still in my bed

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i get into my bed i cover up then i lay down i grab my tablet i unlock it nd go play one of my games i get out of one of my games im playing i put my tablet down my tablet gose off i get my iphone i hit the home buttion i look at the time its eleven o clock at night i put my iphone down next to my tablet i lay down i cover up really good nd i go to sleep the next day i wake up nd i get outta my bed then i put my feet into my slippers i walk to my bathroom i walk in i pull my stuff down i walk to my tolite i put the seat up i piss ina tolite then i whip my self then i flush the tolite then i put the seat down i go nd soap my hands i turn the water on i wash my hands then i turn the water off i go nd dry my hands then i strip out my night clothd i fold my night clothes up i walk in my room i walk to my bed i put my night clothes onto my bed then i go get my stuff i need for a shower then i walk into my bathroom i go put my stuff down toto my tolite then i get my dirty under clothes nd i go into my room i go to my basket i put them in my basket then i grab my basket i walk out of my room i walk to the basment i walk down the steps then i walk into the laundry room i walk to the washer nd dryer then i start doing my laundry then i dry my laundry then when my clothes are done i open the dryer i fold up all my clothes then i put them in my basket then i get my basket i walk out the laungry room i walk upstairs i close the basment door then i walk to the steps i walk up the steps i walk to my bed room i walk into my bed room i put my basket down i start putting my clothes up where they go then when i get done i put my lsundry basket behind my closet door then i get my beats pill off my night stand and i get my charger nd i get my iphone i walk into my bathroom i close my bathroom door i go put my beats pill down on my sink i plug it up i plug the charger in i wait then ten minutes later i turn it on it connects to my iphone i go to my music i boghut with mass mass mass mass itunes cards i play a song then i walk to my shower i turn it on i turn the water to hot i feel the water nd it is hot i get my rag i open my shower door i step into my shower i start to soap up my rag then i put my soap back in its container then i wash my body i do it twice then i wash my dick twice then i rince my body off then i ring my rag out i turn my shower off i open the door i step out of ny shower i clean out my shower then i fold my rag up nd i hang it up i get my towle i dry my whole body off then i put my under close on then i go unplug my beats pill
i grab my beats pill and charger then i walk out my bathroom i walk into my room i got plugg my beats pill charger into my muli out let pluggs then i get dressed nd i put my shoes on i tie them up then i get my man purse i walk out my room i walk downstairs i walk into my kitchen i go make myself some breakfast then i make breakfast for my lil brother greyson i go upstairs

i get into my bed i cover up then i lay down i grab my tablet i unlock it nd go play one of my games i get out of one of my games im playing i put my tablet down my tablet gose off i get my iphone i hit the home buttion i look at the time its elev...

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