leaving out of the kitchen

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after chris gets done cleaning up the kitchen we all walk out kitchen then we go to the stairs we walk up the stairs me and chris walk to gaston and serenity room then i put serenity bouncer seat down then i turn on her tv i put on cartoons for her then i walk out of her room chris walks out of gaston room then we both walk to our bed room we walk in i close our bed room door then me and chris walk to our bed we get onto our bed we cuddle me oo bae you wanna do my back chris yea i will me ok i lay on my tummy chris starts scratching my back she keeos going then 46 minutes later she gets done me thank you bae chris your welcome hun i sit up on me and chris bed me and chris prop our pillows up we sit back on them we cuddle and watch tv then i reach over i get my iphone i hit the home buttion i look at the time i get off of me and chris bed i go put my slippers on chris gets off our bed as well she puts her slippers on we walk to our bed room door chris opens it then we walk out our room we go get serenity and gaston rooms we get them then we walk out they rooms with them we walk to the stairs we walk down the stairs then we walk to the kitchen i go put serenity bouncer seat on the table then chris puts gaston into his high chair then chris sits down at the table in her chair i get stuff i need to make sandwitches i make the sandwitches then i go get chips and two cupcakes and two apples i cut the apples up then i put the other snacks on me and chris plate i get gaston some dog snacks with his lunch then i get everyone stuff i go set the table then i go get juice and water then i sit down i bless lunch then we eat our lunch then we get done we drink our juice and water then i get up i clear the table then i go wash our stuff out for dinner then i go back to the table then i put the stuff down then i get serenity bouncer seat then i walk out of the kitchen

after chris gets done cleaning up the kitchen we all walk out kitchen then we go to the stairs we walk up the stairs me and chris walk to gaston and serenity room then i put serenity bouncer seat down then i turn on her tv i put on cartoons for he...

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