pulling up to target

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i pull up to target i pull in tyga finds me a parking space i park my car i turn my car off i get my keys and purse me and ty take our seat belts off then ty gets his man purse we open my doors we get out then we close our doors i lock my car up we walk to the doors of target the doors open we walk in i get a cart i push it tyga followes me we go get the tree tyga picks it up he puts it into the cart at the bottom then we go shopping we still going and going and going then we go check out then i pay for everything then after everything is in the cart i push the cart tyga follows me we walk out of the store i unzip my purse i get my keys then i zip my purse up then me and tyga walk to my car i unlock my car then i go open my driver door then i pop open up my trunk then i walk back to the cart nd tyga starts putting bags into my trunk i help him we keep going and going and going and going then we load the last stuff then we get done i close my trunk tyga gose and puts the cart up then he walks back to my car he walks to my passenger door he opens it he gets in i close my trunk then i walk to my driver side i open my door i get in me and tyga close my door we put our seat belts on i start my car i lock my doors then i pull out of the parking lot of target i drive and drive then i drive away from target then i drive and drive im still driving and driving then 45 minutes later i pull up to homgoodsi pull in then i find a parking spot i park my car then i turn my car off i get my keys then me and tyga take our seat belts off we get our purses then we open my doors then we get out of my car we close my doors then i lock my car up with my keys then me and tyga walk away from my car we walk to the doors of home goods they open we walk in i get a cart i push it to the pet iseal then i go shooping crazy for gaston i keep going and going and going and going and going and going then we go check out then i pay for everything then i push the cart tyga follows me we walk out of the store i unzip my purse then i get my keys then i zip up my purse i push the cart to my car i get to my car i unlock my car then i walk away from the cart tyga holds it then i walk to my driver side i open the door i pop open my trunk tyga loads my trunk he keeps going and going and going ang going and going and going then he is done he gose and puts the cart up then he walks back to my car he closes my trunk hd walks to my passenger side he opens my door we both get into my car we close my doors we buckle up we put our purses on our laps then i drive out of the parking lot of home goods i drive away from home goods im still driving and driving and driving then minutes later i pull up to me and tyga mansion i go park my car next to tyga car then i take my keys out of the engien then me and tyga take our seat belts off i pop open my me and tyga get out of my car we close my doors i unzip my purse i get my iphone out i zip my purse back up i put my code into my iphone my iphone unlocks i go to the alarm app i do the alarm then me and ty walk to the front door of our mansion i put my key in the lock i unlock the mansion door me and tyga walk in my mom walks down with her purse she unzips it she gets her keys out she zips her purse up my mom my grandbabies are in they rooms watching cartoons on they tvs me and tyga ok my mom walks over to me she kisses me my mom i love you chris me i love you to mommy my mom i love you too son tyga i love you to mom  my mom walks to tbe front door she opens it she walks out she unlocks her car she walks to her driver door she opens it she gets in she closes her door she puts her purse on the passenger seat she zips it up then she starts her car then she drives out of my drive way then she drives away from me and tyga mansion tyga gose and closes the door and locks it then i do the alarm from the app on my iphone then i get out of the alarm app on my iphone me and tyga walk away from the front door we walk to the stairs we walk up the stairs we walk to serenity and gaston rooms we open they doors we peek in they watching tv then we walk away from they bed rooms we walk to our bed room door tyga opens it we walk into our bed room we walk to our bed we sit down we take our shoes off then we get out our clothes we get into our night wear then we put our clothes we had on today into our dirty hamper then we walk to our bed room door we walk to the stairs serenity and gaston come out they rooms they walk to the stairs me and tyga pick up serenity and gaston we walk downstairs we walk into the kitchen we