still in the kitchen

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me and chris make our breakfast then after we make our breakfast we go to the table we take our seats we bless our breakfast then we eat our breakfast then after we are done we go wash our plates nd we put them back on the table we gone use them for lunch nd dinner when we come back from baby shopping chris ill drive me no ill drive i dont need you going off nd upseting serenity chris t im fine me ok but ima still drive chris no t ill drive me ok we walk out the kitchen we walk to the steps we walk up the steps we walk to our room i open our bed room door we walk into our bed room we get our purses then we walk out of our bed room we walk to the stairs then we walk downstairs then i open the door me and chris walk out of our mansion i lock the doors then me and chris walk to her car chris unlocks her car we both open our doors we get in we buckle up chris starts her car we close our doors chris drives out of the drivway she drives nd drives nd drives then she stops at a stop sign then she drives then 45 minuts later we pull up to target sbe pulls into target parking lot she finds a parking space nd she parks her car then we both take our seat belts off we get our purses then we open our doors we get out we close our doors then chris locks her car up we walk in to target hand and hand i let chris hand go i get a cart then i push the cart i follow chris to isals chris gose crazy she gets baby clothes nd hella baby stuff extra stuff twice me god damn how much baby girl stuff nd toys did you get chris hella i want serenity to be spoiled me ok well lets go check out chris ok me and chris go check out i pay for everything then i zip up my man bag i push the cart chris follows me we walk out of target chris unzips her purse she gets her keys out then she unlocks her car she walks to her car i follow chris to her car chris unlocks her car nd opens her trunk then i load all the bags nd stuff into chris trunk then i keep going nd going nd going nd going chris opens her driver door she gets in she starts her car she puts her seat belt on 45 minutes later i get done loading her car then i close her trunk i go put the cart back then i walk to chris car i walk to the passenger side i open my door i get in i put my seat belt on chris puts her purse on her lap i put my man purse on my lap aswell then me and chris close our doors chris pulls out of the parking lot of target

me and chris make our breakfast then after we make our breakfast we go to the table we take our seats we bless our breakfast then we eat our breakfast then after we are done we go wash our plates nd we put them back on the table we gone use them f...

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