heading upstairs

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me and chris and gaston walk up the steps chris here t get gaston ima go take a nap me ok 😏 i walk to gaston room chris walks to me and her room she walks in she closes our bed room door after i put gaston in his room on the floor gaston plays with his toys then i walk out of gaston room i walk to me and chris room i open me and chris bed room door i walk into our room i close our door a lil bit i walk to our bed i get in our bed i cover up i look over nd chris is naping i lean over nd i kiss her forhead i cover up i get my tablet i unlock it i open up candy crush soda saga i play it then i get out of it i put my tablet down on my night stand on my side of the bed then i lay down on my pillow and i go to sleep 45 minutes later i get my iphone i check the time then i put my iphone down nd i go back to taking my nap then i check my iphone again nd its two fifty i get up i put my houshoes on then i walk to the steps i walk down the steps i walk into the kitchen i go prepair lunch then i get done i go set the table chris and gaston comes into the kitchen chris walks to the table she puts gaston in his high chair chris takes her seat i sit down in my chair aswell we eat our lunch then we drink our drinks then i get up nd i clean up the table me ima make burgers for dinner nd gaston gone eat his dog food chris ight bae me yea ooooo me chris whats wrong ? chris serenity was kicking me super hard me aww chris yes hun me you good tho chris yes bae i am me ok i get gaston out his high chair me and chris walk out of the kitchen we walk upstairs we walk into our bed room i walk to me and chris bed i get gaston cat and the hat doll i walk to me and chris bed room door i walk out our bed room i walk to gaston cat and the hat bed room door i open his door i walk in i put him

me and chris and gaston walk up the steps chris here t get gaston ima go take a nap me ok 😏 i walk to gaston room chris walks to me and her room she walks in she closes our bed room door after i put gaston in his room on the floor gaston plays wi...

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