the next morning

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the sun is bright i open my eyes up then i get up and i stretch my arms then my entire body then i pull the covers up i get out me and chris bed i put my slippers on then i walk to me and chris bed room door i open it i walk out our room i hear serenity crying i walk to serenity bed room door i open it i walk into serenity jojo siwa bed room i walk to her bassinet i lean down i pick her up me shh serenity shh its alright dada hear shh serenity calms down i smell her eww time for you to get changed i walk to her changing table i lay her down i undo her nappy then i undo her dipare me ooo i see y you was crying i take her dirty dipare off then i fold it up and i go walk out serenity room i walk to the stairs i walk down the stairs then i walk into the kitchen i walk to the garbage can then i lift the lid up i put serenity dirty dipare in there then i put the trash can lid down then i walk out of the kitchen i walk to the stairs i walk up the stairs i walk to serenity bed room i walk into serenity bed room i go to her changing table where she is laying i put a fresh dipare on her then i strap up her dipare then i buttion up her nappy then i put her whipes up then i pick her up then i walk to her bed room door i walk out her bed room i walk to me and chris bed room i walk in me and chris room then i walk to chris side of the bed i lean down chris wake up look who awake chris gets up she stretches she opens her eyes chris omg hello serenity i hand serenity to chris chris gets her chris gets ready to feed her her breakfast me she was crying cause she was full of poop in her dipare chris ok t thanks me your welcome me ima go make breakfast chris no t ill make breakfast me ok babe i walk out of me and chris bed room then i walk downstairs rocky follows me i walk into the kitchen i pick rocky up then i go put him into his high chair then i take a seat at the table then chris comes downstairs with serenity in her bouncer seat she walks to the table she puts serenity onto the table i move her seat so she wont fall chris gose and gets started on breakfast she puts up the clean dishes first then she gets two plates then she gose and plates breakfast for herself and me

the sun is bright i open my eyes up then i get up and i stretch my arms then my entire body then i pull the covers up i get out me and chris bed i put my slippers on then i walk to me and chris bed room door i open it i walk out our room i hear se...

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