tyga pulling up to the church

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tyga is still driving then he pulls up to the church he pulls in then he looks for a parking spot he finds one he pulls into the parking space he turns his car off he takes his keys out of his car ignition key hole then me and tyga take our seat belts off i get our purses i hand tyga his purse then he gets it from me he puts it on his left hsnd by the handles then i get my purse i put it on my left hand by the handles then we open our doors we get out then we close the doors then we open tyga back car doors we get serenity and gaston bags then we put them on one our shoulders then we undo serenity and gaston seat belt straps then we pick them up then me and tyga close his back doors then he locks his car then we walk away from his car we go to the doors of the church tyga opens them then we walk in everything is set up so nicley nd stuff nd its all pretty we wait on everyone then me and tyga family come in nd take they seats nd stuff then two our family members comes nd gets us so we can go get ready tyga gives me sereniy and i hand him to tyga tyga gets him from me then me and tyga get up we go follow our cousins to the rooms we walk in they close the doors then one of our aunts a uncles gets serenity nd gaston from us they go get them ready then our other cousins helps us get ready we strip  of the clothes we have on right now but we take our shoes off first then after we untie our shoes and take them off then we put them out the way then we undo our pants we pull them down we step out of them then we fold them up then we put them down somewhere then we take our shirts off we fold them up we put them ontop of our pants then i take off my socks i fold them up i put them up onto of my shirt then my aunt grabs my dress she helps me get in it then she zips me up then my aunt gose and gets my shoes then i go sit down in the bentch round seat i put my heels on that matches my dress then i strap them up then i get up serenity comes to me payton you look pretty moma me you do to payton serenity thanks moma i sit back down my other aunts comes nd dose my makeup nd hair then she gets done she starts on serenity hair she gets done then we pray nd then we go to the door of the dressing room my aunt opens it  one of my cousins gets serenity basket with flowers in it that she is gonna throw then my cousin hands it to serenity music plays then serenity walks out she throws her flowers too she still going nd going then she gets to the end she stands on the left side then my  the isle then i stand next to serenity then my aunt gose nd takes her seat then i stand nd face the right siden my hubby tyga comes out and he walks down the isel then he stands infront of me then our pastor starts to speak then me nd tyga son gaston comes down then he stands with the other grooms men then the pastor starts to talk me and tyga say our vowles then we get done then we kiss each other then we hug nd we kiss again then everyone heers for us then me nd tyga and serenity nd gaston walk up the isle nd my brides maids nd tyga grooms men follow us we go get undressed nd get back into what we had on tyga gets gaston him nd his grooms men leave nd go change back into they stuff they had on i get serenity i follow my brides maids back to our dressing ariea we walk in we go get undressed then wr get dressed into what we had on when we came to the church then we get finished getting dressed back into our clothes payton comes to me payton moma me yes serenity payton what we going to go do now ? me we going to go eat nd turn up and have fun payton ok moma me yep me nd payton nd my aunts nd cousins go to the door of the girls dressing room then we go have a good time the men come out they dressing room i see tyga and gaston the men come turn up with us we go to the other part of the church and we have a good time the dj turns up the music he dose his thing tyga hands gaston to payton tyga walks to me he grabs me he takes me to the middle of the dance floor and he holds me nd spins me nd stuff nd we dance togeher on each other we get done then we go away from the middle of the dance floor and we turn up nd dance like everyone eles is doing then we go get serenity and gaston nd we go eat nd stuff me nd tyga feed each other food and deserts payton nd gaston get done with they food nd deserts one of my aunts comes nd cleans up our stuff she walks away me nd tyga and serenity have a good time me nd tyga aunts nd cousins clean up everything nd stuff then stuff then everyone gets they stuff nd kids nd pups nd heads out to they cars me nd tyga get our stuff nd serenity and gaston stuff tyga unzips his man purse he gets his keys out me nd tyga walk to the door of the church i open it i walk out nd tyga walks out tyga gose to his car he unlocks it i follow him we open his back doors we put serenity nd gaston bags on the middle seat then we put gaston nd serenity into they car seats we strap them in then we close they doors me nd tyga open our doors we get in tyga hands his hand bag to me i put our hand bags onto the floor away from my feet then we put our seat belts on tyga starts up his car we close our doors then tyga pulls out of the parking lot of the church he drives to the exit then he drives out he drives away from the church me i love you very much tyga tyga i love you very much as well my queen chrissy phoo me aww tyga yep tyga is still driving nd driving then hours hours later into the afternoon tyga pulls up to our mansion gate our gate opens then tyga pulls in then he pulls up next to my car he turns his car off he gets his keys out of the key hole of his car then we both take our seat belts off i get his man purse he grabs it from me he carries both handles on his left hand then i get my purse nd i do the same thing we open tyga car doors we get out then we close them then we open his back doors we get serenity nd gaston bookbags we put them on our right shoulder by the right strap then we undo they car seat straps then we get them out of they car seats then we close tyga car doors tyga locks up his car with his keys then we walk away from his car we go to the front doors of the mansion tyga unlocks them then we walk in i close the front doors i lock them then i do the alarm then me nd tyga walk to the stairs we walk up the stairs we put serenity and gaston down they go to they bed rooms me nd tyga follow them then they walk in me nd tyga go unpack thry bags nd put they stuff up then we zip they bookbags up we go put them up where they go into they walk in closets then we go to they closet doors we walk out we go get them out of they clothes they had on today serenity unties her shoes she takes them off then after me nd tyga get serenity and gaston into they night wear serenity picks up her shoes she gose to her walk in closet she walks in she gose and puts her shoes up with the rest of her shoes then she walks to her closet doors then she walks out she gose nd plays with her toys me nd tyga walk to they laundry baskets we open them we turn they clothes right side out then we put they clothes into they laundry baskets then we close they laundry baskets we walk away we go get they tv remotes we turn on they tvs we go put they tv remotes up where we got them then we go to they bed room doors we walk out we go to our bed room door we walk in we go to our laundry baskets then we untie our gym shoes we step out of them then we take off our clothes we turn them right side out then we open up our laundry baskets we put our clothes in then we close our laundry baskets then we walk away from our laundry baskets we go get our shoes we go to our walk in closet doors we walk in we go put our shoes up then we walk away we go to our closet bed room doors we walk out then we go to our bed on our sides we put our night wear on we pull our covers back we go unzip our purses then we get our charging bricks then we get our iphones then we get our charging cords then we zip up our purses then we go put them up in our chairs then we go to our bed then we get into our bed we cover up nd we chill i get our tv remote then i turn on our tv then i put our tv remote down onto my night stand then i chill on my side of me and tyga bed i look over and tyga is chilling on his side of our bed as well we still chilling in our bed then me and tyga pull our covers back then we get up then we go to our jewlery boxes we open them we take our jewlery off we put our jewlery into our jewlery boxes then we close our jewlery boxes then we walk away we go to our bed we get into our bed then we chill then there is a knock on our bed room me ms abby its opened our chef ms abby opens our bed room door she walks in she stands at the end of our bed ms abby i made dinner me and tyga ok ms abby yes me and tyga pull our covers back we get out of our bed we put our feet into our slippers then we go to our bed roomdoor ms abby opens it we all walk out me nd tyga leave our bed room door open we go get serenity and gaston but serenity takes her jewlery off she gose to her jewlery box then she opens it she puts her jewlery inside then she closes her jewlery box back then she walks away she walks to tyga tyga picks her up me nd tyga walk out of serenity and gaston bed rooms we go to the stairs where ms abby is we all walk down the stairs we go into the kitchen ms abby gose to her office bed room she walks in she gose to her bed she gets into her bed she watches tv nd she gets her plate off dinner she made herself then she eats it me and tyga go to the kitchen then we walk in we go to the table we put serenity and gaston into they chairs then we go take a seat into our chaurs at the table gaston blesses dinner amen we say then we all eat our dinner then we get done we drink our drinks we get finished then me and tyga get up from our chair we push our chairs in then we get serenity and gaston out of they chairs then we push they chairs in then we go to the exit of the kitchen then we walk out we go to the stairs then we walk up the stairs our chef ms abby comes out of her office bed room then she gose to the kitchen she walks in she gose nd gets all our dishes thenshe gose nd dose our dishes and her dishes she gets done then she gets the stuff for the dish washer then she opens the lil lid she puts the stuff in then she covers the stuff then she gose nd puts it back then she walks back to the dish washer she closes it then she starts it then it gose then she walks away she cuts out the lights she gose nd gets the dish rag she turns the water on then she wets it she cuts the water off then she walks to the table she cleans the table off then she gose nd cleans the counter tops nd stuff then she gets done then she gose and puts the dish rag up then she walks away she gose to the exit of the kitchen she walks out then she gose to her office bed room she walks in then she closes her office bed room door then she cuts out her lights then she gose to her bed then she pulls her covers back on both sides of her bed then she steps out of her slippers then she gets into her bed she gets her tv remote she turns her tv off she puts her tv remote down onto her night stand behind her charging desk then she prays then she covers up she checks to see if her iphone nd ipad is on her charging desk with her wii u game page that she has on her charging thing then she prays then she lays down onto her left pillow then she closes her eyes and she gose to sleep me and tyga go to serenity and gaston bed rooms then we walk in we go to they bed we pull they covers back we put them down they get on they steps they get into they bed then they get they stuffed animals  they hold them then they lay down on they pillows then me nd tyga cover them up tyga gose nd gets payton scarf and bonnet then he walks back to serenity bed he wakes her up serenity wakes up tyga puts the scarf on her head then he ties up her hair then he puts on her bonnet then serenity lays back down and closes her eyes nd gose to sleep then tyga gose to her bed room door he walks out i walk out of gaston room tyga close serenity bed room doors i close gaston bed room door after we turn they bed room lights out me nd tyga walk to our bed room door we walk in tyga cuts out our bed room light then we go to our bathroom one at a time then we get done we wash our hands nd stuff then after we get done nd dry off our hands after we walk out of our bathroom one at a time we go to our bed we pull our covers back we get in our bed then we pray then we lean over we kiss each other then we move back to our sides of our bed then we cover up then we lay down onto our pillows we turn over onto the right side we go to sleep we close our eyes then we go to sleep we still sleeping in our bed then hours later into the morning the sun is bright then tyga wakes up he gets outta bed then he puts his feet into his slippers then he makes up his side of his bed then he gets done he walks to our bed room door then he opens it then he walks out then he gose to the stairs serenity wakes up she gets out of her bed she gose to her bed room doors she opens them she walks out tyga gose to her bed room he walks in he gose nd makes up her bed then he walks out of her room he gose to the stairs serenity gm dada tyga gm payton mawh payton kisses tyga back tyga picks her up he walks down stairs then he gose to the kitchen he walks in our chef ms abby comes out of her office bed room she walks to the kitchen she walks in she gose nd makes herself sum to drink nd eat for bk then she gets done she gose nd gets a fork or spoon to use to eat with then she gose and gets a napkin then she walks to the exit of the kitchen she walks out she gose to her office bed room she walks in she gose nd puts her drink down onto her night stand then she gets on her bed she gets her tv remote she turns on her tv then she puts her tv remote down on her night stand she eats her bk nd watches her tv tyga gose to the table he puts serenity into her high chair then he gose and makes bk for himself and me nd serenity nd gaston then he gets done he gets our stuff then he gose and sets the table then he walk to the exit of the kitchen he walks out he gose to the kitchen then he gose to the stairs then he walks up the stairs he gose to gaston bed room he opens his bed room door gaston gets out of his bed tyga gose nd makes his bed up then gaston gose to tyga tyga picks him then tyga walks out of gaston bed room he comes to our bed room door he walks in he comes nd wakes me up i feel tyga kissing on my neck while he holding gaston i start to moan mmmm ooo tyga that feels good ooo wee i wake up tyga moves back then i stretch nd stuff then i get outta me nd tyga bed on my side then i make up my side of me nd tyga bed then i get done i put my feet into my slippers then i go to me nd tyga bed room door where tyga is we walk out of our bed room we go to the stairs then we walk down the stairs we go to the kitchen we walk in i go put gaston into his chair then me nd tyga take our seats in our chairs then gaston blesses bk then we all eat our bk then we get done we drink our drinks then we get done our chef ms abby comes out of her office bed room she comes to the kitchen she walks in she gose nd dose her dishes then she gets done she leaves the dish washer down then she gose to the exit of the kitchen she walks out she gose to her office bed room she walks in then she gose to her bed she gose nd gets her tv remote she turns on her tv then she puts her tv remote down onto her night stand then she walks away she gose to her bathroom she walks in she gose to her sink she gets her tooth brush she turns on her sink water to hot then she wets her tooth brush she gets her toothpaste she opens it she puts tooth paste onto her tooth brush then she closes it she puts it up she wets her tooth brush a lil then she brushes her teeth tyga is in serenity bathroom serenity dose her own tooth brush tyga watches her i do gaston tooth brush i get done gaston looks up at me i look at him mommy gotta brush ya teeth gaston opens his mouth i brush his teeth serenity brushes her teeth she gets done then then she rinces her tooth brush she puts it up she gets down off her step stool then she gose nd gets her rag she uses to whipe her face off with she gose to her sink she steps up on her step stool she turns her sink on she wets her rag a lot then she rings it out a lil she turns off her sink then she whipes her face and eyes nd mouth then she gets done then she gose to hang up her rag then she walks away then i follow her we go to her bathroom door we walk out after i get done i rince gaston mouth out then we get done i go to gaston bathroom door then i walk out then i go get gaston ready for church then i get finished i go back his bag then i get done then i pick him up i go to his bed room door i walk out tyga and serenity walk out her bathroom tyga and serenity go to her closet they walk in tyga gose nd picks out serenity outfit payton dada wyd tyga im picking out yo church outfit me you nd mommy nd gaston going to church today today is sunday serenity ok dada tyga yep after tyga picks out serenity church outfit he gose nd gets her shoes then they both go to serenity closet doors they walk out then tyga gose nd gets serenity hair stuff then he dose serenity hair then he gets done then he gose and puts her hair stuff up then he walks away then he gose nd packs serenity bag then he zips up her bag then he gets it serenity gose nd puts her jewlery on then she gets done then she closes her jewlery box then she walks away she gose to her bed room door i follow her then we both walk out of her bed room i close her bed room doors then we go to the stairs i go get gaston pet carrier i put his packed bookbag on my right shoulder then i go to gaston bed room door i walk out i close gaston bed room door i walk to tyga me nd tyga walk down the stairs we go to the living room we walk in we go to the couch we put serenity and gaston down we put they bags down on the floor me nd tyga we will be right back we gotta go get ready for church serenity ok moma and dada gaston ruff k dada and moma me nd tyga walk away from the couch we walk out of the living room we go to the stairs we walk up the stairs we go to our bed room door we walk in then then we go get stuff for a shower we get done getting our stuff then we go put our stuff down onto our bed then we put our shower caps on we go to our bathroom one at a time i go in i go to the shower i open the door i turn on the shower to hot then i get my rag i get into the shower i close the door then i soap my rag up then i put the soap back then i start to wash up my body starting with my neck then i keep going then i wash up eight more times then i get done then i do my back eight more times then i get done then i rince my rag off then i ring it out then i open the shower door i hang up my rag next to my towle then i rince off my entire body then i cut the shower off then i open the door i get out then i close the door i get my towle i dry my entire body off and my back the i dry off my feet nd inbetween my toes then i get done then i hang up my towle next to my rag then i go get my dirty stuff i walk to me nd tyga bathroom door i open it nd i walk out i go to my laundry basket i turn my clothes right side out then i open my laundry basket i put my stuff in there then i close my laundry basket then i go to me nd tyga bed i go to my side i get dressed in my new under clothes then i go to me nd tyga closet i walk in then i go pick out what ima wear to church then i go pick out my shoes then i go to me and tyga closet door i walk out i go to me nd tyga bed then i get dressed tyga gets up off our bed on his side he gose to our bathroom he walks in he gose nd starts his shower he strips out of his dirty stuff then he gets his rag he gose nd gets in the shower he soaps his rag up then he puts the soap back nd he washes up then he dose it more times then he still going then he gets done he wets his rag then he rinces it off then he open the shower door then he steps out he turns the water off then he gose and hangs up his rag then he gets his towle he drys off good then he gets finished he hangs up his towle then he walks away he gose and gets his dirty under clothes then he gose to our bathroom door he opens it then he walks out he gose to his laundry basket he opens it then he turns his stuff right side out then he puts his stuff in there he closes his laundry basket after i get dressed i go brudh my teeth nd wash my mouth out then i get done i go whipe my face nd mouth off then i go to me nd tyga bathroom door i walk out i go put on loation nd rub it in then i get done i close it up then i go put it up then i go do my hair i get done i go put my bonnet nd scarf up then i put my my shower cap tyga brushes his hair then he gets finished then he puts his hair stuff up then he gose nd brushes his teeth nd rinces his mouth out then he gets done he puts his stuff up he walks away he gose nd cleans his mouth and face and eyes he gets done he puts his rag up then he walks to our bathroom door then he walks out he comes nd puts sum on his sexy lips then i go do my makeup i get finished me nd tyga go get our purses then we get our iphones we unzip our purses we put our iphones up then i we go get our iphone chargers we un plug them then we undo them we fold up our charger cords we put them into our purses at the bottom then we put our charging bricks in the second pocket of our purses then we get our iphones out of the first part of our purses we on our iphones we turn down the sound then we put our ringers on silent then we put our iphones back in the first pocket of our purse then tyga zips up his man purse i get my keys out i zip up my purse a lil bit then me nd tyga go to our bed room door tyga walks out i follow him i close me nd tyga bed room door me nd tyga both walk to the stairs we walk down the stairs we go to the living room we walk in we go to the couch we get gaston nd serenity bags our chef ms abby gose and showers nd stuff tgen she comes out of her office bed room with her purse nd bible her hair is done she closes her office bed room door she has on all her jewlery she walks to me and tyga ms abby ima go to church with you guys me nd tyga ok  me nd tyga get serenity and payton we go to the front doors of the mansion ms abby follows us i do the alarm then i unlock the doors tyga walks out with serenity i walk out ms abby turns the locks she walks out she closes the front doors we all walk to my car i unlock it me nd tyga open my front doors then we open my back doors our chef ms abby gets in first she sits in the middle me and tyga put serenity and gaston into they car seats we strap them in then we put they bags on the floor under them then ms abby puts her seat belt on then she puts her purse on her lap me nd tyga close my back doors then i go to my driver side tyga is on my passenger side we both get in then we close my front doors then we put our seat belts on i hand tyga my purse he puts it on the floor next to his then i start my car then i pull out of my parking spot in me nd tyga drive way i dont hit tyga car then i go to our gate our gate opens then i drive out of our gate it closes then i drive away from me nd tyga mansion im still driving nd driving then i pull up to our church i pull in drive to the parking lot i pull in then i find a parking spot i park my car in the parking spot i found then i turn my car off i get my keys out of the key whole i take my seat belt off tyga hands me my purse he takes his seat belt off ms abby takes off her seat belt she puts her purse in her left hand by both handles i do the same thing with my purse tyga dose the same with his man purse then i unlock my car doors then me nd tyga open my front doors we get out we close my front car doors then we open my back car doors ms abby gets up she gets out of my car me nd tyga get serenity nd gaston bags then we put they bags on our right shoulders with the right straps of they bookbags then me nd tyga undo they seat belts we get them out of they car seats on both sides of my car then we close my back car doors then i lock up my car we all walk away from my car we go to the the doors of the church we walk up the stairs we walk to the door tyga gets the door ms abhy walks in thga walks in then i walk in the door closes then we go to the doors to go into the church the usher opens the door she holds it for us we walk in she hands me nd tyga and ms amy a lil booklet then we go hug the pastor wifey she hugs us back then we go find a pew to sit in we find one we go in the pew and we sit down our pastors wife come to me nd tyga and ms abby she ask us if we got our conmunion and we say no she hands one to me then tyga then ms abby then she walks away me nd tyga and ms abby open up our conmunion we put it down in the lil hole but we hold our bread our pastor speakes i put gaston down tyga puts serenity down we open up our conmunion then our pastor starts talking nd everyone follows along nd we alk eat our bread then we get our cup then we drink from our cup then we get done then we all go throw are lil cups away then we go back to our seats in the pew we sit down me nd tyga and ms abby unzip our purses we take out our iphones we zip up our purses we put our codes in our iphones unlock we go to our bible apps we open it our pastor tells us where to turn to everyone turns to the bible scripture then our pastor reads from his bible nd he stops nd talk about parts of the reading he still going then he gets done me and tyga and our chef ms abby clivk our iphones off we hold them the chior comes up nd they get ready nd they sing they me nd tyga and ms abby sing along we still singing then the chior is done singing they step down they go take they seats everyone sits down in they seats in the pew then the pastor peaches again we all listen me nd tyga and ms abby say amen and we clap then we stop nd we listen again then our pastor is still preaching  i turn to tyga he looks at me nd nods his head at me then i turn back and i face the front the paster is still preaching then he raps up his preaching then he prays he tells us to bow our head we all bow our heads then he prays then he gets done thrn he says is there anyone who needs a church home ms abby gose up she sits down in the chaur then the pastor speakes then she gets bapedtized then she is done she comes back to where we are then the pastor speaks then he gets done then everyone gathers up they stuff me nd tyga and ms abby put our iphones up in our purses i get my keys out then we zip up our purses i get gaston nd his bag tyga gets serenity nd her bag then i walk out of the pew ms abby and tyga follow me we go to the doors of the church then we go to the front doors of the church i open it we all walk out we go to my car we get to my car i unlock my car doors i go to the left side me and tyga open my front doors first then we open up my back doors i let ms abby get in she sits in the middle she puts her seat belt on she puts her purse on her lap then me and tyga put gaston nd serenity stuff on the floor under they car seats then we put them into they car seats i strap gaston in tyga lets serenity strap her ownself in she dose it then me nd tyga close my back doors then we get into my front car seats we close my car doors i hand tyga my purse tyga grabs it by the handles he put my purse on the floor then he puts his purse on the floor next to mine then i start my car me nd tyga put our seat belts on then i pull out of the parking lot of our church then i drive to the entrince then i drive out then i drive away from the church im still driving and driving and driving then i turn courners then i pull up to me nd tyga mansion the gate opens then i pull in i park my car then i turn my car off with my keys i take my keys out of my car key hole then i take my seat belt off tyga takes his seat belt off then he gets his man purse then he hands me my purse then i unlock my car doors ms abby takes her seat belt off she holds her purse in her left hand by the handles then me nd tyga open my front car doors serenity undose her car seat straps me and tyga get out of my car we close my doors we open my back doors i undo gaston car seat straps then i get him out tyga gets serenity out of her car seat then ms abby gets out of my car me nd tyga close my back doors after we get serenity and gaston bags i lock up my car we walk to the front doors i unlock them with my keys then i put my keys in my purse then i open the front mansion doors we walk in tyga closes the doors he locks them our chef ms abby walks to her office bed room door she opens it she walks in me nd tyga go to the stairs we walk up the stairs then we go to serenity and gaston rooms we open they bed room doors we walk in we put them down they go get onto they beds we go undress them out of they church clothes we turn them right side out we go to they laundry baskets we open them we put they clothes in there then we close they laundry baskets then we go get them dressed into they night wear tyga gose nd gets serenity scarf and bonnet he puts her scarf on her hair then he ties it up good so it wont come off then he puts her bonnet on top he gets done serenity gets off her bed she gets her tv remote she turns on her tv then she gose nd puts her tv remote down she gets on her steps she gets back on her bed she chills nd watches tv tyga gose nd unpacks her bag then he gets done he zips up her bag after he puts her stuff away then he gose nd puts her bag away he gose to her bed room door he walks out i walk out of gaston room after i unpack his bag nd put his bag away then i go to his bed room door i walk out me nd tyga go to our bed room door i open it we walk in we go to our laundry baskets we take our shoes off i unstrap my heels tyga unties his shoes we step out of them then we get them we go to our walk in closet we open our closet doors then we walk in we go put our shoes up with tbe rest of them then we walk to our closet doors we walk out then we go to our white dresser drawrs roll thing we open up the bottom one we get new night wear out then we close the drawrs back up then we go put our night wear on our bed i go put my scarf on i tie it up so it wont come off tyga puts on his dew rag he ties it up so it wont come off then i put my bonnet on over my scarf me nd tyga go to our bed we put our night wear on we get done i put my feet into my slippers i go to me nd tyga bed room door tyga where you going chris ! me ima go to serenity room ima get her laundry basket so i can go to the basement and wash her clothes tyga ok chrissy phoo i walk out of me nd tyga bed room i go to gaston bed room i walk in i go get his laundry basket then i go to his bed room door i walk out i go to the stairs then i walk down the stairs i go to the kitchen then i walk in i go to the basement door i open it i walk down the stairs i go to the laundry room i go get to doing gaston laundry then i move out the way i wait till his clothes get done washing i go take a seat on the bench we have down in the basement then tbe washer is done i go get open it then i open up the dryer then i take gaston clothes out of the washer nd put them into the dryer then i close it then i start it then i close the washer then i sit down nd i wait on gaston clothes to be done then they get done i go open up the dryer then i get gaston basket i put gaston clothes in his basket then i clean out the lent trap i go throw the lent away in the trash can then i goget gaston laundry basket i close the dryer then i walk away i walk out of the laundry room i go to the stairs i walk up the stairs i open tbe basement door i leave it opened then i walk to the exit of the kitchen i walk out i go to the stairs i walk up the stairs i go to gaston room i walk in i go dump his clothes out his basket onto his bed then i go put his laundry basket up then i walk away i go to his bed i start folding up all his clothes then i get done i get them i go put them up where they go then i get done i go to his bed room door i walk out i go to me nd tyga bed room i walk in i go chill on me nd tyga bed on my side our chef ms abby gets out of her bed she gets her laundry basket she walks to her office bed room door she walks out she gose to the basement door she walks down the stairs she walks to the laundry room she gise nd puts her stuff into the washer then she dose what she has to do then she starts it it gose she gose nd sits down nd waits then her clothes get done she gose nd opens the washer then she gets her clothes out she opens the dryer she puts her clothes in then she closes the dryer then she starts it she walks away she sits down on the bench and waits then her clothes get done drying she gets up she gets her basket she walks to the dryer then she opens it she gets her clothes out then she cleans out the lent thing then she gets done she gose nd throws the lent away into the trash can then she walks away she gets her laundry basket she closes the dryer then she walks out she gose to the basement stairs she walks up the basement stairs she opens the basement door she walks out she gose to her office bed room she walks in she gose to her bed she dumps her clothes onto her bed then she gose nd puts her laundry basket up she walks away she gose back to her bed he folds up all her clothes nd towles nd rags she gets done she puts her clothes up where they go then she gets done she walks back to her bed she gets her towles nd rags she walks to her bathroom she walks in she gose to her bathroom closet she opens it she puts her twoles nd rags up with the rest of them then she gets done she closes her bathroom closet doors  she gose to her bathroom doors she walks out she gose to her bed then she pulls her covers back on her bed then she gets into her bed then she covers up then she chills and watches tv tyga gets out of our bed on his side he puts his feet into his slippers he gose to our bed room door he walks out then he gose to serenity bed room he walks in he gose nd gets serenity laundry basket then he walks to her bed room doors he walks out he gose to the stairs he walks down the stairs he gose to the kitchen he walks in then he gose to the basement door he walks down the stairs he gose to the laundry room he walks in he puts serenity basket down he opens the washer he puts serenity clothes in he dose other stuff he has to do then he starts the washer it gose then he walks out of the washer nd dryer room he gose nd sits down nd waits till serenity clothes are done washing so he can put them into the dryer the dryer gose off then tyga gets up off the bench then he walks into the laundry room he opens the dryer he gets serenity clothes out he puts all her clothes into her laundry basket then he closes her basket then he walks out of the laundry room with serenity basket he gose to the stairs he walks up them he walks out of the basement tyga closes the basement door then he walks away he gose to the exit of the kitchen he walks out he gose to the stairs he walks up the stairs he gose to payton bed room doors he walks in he gose nd dumps her clothes out of her basket onto her bed then he gose nd puts her laundry basket up serenity thanks dada tyga your welcome payton tyga gose back to serenity bed he starts folding up all her wash nd dryed clothes he gets done he gets her clothes he gose nd puts them up where they go then he closes the drawrs nd stuff he opened then he walks away he gose to her bed room doors he walks out he gose to our bed room he walks in he gose nd gets his backet he walks out of our room he gose to the stairs he walks down the stairs then he gose to the basement door he walks down the basment stairs he gose to the laundry room he walks in he gose nd dose his laundry then after they are done washing nd he dryed his clothes he puts his clean nd dried clothes in his laundry basket he picks up his basket he walks out of the laundry room he gose to the basement door he walks out of the basement he walks away from the basement door he gose to the stairs he walks up he walks to our bed room he walks in he comes to our bed he gose to his side he dumps his clothes out of his basket he gose nd puts his basket away then he comes back to our bed he gose back to his side he starts folding up his clothes then he still going then he gets done then he gets his clothes he gose nd puts them up he gets done then he comes back to our bed he comes back to his side he steps out of his slippers he pulls the covers back he gets into our bed on his side he covers up nd gets warm i put my feet in my slippers i go get my laundry basket then i go to me nd tyga bed room door i walk out i go to the stairs i walk down the stairs i go to the basement door twards the kitchen then i walk down the stairs of the basment then i go to the laundry room i walk in i go put my basket down then i open up the washer i put my clothes in there then i close it i do what i have to do then i start the washer i walk out of the laundry room i go sit down nd wait to put my clothes into the dryer my clothes gets done washing then i get up then i walk into the laundry room i go open the washer door i get all my clothes out then i open up the dryer i put my clothes in then i close up the dryer then i start it i go out of the laundry room i go sit down nd wait then my clothes get done drying then i get up i go to the laundry room i walk in i go to the dryer i open the door then i get my clothes out i put them into my laundry basket then i get my basket i close the dryer door i walk out of the laundry room i go to the stairs i walk up the stairs then i walk out of the basement i close the basement door i walk away i go to the exit of the kitchen i walk out i go to the stairs i walk up the stairs then i go to me nd tyga bed room i walk in i go to our bed then i go to my side i dump my clothes out of my basket onto my side of me nd tyga bed witch is the left side then i go put my laundry baset up i go back to me nd tyga bed on my side i go ahead nd i get to folding up my clothes i get done then i get all my clothes i go put them up where they go then i get done putting up all my clean clothes nd my clean under clothes then i go back to me nd tyga bed on my side i pull the covers back then i get into me nd tyga bed i cover up nd i get comfy tyga looks at me i look at him yes king t ? tyga you hungry me yea ill order pizza for dinner tonight tyga ok ill put the order in me kk king t tyga gets his iphone he puts his code in then he gose to the phone thing he opens it he gose to his dial pad he dials pizza hut number the awnser then tyga places the order then he gets done the call ends tyga delete the call from his call log then he closes out of the phone app completly then he clicks his iphone off then he puts his iphone one his night stand then he chills and watches tv then hours later there is a knock at the door then there is a knock at me nd tyga door ms abby walk in she stands at the end of me nd tyga bed ms abby there is someone at the front door me nd tyga ok tyga gets up out of our bed on his side he puts his feet into his slippers then he gose nd gets his man purse he unzips it he gets his wallet out then he unzips his wallet he gets out how much the pizzas is then he walks to our bed room door i get out of our bed on my side i put my feet into my slippers i go to tyga we walk out of our bed room we walk to the stairs we walk down the stairs tyga walks to the mansion doors he unlocks  them he opens them he zips his wallet up then he hands the pizza guy the money they pizza guy takes the money tyga gets the pizzas box then i go get the drinks from the pizza guy then i  close the doors i lock them the pizza guy walks away he gose to his truck he opens his driver door he gets in he starts his truck then he buckels up then he pulls out of our drive way the gate opens then he drives out the gate closes he drives away from our mansion me nd tyga go put the drinks nd pizzas down on the counter in the kitchen i go get plates out of the cabnit for me and serenity and tyga then i close the cabnit i go put the plates down i open up the pizza box i get my food then i close the pizza box then i walk to the micrwave i open it i put my plate in then i close it i put my food on two then i hit the start buttion my food warms up nd gets hot i go to one of the drawars i open one of them i get a fork then i close it then my food gets done i go to the microwave i open it i grab my hot hot plate out then i close the micrwave then i put my fork onto my plate i go to my seat at the table i put my plate down then i walk away i go get a napkin then i go back to my spot at the table i put the napkin over my food then i go get myself a cup out of the cabnit then i put it down on the counter i get one of the pops i open it up then i pour me some then i close the pop i get my cup then i go to the table i put it down at my spot then i walk to the exit of the kitchen i go to ms abby office bed room door i knock on it ms abby yes come in chris i walk into ms abby office bed room ms abby tyga orderd dinner ms abby ok ms abby gets up from her bed she puts her feet into her slippers me let me nd tyga get serenity and gaston dinner ready first ms abby ok ms abby sits on her bed and waits i walk to her office bed room door i walk out then i go to the stairs i walk up the stairs i go to gaston room i stand in his door way he gets out of his bed he comes to me i pick him up tyga comes out of our room he gose to serenity room he stands in her doors way then puts her toys down she gets up she gose to tyga he picks her up he walks out of the door way of her bed room doors he gose to the stairs where i am we walk down the stairs we walk to the kitchen we walk in we go put gaston nd serenity in they high chairs then me nd tyga go fix dinner for them we get done tyga gose nd warm up serenity plate in the micrwave he opens it then he puts serenity plate in then he closes the micrwave then he puts her food on two he starts it he stands back and waits then the micrwave stops he gose nd opens it he gets her plate out he closes the micrwave then he closes it he gose nd puts her plate down infront of her then he gose nd gets her cup out of the cabnit then he gets himself a cup her closesthe cabnit he gose nd gets ice in his cup and serenity cup then he opens one of the pops he pour pop in serenity cup and his cup then he puts the cap on the pop then he gets his stuff and serenity cup he gose nd sets the table i go fix gaston dinner nd i get him some water from the sink then i get his stuff i go set the table then me nd tyga take our seats in our chairs our chef ms abby comes out her office bed room she comes to the kitchen she walks in she gose nd gets a plate out of the cabnit she gets a cup then she makes her plate of food then she closes the pizza box then she gose nd gets ice in her cup she gose back to the counter she gets a napkin for herself then she opens one of the pops she pours some in her cup to the top then she puts the cap on the pop then she gets all the pops she gose to the fridge then she puts the pops in the fridge then she gets the pizza box with the rest of the food in it she puts it into the fridge then she closes the fridge she walks away she gose nd opens on of the drawrs she gets sum to eat with then she closes it she gets her plate of food nd her cup of pop then she gose to the exit of the kitchen she walks out she gose to her office bed room she walks in she gose nd puts her cup of pop down on her night stand then she sits on her bed she takes her slippers off she puts them on the floor by her bed then she watches tv nd she eats her dinner me and tyga and gaston nd serenity eat our dinner we still eating then we all eat done we drink our drinks we get finished then me nd tyga get up from our seats at the table we clear the table we go do the dishes then we get done tyga gets the dish rag he gose to the sink he turns on the hot water then he wets the rag he turns the water off he gose to the table he whipes the table down nd serenity nd gaston high chair trays down he gets done he gose back nd puts the rag up then he walks away we go get serenity nd gaston out of they high chairs then we push our chairs in then we push they chairs in we go to the exit of the kitchen we walk out we go to the stairs our chef ms abby gets finished with her dinner nd drink then she gose to her office bed room door she walks out she gose to the kitchen she walks in she gose nd dose her dishes me nd tyga walks up the stairs we go to serenity nd gaston bed rooms we put them down then we walk into they rooms we go to they beds we pull they covers back they come to they beds they step on they stairs they get into they beds they get they stuffed animals they hold them then they lay down on they pillows we cover them up we go get they tv remotes we turn off they tvs then we go put they tv remotes back on the tv stands under they tvs then we go to they bed room doors we walk out i close gaston bed room door then tyga closes serenity bed room doors then tyga walks away from serenity room he walks to me he picks me up i look at him i kiss him he kisses me i fall asleep in his arms tyga walks to our bed room he walks in he gose to our bed he pulls our covers back he puts me in our bed he takes off my slippers nd he puts them down on the floor by my side of our bed then he covers me up he gose to his side of our bed he steps out of his slippers he pulls the covers back then he walks away from our bed on his side then he gose nd closes our bed room door he walks away he comes back to our bed he gose back to his side he gets into our bed he prays then he covers up then he lays down on his pillow and he closes his eyes and he gose to sleep hours later into the night i open up my eyes i pull the covers back i get outta me nd tyga bed i put my feet into my slippers i walk away i go to me nd tyga bathroom i walk in i go to our tolite i pull my night pants all the way down then i pull my panties all the way down i lift up me nd tyga tolite lid i sit down i do what i have to do i get a piece of tissue off of me nd tyga tissue holder then i whipe my self good then i get done i put the tissue into me nd tyga tolite then i press the handle the tolite flushes then i get up i pull my panties up then i fix them then i pull up my night pants then i fix them then i put the tolite lid down then i walk away from me nd tyga tolite i go to our sink i soap up my hands then i turn the water on to hot then i wash my hands very good then i get done i turn the water off i walk away from the sink i go to me nd tyga hand towle i dry my hands off then i fix me nd tyga hand towle like it was before then i go to our bathroom door i open it i walk out of our bathroom then i go to our bed on my side witch is the left side then i get into me nd tyga bed i cover up then i lay down onto my pillow and i close my eyes nd i go back to sleep hours into the morning the sun is bright i open my eyes my iphone alarm gose off i stretch tyga iphone alarm gose off he wakes up we both stretch then we reach on our night stands we get our iphones we put our codes in then we turn off our alarms we close out of it completly then we click our iphones off then we pull our covers back we get out of our bed we put our feet into our slippers we make up our bed together then we get done then we go get our stuff for a shower we get done

tyga is still driving then he pulls up to the church he pulls in then he looks for a parking spot he finds one he pulls into the parking space he turns his car off he takes his keys out of his car ignition key hole then me and tyga take our seat b...

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