getting into our bed

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we step out of our houseshoes we pull our cover back then we get into our bed we pray we cover up we lay down onto our pillow and we go to sleep the next morning i wake up i kiss on chris chris wakes up we get out of our bed we put our slippers on then we walk to our bed room door i open it then we walk out of our bed room we walk into serenity and gaston rooms we get them we walk out of they rooms with them serenity looks at me she makes a face me payton what is wrong with you payton i have to go potty dada really bad me ok i put her down she walks to her bathroom she walks in she closes her bathroom door then she dose what she has to do then she gets done i hear her tolite flush then i hear her step on her step stool so she can wash her hands then she gets done then after she drys them off she opens her bathroom door she walks out her bathroom she walks to me dada up up i pick her up me and chris walk to tne stairs we walk down the stairs we wslk into the kitchen we walk to the table we put serenity and gaston into they high chairs then we go make breakfast we get done making breakfast we get everything we walk to the table we set the table then we go get cups nd sippy cup of orange juice with ice then we put the orange juice back into the fridge then we walk to the table then chris gose and gets gast some water she comes back to the table she gives gaston his water then she walks to her chair she pulls it out she sits down we all eat our breakfast then we drink our drinks we all get done then me and chris get up from the table we clean up the table payton we go to park moma chris sure payton claps her lil hands 👏👏👏 yaya gaston we gone go to the park today gaston ruff ruff yaya me and chris get done cleaning up the kitchen then we get serenity and gaston out of they hight chairs we put them down onto the floor we all walk out of the kitchen we walk to the stairs we walk up the stairs we get serenity and gaston we go bath them we get done then we dry them off then i get serenity ready in her new under clothes nd pull up she brushes her teeth by herself but i helped her with the toothpaste then 47 minutes later she gets done nd she spits then she rinces her toothbrush off then she puts it up she walks to where her rag is hanging next to her towle she gets it she whipes her face off nd stuff then she hangs her rag back up next to her towle then she looks up at me payton all done dada me ok lets go get dressed payton dada i dressed my self dis time me are you ready for that payton serenity yes i am dada i gotta do it on my own me ok well lets go payton ok dada we walk to serenity bathroom door she opens it up we walk out we walk to her bed room we walk into her bathroom she gets her step stool she gose into her closet she picks out clothes i walk in wait payton you dont even know what the weather is today its gone be cold today payton ok dada me yea i walk into payton closet i show her how me and her mom set up all her clothes we got her payton you said i can pick out my clothes tho dada me yes i did but i had to stop you for a minute payton ok dada me yes i let payton pick out her clothes and shoes me let me see me ok those long pants are fine and that long shirt is ok lets get you dressed payton ok dada me and payton walk out of her closet we walk to one of her chairs she sits down in one of them i get her clothes i get her loation first i loation her whole body i rub it in then i close it back then i get her dressed i put her boots on her i put her coat on her i zip her coat up i get up from her chair im sitting in then we walk to her bed room door she opens it we walk out her bed room me come on lets wait on the steps for mommy payton ok dada but you dont have you man purse me oh crap you right sit right here on the steps ok ill be right back payton ok dada i walk away from the steps i walk to me and chris bed room door i open it i walk in i go get my man purse then i walk out me and chris bed room door chris comes out with her purse nd gaston we walk to the stairs chris oo shit chris gose back to our room to go get her sunglasses the mk ones then she comes back to the stairs me oo wee you look good bae girl chris thanks tyga me welcome serenity gets up we walk down the stairs chris unzips her purse she gets her keys out

we step out of our houseshoes we pull our cover back then we get into our bed we pray we cover up we lay down onto our pillow and we go to sleep the next morning i wake up i kiss on chris chris wakes up we get out of our bed we put our slippers on...

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