getting out my car getting gaston out his seat

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i get out of my car with my purse in my hand then i close my door i open my back door on the right side i undo gaston straps on his car seat i get him out i get his bookbag then i close his door then i unzip my purse i get my keys i lock my car up i put my keys into my purse i zip my purse up i hold it in my left hand then i hold gaston bookbag in my right handnd i hold gaston in my left arm i look across the street i walk to the doors of gaston school i open gaston school door i walk in i put gaston down i go hang his bookbag up in his cubby then i take off his coat and i go hang it up in his cubby then gaston walks to me i pick him up he gives me wet kisses then i put him down his teacher is at her desk chilling her assisstent helper is watching all the puppies gaston gose back to playing with his friends i leave out of gaston school i unzip my purse i get my keys out of my purse then i zip my purse up then i look before crossing i walk to my car i unlock my car i open my driver door i get in my car then i put my seat belt on i start my car then i unzip my purse i get my iphone out of my purse then i zip my purse up i go to pandora the station i have it on plays then i go out of the app i put my iphone down in the front of my first cupholder then i put my purse on my passenger seat i zip it up a lil so nun will fall out then i start my car then i pull away from gaston school then i drive away i drive and drive then i turn the corner then i drive tawards the high way so i can go to my job im still driving then im still driving then minutes later i pull up to my job i pull in i find a parking spot i park my car i turn my car off i get my keys then i unlock my car i open my driver door i get out i get my mk purse i close my driver door then i lock my car up i walk away from my car i walk to the front door of my store then i take my keys i open up my store i walk in i close the door then  i walk to the register tammy hey chris me hey tammy how was ya night tammy it was good me and my bae brandon was doing the do ooo wee 😁😁😁😁😁 me eww you nasty tammy but was it good ? tammy hell yea it was oo me ok well when pepole come to the door they gone open up and walk in and start shopping tammy ok me yea ima head to my office but ill be out checking tammy ok but im fine chris me ok im still come out tammy ok chris i walk away from

i get out of my car with my purse in my hand then i close my door i open my back door on the right side i undo gaston straps on his car seat i get him out i get his bookbag then i close his door then i unzip my purse i get my keys i lock my car up...

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