still in gaston bathroom

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after i get done i walk out of gaston bathroom i go to his bed i put him down i take his dirty stuff off of him i go put his dirty stuff in his dirty clothes hamper then i go to his closet i open it i get out sum he gone wear then i close his closet i walk back to his bed i put his clothes down then i pick him up tyga is still in serenity bathroom he gets her rag he gets her soap he soaps her rag up he washes her up nd stuff then he gets done he gets her rag wet then he rinces her off then he lets her water out then he rings out her rag then he hangs her rag up then he gets her out of her tub shower then her water is done going down then tyga gets serenity towle he drys serenity off with her towle then he gets done then he hangs up serenity towle i walk into gaston bathroom i walk to his tub slash shower then i get his rag and soap i soap his rag i put his soap back then i wash gaston up good then i wash him three more times i get done then i wet his rag in his bath water then i rince him off then i get done i ring his rag out good then i hang it up tyga gets serenity under clothes on her then he gets done serenity and tyga walk out her bathroom they go to serenity bed tyga helps serenity get ready nd stuff he shows serenity how to tie her shoes then he undose it and she dose it by herself tyga good job serenity serenity thank you dada i get gaston towle then i get him out of his tub then i dry him off good i get done i hang his towle up then i pick gaston up i walk to his bathroom door then i walk out i go to his bathroom i go to his bed i put his clothes on him i get done i go get his brush i walk to him i brush his hair i get done then i go put his brush up then i get him off his bed i put him down he gose and plays with his toys then i walk to his bed room door i walk out of his bed room tyga walks out of serenity room after getting her ready me and tyga walk to our room we walk in we go get our stuff we gone wear to the park we go put our stuff on our bed on our sides then we get out of our dirty stuff we go put our stuff into our laundry baskets then we walk to our bathroom we walk in we go get our rags i go start me and tyga hot shower then i pull our shower curtin back tyga walks to me me and tyga get our rags we get in our shower then we use the soap one at a time then tyga puts our soap back we wash our selves up then we wash our selves four times then we get done then we rince our rags off we get done we ring our rags out then tyga pulls opens up our shower curtian me and tyga hang up our rags then we rince off really good we turn around we rince our backs off then tyga cuts off our shower water then i pull our shower curtian back then me and tyga step out of our shower we get our towles then we dry off then we get done we hang our towels up then we walk to our bathroom door we walk out of our bathroom i take off my shower cap then i go put it up then i take off my bonnet i go put it on me and tyga dresser then i go put my under clothes on tyga puts his under clothes on too then we get dressed in our clothes and shoes we tie up our shoes then i go do my hair then i get done then me and tyga go unplug our charging bricks and our charging cords then we
go to our purses we put our stuff in our purses where they go then i zip up my purse tyga gets his keys out then we get our purses we walk to our bed room door we walk out of our bed room payton nd gaston come out they rooms they walk to us i pick up gaston then me and tyga and payton walk down the stairs we go to the front doors then i open them tyga and serenity walk out then i walk out king t tossed me ya keye so i can lock the front doors cause i dont feel like getting my keys out of my purse i lock the front doors of me and tyga mansion then i give tyga back his keys then we walk away from the front doors of the mansion we walk to the back of our mansion we walk to tyga car tyga unlocks his car then me and tyga open his back doors on both sides then we both put gaston and serenity into they car seats i strap gaston in then serenity straps herself in then me and tyga closes his back doors we open his front doors we both get in then tyga starts his car then then we put our seat bets on then we close tyga doors then tyga locks his car then he drives out of our mansion drive way then tyga hands me his man purse i put my purse and tyga purse down on the floor away from my feet tyga is still driving he drives to our manson gate he drives out then he drives away from our mansion tyga is still driving tyga pulls up to the park he pulls in he finds a parking space he parks his car he takes his keys out of his car key hole then me and tyga take our seat belts off then we open tyga doors we take our seat belts off then we get out of tyga car then we close tyga front car doors then we open his back doors on both sides then we undo they car seat seat belts then we get them out of they car seats me and tyga close his car doors tyga locks up his car then we put serenity and gaston down we all walk to the play ground serenity and gaston go play serenity helps gaston they both play together me and tyga go take a seat on the bentch we walk over to it we sit down me and tyga be on our iphones and we still watch serenity and gaston play on the play ground sets we still watching them then they come over to us me and tyga get off our iphones then we put them up into our purses we zip up our purses in the second pocket then we zip up our purses me and tyga yes gaston nd serenity serenity and gaston ruff moma can you push me on the swings payton daddy can you push me on the swing please me and tyga yes we will me and tyga get up off then bentch we pick up gaston nd serenity then we walk over to the swings we put them in the swings then we push them we still push them they get happy me and tyga still pushing them then we stop we take them out me and tyga its time to go serenity and gaston ok moma and dada tyga unzips his man purse he gets his keys out we walk away from the play ground we walk to the parking lot we walk to tyga car then he unlocks his car we walk to both sides of his car we open the doors we put serenity and gaston into they seats we strap them in then we close they doors then we open tyga front doors we get in then tyga starts his car then we put our seat bets on then i get tyga man purse i put his and my purse on the floor by my feet then me and tyga close his doors tyga locks his car up then tyga pulls out of the parking lot of the park then tyga drives twards the exit then tyga drives out of the exit of the park parking lot then he drives away from the park then tyga is still driving then minutes later he pulls up to our mansion he pulls into the gate he pulls up to the second garage away from my car then he turns off his car he takes his kets out of the key hole we take our seat belts off we get our purses then we open tyga front door we get out we close tyga front doors then we open tyga back doors we undo serenity and gaston car seat seat belt straps then we get them out of they car seats tyga puts serenity down then then me and tyga close his back doors then tyga locks his car then we walk away from his car then we walk to the front we walk to the front doors of our mansion tyga unlocks the front doors we all walk in i put gaston down then tyga locks the front doors then we all walk away from the front doors we walk to the stairs we we all walk up the stairs i go to gaston room i walk in i go get him out of his clothes nd into his
night wear then i fold up his clothes then i go put them up where i got them then gaston gose and plays with his toys serenity gets done putting her night wear on with tyga help then she gets down off her bed she gose and plays with her toys tyga walks to her bed room door he walks out tyga sees me he walks to me he slaps my butt me oooo me and tyga walk to our bed room door we walk in we walk to our bed we get out of our clothes we had on today we fold them up we go put them up then we go back to our bed we get into our night wear then we pull our covers back then we walk away we go get our purses then we unzip them we get our iphones and our charging bricks and our charging cords we walk to both sides of our bed after we zip up our purses nd put them into our chairs then plug in our charging cordes in our charging bricks then we plug them into the first plug of our charging plugs then i get our tv remote off my night stand i turn on our tv then i put our tv remote down onto my night stand then i sit up on me and tyga bed on my side then i fix my pillow then i  lay on my pillow i look over and my lovey tyga is laying on his pillow we both watch tv and chill we still watching tv then tyga gets up he puts his feet into his slippers then he walks to our bathroom he pulls his dick out then he walks into our bathroom he gose to our tolite then he lifts up our tolite seat lid then he takes a piss a long one he gets done he puts his dick up then he flushes our tolite then he puts our tolite seat lid down then he walks away he walks to our sink he turns on our hit water he soaps his hands then he washes his hands then he gets done he turns our sink water off then he walks to our hand towle he drys his hands on our hand towle then he gets done then he fixes it then he walks away he walks to our bathroom door he walks out he walks to our bex he walks to his side of our bed he gets in our bed on his side then he chills he lays on his pillow me and tyga are still watching tv i get my iphone off my night stand i tap the lil line up i unlock my iphone with my face then i look at the time then i put my iphone down onto my night stand then i get up tyga gets up too we put our feet into our slippers then we walk to our bed room door we walk out of our bed room we go get serenity and gaston we come out they rooms with them we walk to the stairs we walk down the stairs we walk to the kitchen we go in we go to the table we put serenity and gaston in they chairs we pull our chairs out then we go nd fix lunch and drinks we get done we get everything we go set the table then me and tyga take our seats i bless lunch then we all say amen then we eat our lunch our chef ms abby comes out her office she walks to the kitchen she gose and makes her self some lunch and sum to drink she gets done she walks away she gets a napkin then she opens the cabnit she gets a plate then she closes the cabnit then she walks away with her plate she plates her lunch she gets done then she puts her plate down she cleans up what she used then she gose nd dose her dishes she gets done she walks to the pantry she opens it she gets a snack then she closes the pantry she opens her snack then she walks away from the pantry she gose to the trash can she throws her wrapper away then she walks away she walks to her plate she puts her snack onto her plate then she picks up her stuff she walks away she walks to the exit of the kitchen she walks out of the kitchen she gose to her office she walks in she walks to her night stand by her bed then she puts her drink down then she gets her tv remote she turns on her tv then she puts her tv remote down on her night stand with out knocking her drink over then she sits on her bed she watches tv and she eats her lunch me and tyga and serenity and gaston are still eating our lunch then we get done then we drink our drinks me and tyga get up from the table we go

after i get done i walk out of gaston bathroom i go to his bed i put him down i take his dirty stuff off of him i go put his dirty stuff in his dirty clothes hamper then i go to his closet i open it i get out sum he gone wear then i close his clos...

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