tyga going to go pay for the food

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tyga walks to the front door he opens the front door he opens it he hands his credit card to the guy the guy swips his card then he hands tyga back his card tyga gets the food then tyga closes the door he walks to the table he puts our dinner down on the table i go get serenity and gaston i walk out of the kitchen i walk to the stairs i yell up the stairs serenity gaston come down stairs serenity and gaston come out of they bed rooms they walk to the stairs then they walk down the stairs serenity yes moma me it is dinner time dada ordred pizza and stuff serenity ok moma me yes i pick up serenity i walk to the kitchen then i walk into the kitchen i go put serenity into her high chair then me and tyga get plates we plate dinner then we get waters i carry the waters nd tyga gets the plates of food we go set the table then tyga gose nd makes dinner for gaston nd he gets gaston some water then he comes to the table he gives gaston his dinner then he gose and turns the water off then he gets napkins for me and him and serenity he walks back to the table then he passes out the napkins then takes his seat at the table he blesses dinner then we all eat our dinner then we get done we drink our waters then tyga gets up he clears the table he gose and dose the dishes he emptys the clean dishes he puts them up then he puts the dirty dishes in then he gets the dish washer soap he opens it he opens the lil lid he pors it in then he closes it he closes the dish washer then he starts it then he closes the dish washer liquid then he gose and puts it back where he got it from then he walks away from the sink he walks to me i get serenity and gaston out they high chairs then we walk out of the kitchen we walk to the stairs we walk up the stairs serenity dada i want toys for christmas gaston ruff me too me and tyga ight serenity and aiden walk to they bed rooms we follow them me guess what time it is payton payton bed time moma no me payton yes i pick payton up payton crys 😩 me hush nd go to sleep payton no moma i no sleepy 😩😩😩😩 me i dont care i said its bed time payton 😩😩😩😩😩 dada me dada sleep payton payton dada 😩😩😴😴 me thank goodness i walk away from payton bed then i walk to her bed room door then i walk out of her room i walk to me and tyga bed room door i open our bed room door i walk in i close the door i walk to me and tyga bed i walk to my side i pull the covers back i get into me nd tyga bed i cover up

tyga walks to the front door he opens the front door he opens it he hands his credit card to the guy the guy swips his card then he hands tyga back his card tyga gets the food then tyga closes the door he walks to the table he puts our dinner down...

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