walk to the kitchen

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serenity and gaston comes to me and tyga we all walk downstairs we walk to the kitchen then we all walk into the kitchen me and tyga pick up serenity and gaston then we walk into the kitchen we walk to the table we put serenity and gaston into they high chairs then i go take my seat in my chair tyga gose and makes breakfast then he comes and sets the table then he gose and gets us orange juice and gaston some water then he walks to the table he sets the table then he takes his seat tyga blesses breakfast then we all eat our breakfast then we get done we drink our drinks then we get done me and tyga get up from the table serenity moma can i help me yes you can payton payton helps tyga clear the table tyga gose nd cleans the dishes then he puts the clean ones up then he puts the dirty ones on the dishwasher after he puts up the clean dishes nd silverwear then he closes the dish washer up then i go get gaston out his high chair i put him down then we all leave out of the kitchen we all walk up the stairs we walk to our bed rooms gaston and serenity walk to they bed room doors they walk in they bed rooms they go play with they toys then me and tyga go to our bed room door i open our bed room door we walk in me and tyga walk to our bed i go get our tv remote i turn on me and tyga tv then me and tyga get onto our bed then we cuddle up tyga what we watching me we watching all in the family on atena tv me change dis i wanna watch pluto tv on our smart tv tyga ok y me cause i wanna watch cartoons tyga ight chris tyga gose to pluto tv he puts the tv remote down tyga wait is our samsung smart tv connected to our internet just like our wii u \wii me yes it is ndserenity and gaston things are hooked up to the internet aswell tyga ight just asking bae me ight  after tyga changes the channel to the pluto tv app he puts the tv remote down on his night stand on his side of our bed then he holds me we watch tv minutes later i look at my iphone then i put it down then me and tyga get out of our bed we walk to our bed room door i open it we walk out of our bed room payton nd napolien open they bed room doors they walk out they bed rooms we all walk to the stairs me and tyga pick them up we walk down the stairs then we walk into the kitchen we walk to the table then we go put them into they high chairs then we go make lunch then we get done we go set the table then after we get done we take our seat at the table then we all eat our lunch then we get done we drink our drinks then we get done then me and tyga get serenity and gaston out of they high chairs we put them down then i help tyga clean up then we get done then we walk out of the kitchen we walk to the stairs then we all walk up the stairs we walk to our rooms gaston and serenity walk into they rooms they go play with they toys tyga picks me up then he walks to our bed room he walks in he puts me down we walk to our bed then we get onto our bed i get our tv remote i turn on our tv i put our tv remote back down onto my night stand on the right side of my bed i move over next to tyga then i lay on him we watch tv then minutes later tyga gets his iphone he looks at the time then he looks at me tyga you want me to doordash dinner for tonight me yes tyga what you want ? me get us chipotlet nd get serenity nuggets from mickey ds tyga ok what gaston gone eat me he gone eat his dog food tyga ight tyga orders our dinner then minutes later there is a knock at our door me and tyga get out of our bed we walk to our bed room door i open it we walk out of our bed room we walk to the stairs serenity and gaston come out of they rooms they come to us we pick them up then we walk down the stairs then we walk to the kitchen we walk into the kitchen we walk to the table then we put them into they high chairs then i go take a seat at the table tyga gose and gets the door he opens it he gets the drinks then he walks to the table he sets the drinks down on the table he hands them out then he gose and gets the food then he pays the guy for our food then he closes and locks our front door then he walks away from the front door then he puts the food down he hands out the food then i help serenity get her food together then tyga gose and makes food for gaston and he gets him some water then he gets done he walks back to the table he puts gaston stuff down onto his tray table payton blesses dinner amen we all say we all eat our dinner then we get done we drink our drinks then we get done serenity moma or dada can i have a lil snack please me sure payton what you want ? payton i want a chocolate cookie me ok i go get payton a chocolate cookie me here payton payton thanks moma me your welcome payton eats her cookie then she chews it up nd swalows it she looks at me moma i done me ok i go get serenity out of her high chair i put her down on the floor then i get gaston out his high chair then i put him down i help tyga clean up i go do the dishes but tyga cleans the table first then he gets done he brings the rag back i get to doing the dishes then i open up the dishwasher i put the dishes in there with the other ones then i close it up then me and tyga walk out of the kitchen but i go back nd sweep up and mop the entire kitchen then i put the stuff back i go dump the mop water in the bathroom tolite down here then walk out of the downstairs bathroom then i go put the mop bucket back where i got it from then i go turn out the kitchen light then minutes later i get sweept off of the floor i look up nd tyga has me in his arms he walks to the stairs then serenity and gaston follows tyga walks up the stairs then tyga puts me down i pick gaston up i walk to his bed room door i walk in i walk to his bed i pull his covers back then i put him into his bed then i cover him up nd he gose right to sleep i give him a kiss then i stand up i walk to his bed room door i walk out of his bed room i close his bed room door then i walk to me and tyga bed room door i walk into our room i walk to me and tyga bed i walk to my side of our bed i pull the covers back i step out of my slippers i pray then i get into me and tyga bed on my side i cover up i lay down i go right to sleep tyga comes into our bed room he closes our bed room door then he walks to our bed he walks to his side of our bed he steps out his slippers then he pulls the covers back he prays then  he covers up and he lays down on his pillow and he gose to sleep minutes later i wake up i grab my iphone i hit the home buttion then i look at the time its one am i put my iphone down on my night stand on my side of me and tyga bed then i pull the covers back i get out of me and tyga bed i walk to our bathroom door i walk into our bathroom i close our bathroom door then i walk to the tolite i pull my night pants down nd my panties then i sit down on the tolite seat

serenity and gaston comes to me and tyga we all walk downstairs we walk to the kitchen then we all walk into the kitchen me and tyga pick up serenity and gaston then we walk into the kitchen we walk to the table we put serenity and gaston into the...

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