walking into the kitchen with serenity

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me and payton walk into the kitchen i pick her up i walk to the table i put her into her high chair then i go make breakfast then i get done i go set the table then i walk out of the kitchen i walk to the stairs i yell for tyga and gaston tyga comes out our bed room gaston comes out his bed room then they walk to the stairs they walk down the stairs they walk to the kitchen they walk into the kitchen then tyga picks up gaston he walks to the kitchen table then he puts gaston into his high chair then me and tyga take our seats at the table in our chairs then tyga blesses breakfast then we all eat our breakfast then we get done me and tyga get up we clear the table me and tyga clear the table i go empty the clean dishes then once i get finish tyga comes over he makes dish wash he washes our dishes then he puts them into the dishwasher then he closes it up he starts it then we all push our chairs in then we walk out of the kitchen we walk up the stairs i put gaston down then he gose to his room he walks into his bed room he gose and plays with his toys he has out tyga puts serenity down she walks to her bed room door she walks into her room she gose and plays with her toys me and tyga walk to our bed room door we walk into our bed room we walk to our bed we get onto our bed i get our tv remote i turn our tv on i put our tv remote down on my night stand tyga moves close to me he holds me we watch tv together minutes later i fall asleep tyga kisses me he gets his iphone he puts his code in he gose to his text meseges he text drake then he looks at the time he gets up he puts his iphone down on his night stand he lays me down on my pillow on my side of our bed tyga walks to our bed room door he walks out our bed room he closes our bed room door a lil then he walks to payton room he picks her up he walks out of her room payton dada where moma ? tyga mommy taking a nap payton ok y dada me cause mommy was tired payton ok dada me yep tyga walks to the stairs with payton he walks to the kitchen he walks into the kitchen he gose and puts her into her high chair then he gose and fixes lunch then he comes and sets the table tyga ill be right back ima go wake up mommy payton ok dada tyga walks out of the kitchen then he walks to the stairs he walks up the stairs he walks to our bed room he walks to our bed room door he opens it he walks in he walks to our bed he walks to my side of our bed he wakes me up i open my eyes i get up i get out of me and tyga bed i follow tyga to our bed room door we walk out of our bed room i go to gaston bed room door i walk in gaston walks to me i pick him up i walk out of his room i walk to tyga me and tyga walk down the stairs we walk into the kitchen i go put gaston into his high chair then me and tyga go take our seats we all eat our lunch then we get done we drink our waters then we all get done then chris gets up from the table then she gets payton and gaston out they high chairs she puts them down i get our dishes i go wash them off then i open up the dish washer i put them in then i close it up

me and payton walk into the kitchen i pick her up i walk to the table i put her into her high chair then i go make breakfast then i get done i go set the table then i walk out of the kitchen i walk to the stairs i yell for tyga and gaston tyga com...

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