driving out of me and tyga drive way of our mansion

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me and tyga put our seat belts on then i pull out of our drive way of our mansion then i drive to the front of our mansion then i drive away i drive and drive and drive then 48 minutes later i pull up to serenity school i pull in i find a parking spot then i park my car tyga takes his seat belt off he opens his door he gets out he opens it he unbuckles serenity he takes her out he puts her down he gets her bookbag he puts it onto her back they walk into serenity school tyga gets the door for serenity they both walk in they walk to serenity class room they walk in serenity teacher ms balie walks over hello you must be serenity im ms balie welcome to our school she gives me and serenity a full tour then we walk to the cubbies ms balie here serenity this is your cubby serenity takes her stuff off i help her me wait payton i take payton book bag off of her i unzip her bookbag i get her school suplies out of her bookbag then i hand them too her she holds them her teacher shows her to her chair and another cubby where she can keep her own stuff then she gets what she needs then she puts the rest of her stuff up then she walks to her seat she pulls out her chair but she walks to me she hugs me me have a good day payton mawh i love you payton by dada and ok i will and i love you too payton gose to her desk table she pulls her chair out she sits down then i walk to her classroom door i open tne door i walk out i close it i walk to the fron doors of serenity school i open the door then i walk out the door closes i walk to chris car i open the passenger door i get in i close chris car door i put my seat belt on then chris drives out of the parking lot of serenity school then i drive away from payton school i drive and drive and drive then 49 minutes later i pull up to gaston school i pull in i look for a parking spot i park my car then i take my seat belt off i open my door i get out i close my

me and tyga put our seat belts on then i pull out of our drive way of our mansion then i drive to the front of our mansion then i drive away i drive and drive and drive then 48 minutes later i pull up to serenity school i pull in i find a parking ...

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