i soap my rag up i put the soap up then i wash my body  as im in the shower i hear our bathroom door open then close then they go take a 🌊🌊 then they  whipe them selves then they flush the tolite then they put the lid down then they go soap they hands then they wash them in the hot water then they turn the hot water off thrn they dry they hands onto the hand towle then they walk to the shower they pull back the shower curtian me ahhh damn it tyga you scared me shit tyga my bad bae good morning tho me good morning king t tyga closes the shower back he walks away me i love you king t tyga i love you to chris tyga walks out of our bathroom he gose to our bed he sits down nd he waits on me minutes later i get done washing up then i turn the shower off i ring my rag out then i get out of me and t shower then i hang my rag up then i get my towle i dry off then i hang my towle up then i go put my new under clothes on nd i put my clothes on then i get my dirty underclothes nd i get my night wear i walk to our bathroom door i open it i walk out of me and tyga bathroom i walk into our bed room i walk to our laundry basket i open it i put my dirty under clothes in there then i close me and tyga laundry basket lid then i walk away i walk to me and tyga bed room door i open it i walk out me and tyga bed room door i walk to the stairs payton comes out her room she walks to me me morning payton payton morning moma me yea hungry payton yes i am moma me ok come on me and payton walk downstairs we walk to the kitchen we walk into

me and tyga get up from the kitchen tyga cleans up the table i get gaston and serenity out of they high chairs i put serenity down tyga gets done cleaning up the entire kitchen we all walk out of the kitchen we walk to the stairs we walk up the st...

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