me and tyga going to do our dishes then use the dish rag to whipe down the table

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me and tyga go do our dishes first we get done then we go get serenity and gaston stuff then we go do they dishes then we get done tyga gets the dish rag then he turns on the hot water he wets it then he cuts the water off then he walks away i follow him he whipes down his spot at the table then he hands me the dish rag i whipe down my spot and serenity spot and gaston spot then i get done i go put the dish rag up then i walk to the table where tyga is me and tyga get serenity and gaston out they chairs we put them down we all walk out of the kitchen we walk to the stairs we walk up the stairs serenity and gaston go to they rooms they walk in they go play with they toys me and tyga walk to our bed room we walk in we go to our bed we get on our bed we chill out we watch tv then hours hours later i get my iphone i tap it i look at the time then i put my iphone down on my night stand on the side of my bed then i sit up i lay on my pillow then i watch tv i took twards tyga king t tyga looks at me yes queen chrissy me you gone go cook dinner or do you want me to go cook dinner ! king t um ill go make sum me ok tyga yea tyga gets up off our bed on his side he puts his feet into his slippers then he walks to our bed room door he walk out of our bed room then he walks to the stairs he walks down the stairs he walks to the kitchen then he walks in he gets stuff out he needs and wants to put on the pizzas and pizza dough then he gets started then he gets a big pizza sheet then he puts the pizza he made for himself on the pan then he makes a pizza for me he gets done he makes a pizza for serenity and he makes one for gaston he gets the huge pan with the pizzas on it he walks to the stove he opens it he puts the pans of pizzas in then he closes the stove she starts it then he walks away he gose and gets the oven mits he puts them on his hands then he gose and waits till the pizzas is done and the cheese is melted on my pizza and serenity pizza inside the crust and on the pizza then he gose and stands and waits on it then he walks to the stove he opens it he checks the pizzas he takes them out then he closes the stove then he puts the pan on the counter then he gose and gets plates for himself and me and serenity then he gets gaston bowls then he plates our pizzas after he cuts them up but he puts two on our plates nd in our bowl then he gose nd gets foil and containers he foils up the rest of our pizzas and he puts them in separate contaniers then he puts the lids on them then he gose nd gets paper twoles he comes back he covers up our plates nd bowl then he walks away he walks out of the kitchen he walks to our chef ms abby office then he knocks on the door our chef ms abby yes my hubby tyga its tyga may i come in ms abby yes my door is always cracked open tyga opens ms abby office door he walks in my hubby tyga ms abby do you have a black marker ! ms abby yes i have two of them you need one ty my hubby tyga yes i do ms abby ok ms abby gets up off her bed she walks
to her desk she grabs on of her black markers then she walks to me she hands it to me i walk to her office bed room door tyga walks out then he walks to the kitchen he walks into the kitchen then he gose back to the counter he opens up the black marker then he writes on the containers one at a time then he gets done he puts the cape back on the marker then he gets the containers he walks to the fridge he opens it then he puts the containers in the fridge then he opens the freezer then he gets out the big thing of garlic bread then he closes the freezer then he walks away he walks to the counter he opens the garlic bread up he gose and gets another pan then he gose nd gets a knife out of one of the drawrs then he closes it he walks back to the counter he cuts the bread sticks then he gets on piece at a time then he puts them on the pan he got out he closes up the rest of the bread sticks then he walks to the fridge he opens the freezer door he opens it he puts the rest of the bread sticks he folded up in the bag into the freezer then he closes it then he walks away then he walks back to the counter he puts the oven mitts on then he picks up the tray he walks to the stove he opens the stove with his right hand while holding the tray in his left hand then he puts the tray in then he starts the stove he closes it he stands back he waits till they done then minutes later he walks to the stove he opens it he takes the pan of garlic bread out then he closes the stove he turns it off then he walks to the table he puts the garlic bread on my plate and his plate nd serenity plate then he walks away he gose and dose the dishes he used then he gets done then he walks away he closes the dish washer after the clean dishes are all put up and the dirty dishes are in there then he walks away he walks to the table he takes his seat at the table i come down the stairs wuth gaston nd serenity i walk to the kitchen i walk in then i go to the table i put them in they chairs then i go take my seat in my chair then we all bless our food then we say amen then we eat our dinner we get done then we drink our drinks we get done me and tyga get up shefrom our seats we clear the table our chef ms abby walks out her office with her empty dishes she walks to the kitchen then she walks in gose and dose her dishes then she gets done she closes the dish washer then she walks away she walks to to the exit of the kitchen she walks out she gose to her office bed room she walks in she closes her office bed room door me and tyga clear the table we go do the dishes then we get done i close the dish washer tyga starts it up then we both walk away then we go get gaston nd payton out of they chairs we push our chairs in then we push they chairs in then we walk out of the kitchen we walk to the stairs then we walk up the stairs tyga puts serenity down i put gaston down then we follow them to they bed rooms then they walk in and we follow them they go to they beds then we pull they covers back on the left side of they beds then they get in  we cover them up we kiss them then we walk away from they beds we walk to they bed room doors we walk out of they bed rooms we close they bed room doors a lil then we walk to our bed room door we walk in our room tyga closes our bed room door we step out of our slippers then we go to each side of our bed we pull our covers back we pray first then we get done we get into our bed we cover up then we lay down onto our pillows and we go to bed we close our eyes then hours into the morning the sun is bright tyga opens his eyes he stretches he looks over at me im still sleeping tyga gets out of bed he makes up his side of our bed then he walks to my side he leans down he kisses on me mmm tyga wake up babe tyga kisses on me again i open my keys i kiss tyga back tyga moves he lets me wake up nd stretch nd stuff i get out of me and tyga bed on my side i make up my side of our bed then i put my feet into my slippers then i walk to me and tyga bathroom i walk in i pull down my night pants then i pull down my panties then i walk to me and tyga tolite i pull up our tolite seat lid then i sit down i do what i have to do then i get a piece of tissue off our tissue holder then i whipe myself then i put the tissue into the tolite then i get up from off the tolite i put the tolite seat lid down then i flush it then i pull up my panties and night pants then i walk away i walk to our sink i soap my hands then i turn on our sink to hot then i wash my hands i get done i turn the water off then i walk away then i walk to our hand twole i dry my hands off onto the hand towle i get done then i walk to the door i walk out of me and tyga bathroom i walk to tyga me and tyga walk to our bed

me and tyga go do our dishes first we get done then we go get serenity and gaston stuff then we go do they dishes then we get done tyga gets the dish rag then he turns on the hot water he wets it then he cuts the water off then he walks away i fol...

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