tyga and serenity and gaston walking out of the kitchen

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tyga and serenity and gaston walk out of the kitchen they walk to the stairs they walk up the stairs serenity and gaston go to they rooms they walk in tyga gose to our bed room he walks in nicki gets her keys out or her purse she unlocks her car she zips her purse up her doors open up in a butterfly me omg wowo this is nice onika thanks cupcake i go get in on the passenger side i close my door then i put my seat belt on then nicki gets in on the driver side she closes her door then she puts on her seat belt then she starts her car up then he drives out of me and tyga drive way she drives away from our mansion nicki puts music on from her iphone she puts her iphone into her cup holder the first one she continues to drive and drive me so where we going for breakfast nicki ? nicki we going to ritchard walkers pancake house me ok nicki yep nicki is still driving minutes minutes later in the morning she pulls up to the resturant she finds a parking spot she parks her car then she turns her car off then she gets her purse she takes her seat belt off i take my seat belt off i get my purse then me and nicki opens her door nd i open my door too we both get out of nicki car we close our doors then nicki locks her car up we both walk away from nicki car nicki unzips her purse she puts her keys up then she zips up her purse but she gets her iphone out then she zips her purse up then we both walk to the front doors of the resturant minutes later riri pulls up she parks her car then she turns off her car she gets her purse she unzips it she puts her keys in she gets her iphone she zips her purse up she takes off her seat belt she opens her car door she closes it she unzips her purse she gets her keys out she locks up her car she puts her keys in her purse then she zips up her purse she walks over to us me and onika hey bubble gum we all walk to the door of the resturant riri gets the door for us we all walk in the waiter comes over to us how may i hlep you ladies this morning ? me we want a both the waiter looks at all of us omg your chris brown stevidson nd your nicki minaj graham nd your riannah marshall omg its a plesure meeting you girls omg me nd nicki nd riri thanks the waiter follow me we follow the waiter he stops at a booth we take our seats he gose and gets us minues then he comes back with them he hands them out to us then he tells us he will be back to take our drink orders minutes later our waiter comes back to our booth he ask us what we would like to drink we order our drinks then the watier writes down our drink orders then he walks away from our booth we all talk me so whats been going on girls nicki nd riannah nun chris me ok minues later our watier comes with our drinks he hands our drinks out to us then he takes our food order we order our food then he writes it down then he walks away my iphone eight plus gose off i get it i check it its email and game notifications i clear them then i put my iphone up i unzip my purse then i put my iphone in my first pocket of the front of my purse then i zip my purse up minutes later the waiter comes out with our breakfast he sets our table then he leaves i bless the food amen we all say then we eat our breakfast then we all get done then we drink our drinks then we get done then the waiter comes to our booth he cleans up our stuff then he walks away then he brings us our check me oh wow i hand the check to nicki nicki gives it to riri riri unzips her purse she gets her wallet out she gets out a twenty and she gets out one of her credit cards witch is a master card we all get up out of our booth we get our purses then we walk to the cash regester riri hands over the money and her card then minutes later the cashier hands riri her card back riri unzips her purse she gets her wallet out she opens her wallet up she puts her card back with the rest of her money and cards then she closes up her wallet then she puts it back in her purse then she gets her keys out then she gets her iphone out then she zips her purse up we all walk out of the resturaunt nicki unzips her purse she gets her keys out she also gets her iphone out then she zips her purse up riri walks to her car she unlocks it she opens her car door she gets in then she starts her car up she pulls out of the partking lot of the resturant then she drives away me and nicki walk to her car nicki unlocks her car me and nick get into her car on each side then we grab our doors they close down nicki starts her car she turns on her iphone then it connets to her car she puts music on that she got with mass mass itunes cards then she talks to siri nicki siri text bubble gum go to the mall me and cupcake on our way siri says ok nd she sends the text then siri reads my text text from bubble gum ok twinkie then my music plays im still driving then i pull up to the mall i pull in i find a parking spot i park my car then i turn my car off i get my keys i get my purse i unzip my purse then i turn a song off on my musicon my iphone thats playing then i click my iphone off me and cupcake both take our seat belts off cupcake gets her purse then we open my doors we get out of my car we close my doors then i lock up my car with my keys then i put my keys into my purse i zip up my purse then riri walks over to us we walk into the mall riri so where we headed first cupcake lets go to auntie annes me nd bubble gum ok we all walk to the auntie annes place we stand in line we wait nd wait then its our turn cupcake unzips her purse she takes out her wallet she unzips her wallet she gets one of her credit cards out then me and bubble gum tell her what we want then cupcake orders our stuff nd her stuff then she pays for it then she puts her card up into her wallet then she zips her wallet up she puts it back into her purse then she zips her purse up then she waits on our stuff then our drinks are made nd our stuff is in bags me nd twinkie go get our stuff nd cupcake gets her stuff then we walk away from the counter of the place twinkie where to next ? me lets go to victoria secret i need to get lots more panties and bras twinkie and bubble gum ok we do too me ight we walk to victoria secret we all walk in a lady hands us bags we go get the things we all need then we all get done then we walk to the check out register we get inline we wait then then we all walk to dif registers we all take our stuff out our shopping bags then the ladies scans our stuff then she tells us our totile then we unzip our purses we get our wallets out we get the money out for our stuff then we hand the ladies the money then they give us money back then we out our money up into out wallets then we put our wallets into our hand bags then the ladies bag up our things then we get our bags we zip up our hand bags then we walk to the front of the store we walk out of the store we put our auntie ann bags in our victoria secret bags then we walk out of the store me so where to next twinkie and bubble gum nike they both say me ok we all walk to nike we walk in we go get bags we go shopping then we get done we go check out we pay for our stuff then we get our bags and we walk out of the store we go into other stores and we go shop then we come out with mass bags twinkie and bubble gum unzips they purses they get they car keys out and they iphones they zip they purses up then we walk to the doors of the mall i open the door we all walk out of the mall bubble gum gives me and twinkie kisses me and twinkie kiss bubble gum back then bubble gum walks away from us she walks to her car she unlocks her car she opens her car door she pops open her trunk she walks to her trunk she puts all her shooping bags into her trunk then she gets done she closes her trunk then she walks to the front of her car she gets into the drivers side she closes her door she starts her car then she pulls out of the parking lot of the mall then she drives away from the mall she honks her car horn at me and twinkie twinkie unlocks her car her doors open up then she pops open her trunk then we walk to her trunk we put all our bags in her trunk on each side then twinkie closes her trunk then we go get into her car twinkie starts her car then we both put our seat belts on then twinkie pulls out of the mall parking lot i put my purse onto my lap twinkie hands me her purse i put it on the floor under my feet with out stepping on her purse twinkie is still driving and driving minutes minutes minutes later she pulls up to me abd tyga mansion i unzip my purse i get my keys out then twinkie pops open her trunk then i take my seat belt off i open my door i get out of twinkie car i walk to the trunk i get all all all all all my bags in both my hands then twinkie closes her trunk then she walks to the front of her car she gets into the driver side of her car then she buckles up then she pulls away from me and tyga mansion i walk to me and tyga front door i unlock it with my key i do the alarm then i walk in i close me and tyga mansion front door then i lock it i walk to the stairs i walk up the stairs i walk to me and tyga bed room i walk in i go put all my stuff down i unzip my purse i put my keys in my purse then i get my iphone charger and my brick i go plug it in my charging desk on my side of me and tyga bed then i get my iphone out of my purse i zip my

tyga and serenity and gaston walk out of the kitchen they walk to the stairs they walk up the stairs serenity and gaston go to they rooms they walk in tyga gose to our bed room he walks in nicki gets her keys out or her purse she unlocks her car s...

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