still at the kitchen table

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i put serenity into her high chair then i go take a seat at the table chris plates our breakfast she gets apple juice she pours it in me nd her cups and in serenity sippy cup she puts the top on then she gets our stuff she comes and sets the table then she gose and gets napkins she comes back and hands out the napkins then she takes her seat chris serenity bless breakfast amen we all eat our breakfast then we get done we drink our drinks then we get done chris gets up she clears the table she gose and washes our dishes out she empties the dish washer she puts the clean dishes up then she gets done then i get up from the table i get serenity and gaston out of they high chairs then i put them down then me and serenity and gaston and chris walk out of the kitchen we walk to the stairs then we walk up the stairs serenity and gaston go to they bed rooms they walk in then me and chris go to our room we walk in then we go get the wrapping paper we bought we get all they gifts we start wrapping they stuff up we put they names on they stuff then we keep going and going and going and going and going and going and going we are still going we still going then we finaly get done then we get everything then we walk out our bed room we walk to the stairs we walk down the stairs then we walk into the living room we put the presents under the tree tyga sets up the second tree we put presents under the tree we keep going and going nd going nd going and going then we finaly get done putting the presents under the trees then we walk out of the living room we walk to the stairs we walk up the stairs we walk to our bed room door we walk into our bed room then tyga closes our door

i put serenity into her high chair then i go take a seat at the table chris plates our breakfast she gets apple juice she pours it in me nd her cups and in serenity sippy cup she puts the top on then she gets our stuff she comes and sets the table...

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